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Patholigist findings on the shot and Calimari clots

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posted on Feb, 3 2024 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: annonentity

Do you actually think because the French farmers are protesting their crops have stopped growing?!!!!

Deny ignorance.

posted on Feb, 3 2024 @ 07:09 PM
It's funny the same loony leftists defend these clot shots even after millions have already died from all sorts of unusual things mostly heart attacks at young ages. They have indeed lost their future. After they die, they will trapped and they will still be ranting the same lies even after physical death. And they will know the reason why, it's because they did it to themselves following false gods. Same as those who defended Dr. Mengele in WW2 Germany.

posted on Feb, 3 2024 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

which side of the political spectrum was in charge of the UK and USA when the clot shots were first made

a/ looney leftys
b/ ridiculous rightys

warpspeed captain

I hate both sides equally and can portion blame to both as required, can you?

edit on 3-2-2024 by UpIsNowDown2 because: typo

posted on Feb, 3 2024 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: UpIsNowDown2
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

which side of the political spectrum was in charge of the UK and USA when the clot shots were first made

a/ looney leftys
b/ ridiculous rightys

warpspeed captain

I hate both sides equally and can portion blame to both as required, can you?

Only loony lefties like Biden and all the blue state governors made these shots MANDATORY or you lose your job. I don't blame both sides equally because they are not equal. Some red states joined the bandwagon of tyranny and mutation so they are guilty.
The guilty are guilty. The left is fully guilty. They all became brownshirts and helped the tyranny that Joe Biden imposed with illegal mandates and lockdowns.

Trump did NOT do that. He was dumb enough to be deceived by the liars who hoped to compromise him into their own evil acts, but they weren't successful. His blunders were trusting people that should have NEVER been trusted. Trump didn't realize the Pfizer people hated him and were planning to make a bioweapon instead of a real vaccine that actually stopped Covid. It was all planned out behind his back and done to hopefully destroy him. (Obviously).

Both sides are not equally guilty. You can't blame yourself or your side unless the other side is also blamed. That's very weak.

edit on 3-2-2024 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit

posted on Feb, 3 2024 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

You and the others know exactly what you are doing, because that is your function since you joined the stinky club.

I hope the benefits they provide you are worth it .. (they are not!)

Selling your soul is much worse than dying from the clot shot. I wish you understood what happens next.

Once our physical bodies die, our consciousness turns inwards and returns to our normal state, which is as a powerful disembodied energy. We can materialise anything simply, with the power of thought.

We retain our individuality during the time we are in the spiritual environment. The spiritual world is just another state of matter, that our objective awareness awakens too. You will become fully aware of who you are, an advanced being, having just returned from one of thousands of visits as an avatar.

The purpose of each physical life is to experience a new ego, and to provide the environment, to allow for our further consciousness evolution. It is how we all evolve.

When we return home, (which we all do!) we each have a life review, during which time we have to relive every deed we have done with intent .. good and bad. Our good deeds give us joy, but our bad deeds haunt us until we understand the cause and affects of each of our actions.. every deed is revisited.

Once we are through with the review, we see our faults and failings and those will become the focus for our next life.

People who jump through hoops to remain in the physical world, are really just stalling. They know what comes next at a subconscious level. I look forward to the prospect of passing, and it holds no fear for me.

Hell doesn't exist, nor does duality, just the world of spirit, and we are compelled to refocus on, and sometimes relive our actions. We have to come to terms with what we have done. For many this procedure is short and then can return to our blissful state of being.

Duality is the reason we come here and is the only environment where we can evolve.

There is still time guys, it is far better to face it here, rather than when you pass. Time is an illusion only experienced in the physical. Just ask God for forgiveness and watch you lives improve beyond measure.

Andy, there is no point in arguing with you, as you have an agenda, any explanation to you is pointless. I confess, even though your deeds are heinous, I do feel a brotherly love towards you all, a genuine hope, that you will all pull through the terrible situations you have got yourselves into.

"there's still time to change the road you're on" ~ Robert Plant

Good luck!

edit on 3-2-2024 by Kennyb75 because: punctuation

posted on Feb, 3 2024 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: annonentity

Do you actually think because the French farmers are protesting their crops have stopped growing?!!!!

Deny ignorance.

