posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 11:42 PM
Ok here they are (initial pictures) spamming over a period of 5 hours.
This first picture was taken in the evening, in reality it was light outside, but in the picture it looks like night time. Either that or my
daytime pictures were erased somehow, (maybe the aliens or MIB erased it).
There is a streetlight in this picture so dont think it is a glowing spaceship. It is actually in the middle of this shot(the light in question,
although it comes out as phenomena in the pictures). I am going to draw a circle around them but I am just uploading them to make people happy until
I can properly present this.
(First picture - evening possible first night picture)
(second picture - probably 20 minutes after the first)
(third picture - probably 45 minutes after the first)
(sixth picture - 4 and 5 have abnormailities from my hand in front of lens - taken probably 1 or 2 hours after first picture- also after i posted
this on ats)
(last picture taken - 3 hours after first picture - about 2 hours after I made this post)
Here are most of the pictures. I will be editing the pictures with a circle around the light in question.
Conspiracy #2 - The light started moving after I posted on ATS. There was a second light that had a strobe light, an obvious airplane but when it
got perpendicular to the light I posted about, the strobing light stopped and turned into a persistant light like a star and they kept their
positions to each other until they moved off my western horizon "together" like normal stars would.
Not sure. As crazy as it sounds. I would say that they were not just stationary stars millions of light years away. But I guess should first look
at these photos.
Let the investigation begin.
[edit on 15-4-2005 by Obfuscate]