The French farmers are spraying raw manure on government buildings now, they must be returning the favor after being crapped on by their own government.
Same in Belgium.

posted on Feb, 3 2024 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: Kennyb75

33.4 to 1 injury-to-kill ratio will devastate the world as we know it, we haven't seen anything yet, and they are still pushing it. All governments are in so deep they are committed. Next comes food and energy insecurity, along with war. because there has to be too deflect what they have done. Still, the silence is deafening and people will not enter into the reality that we are seeing the depopulation agenda in operation.

posted on Feb, 3 2024 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: annonentity

Don't buy into their frequency too much mate!

What they have done, unbeknownst to themselves is activated an understanding in the population of how our world is governed. Fascism and Marxism are systems that can only operate with the acceptance of the sleeping or the willing.

The Western world is the worst place to attempt this kind of coup. The awakening is happening exponentially now and people are joining the dots. Once you understand .. after all the events since 911, it has become obvious and clear, that there is an insane agenda. Only Caligulafied humans can relate to it as its beneficiaries.

If their agenda was to roll out completely, then all their useful little propagandist would be disposed off once their job is done. The deeply deluded evil elite are not completely stupid, and these treacherous people are the least loyal to any cause .. they will be removed, they really don't like us.

These people have never faced off against a fully awake humanity and they are about to experience a 'great awakening', that will be the end of them for ever.

Stay strong, not long now!

edit on 3-2-2024 by Kennyb75 because: spelling

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 01:05 AM
a reply to: Kennyb75

When I started with the Calamari clots, the few undertakers that were reporting them were called bit chute lunatics, now the data is coming in from Embalmers associations, in fact on RT the second-year survey is now out, and the good news is that they might have slightly gone down in the deceased but the bad news is the granular micro clots have increased. This is getting pretty good coverage in congressional inquiries for something that does not exist.
Something is going on with regard to the suppression of information and body disposal of infants, but the truth is getting out now.

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 01:44 AM
a reply to: annonentity

It is truly horrific what they have done. Everybody who has taken the shot should ask for a d-dimer test. It will give those who had the shot some relief. It's a simple blood test that discovers if there is any micro clotting.

I for one would like to know, If I had had the shot, because if the test proves positive, then a real doctor can prescribe any number of protocols that will help to detox. The juice is well understood now with thousands of peer review studies.

Dead children are used for cosmetics by the rich and filthy. The abortion clinics are set up to provide them with their lifestyle, they are all on the payroll and just digging a bigger hole for themselves.

It's ironic that they sold their souls for fame and fortune and now their fame will make them all a targets. Justice is coming.

edit on 4-2-2024 by Kennyb75 because: spelling

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: annonentity

I had a very bad reaction to the JNJ vax in 2021.

I actually stopped being able to shiver.

When I was youthful, and it got cold, a shiver would run up my spine, then I’d be fine. I could tolerate very cold temperatures.

As I got older this stopped happening as much, and my tolerance to cold weakened.

Then after I got the shot, it pretty much killed my ability to get that shiver feeling up my spine, that feels pretty good, and ultimately seems to loosen my joints, and makes me cold tolerant. I was wearing a t shirt one day outside and it was about 50 degrees. I went for a drive. I thought I’d be fine, I drove with the window open for 30 minutes, and I picked up my package, I got back to my car, and I couldn’t drive because the cold had paralyzed me. I felt like I was having a stroke. I had to turn the heat on, close the windows, and warm up several minutes.

Anyway, I wasn’t going to live the rest of my life as an invalid. I had to figure out how to get my youth back. I found a pretty simple solution. Seems to be going pretty well, and I have been having some really cathartic bowel movements the past couple days that seem to really be loosening me up.

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: Kennyb75

"You and the others know exactly what you are doing, because that is your function since you joined the stinky club.

I hope the benefits they provide you are worth it .. (they are not!)

Selling your soul is much worse than dying from the clot shot. I wish you understood what happens next."

So anyone who disagrees with you is some kind of paid shill?

Those sort of allegations are frowned on round here.

It's also kind of pathetic.

edit on 4-2-2024 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 03:08 PM
a reply to: annonentity

I'm still reeling at all that post-mortem inflammation.

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Disgusted123

A few of them were claiming 40% of the population of the UK would be dead with VAIDS down to getting vaccinated by choice.

Which was about 3 years ago.


You forgot that, through "shedding" that even people who didn't take the shot would be dying from the shots.

Clearly, 700% of the world's population are now already dead. It's just that they don't know they are dead, and so they just won't lie down.

Just about everyone I know has had several shots.

I personally have had three shots, so that confirms that I am therefore dead from tension caused by the worry of not knowing if I have a shot-caused immune over-response, or a shot-caused immune under-response.

Research suggests Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine reprograms innate immune responses

COVID-19 Mrna Vaccines: from Inflammation to Hyperinflammation (.pdf).

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Every shot is dicey,because it was an experiment, no long term studies were done.Some batches were more toxic than others.So you are happy with that?

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: Kennyb75
a reply to: andy06shake

A few of them were claiming 40% of the population of the UK would be dead with VAIDS down to getting vaccinated by choice.

leading statisticians are saying over 20 millions dead with up to two billion people with an array of life threatening injuries.

A large percentage of placebo/brine was used with the first two jabs, after which, the percentage of the bioweapon was increased.

The worst case scenario is, that most of the two billion people will succumb to their injuries. many people who were jabbed who have no affects so far, still have up to 5 yrs before they are out of the woods.

This information is settled and institutions with world leading professionals and legal teams are committed to break through the media suppression. Everybody knows what is happening, apart from you and several others here on ATS, apparently.

Pretty soon your plausible deniability will be debunked and everyone will see how you muddy the waters, insert plausible deniability and keep repeating the same lies over and over and hope that you are affective at hiding the crime.

A good 80% of the population now know. We have been attacked by the NWO. Those slow to wake up, are suffering cognitive dissonance, which in itself is a massive hurdle to overcome. The other demographics are those intent on hiding the truth.

lying to people when it comes to medical matters is a crime that can cause death, and those responsible will be hunted down to face serious charges .. Those behind the agenda will face execution.

When I read the comments from certain members here, it becomes obvious who have sold their souls. Demons are not very smart.

I just don't know how you think you will survive what is coming to you all .. both physically and spiritually.

Game is up! .. It really is. Oops!

I don't think Jesus died to save us from medical tech. I'm fairly sure that He never once mentioned anything like it.

He did mention wars, rumours of wars, disease and natural disasters, but He also said that they were not the end of days, but were just stuff that happens.

Perhaps we should re-read the Gospels, to see what he actually said?

You also state that demons are dumb, and yet you attribute all sorts of nasty, overly complex and technologically based doom-scenarios to them?

I don't know about the cognitive capabilities of demons, but I am fairly sure that they are deceivers, who deceive even the cleverest of us, but are not as smart as the Creator, who has given us the Holy Spirit and His Word for guidance. Truth is part of our armour against demonic forces, not fundamentalist rants on social media.

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: annonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

Every shot is dicey,because it was an experiment, no long term studies were done.Some batches were more toxic than others.So you are happy with that?

That might have been a good excuse in early days, but when years have passed and billions have been immunized, I don't think that silly speculation is valid.

Also, like most modern medicines, manufacture and distribution are tightly controlled, which means that differences in batches are likely to be negligible. The people who claim to know details of batch differences probably don't have access to such details, because of the tight controls designed to protect the purity of the products.

If pharma companies wanted to harm us, why use something so controlled and under such scrutiny? Why not just put some contaminant in generic meds, or even in food or water? There is just no rationality in the doom-porn.

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Malone pioneered the mRNA, shot.So he should know how dangerous it was. But the Pharma companies ran with it because it was the greatest business model ever invented. It causes illness and then they can sell you the medicine which you will need. It is the biggest con ever invented. Which can only happen in a quasi-fascist situation. The only thing is that the vax was crappy in every way including what it was supposed to do. That is the only reason why so many vaxxed are still ok, and why they are pushing so many shots. I hope.

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: annonentity
This is a Pathologist from Germany, with many years of experience, who put his retirement on hold to check out what the vax was doing to cells.

He was a pathologist, but he isn't anymore. He is retired.

Also, posting a rant on bullchute, or reviewing some studies, and commenting on them, isn't 'coming out of retirement'. To do that, he'd have to be employed, which he wasn't.

He is either B. S,,,ing for the hell of it, or his observations are correct. In Germany, they all had to get the shot and now he is dead.

He died an accidental death, drowning while attempting to come to the aid of his handicapped son.

Accidental death of the great pathologist Arne Burckhardt

Did you notice in all those articles all the people around him, who clearly knew this, have tried to spin his death as if it was suspicious and somehow related to COVID-19 immunizations? You can't trust these people.

Look at the state of the main centres of society and the state of the economy along with the state of the NHS, Then try and work out what's going on? if it isn't severe manpower shortages then everyone has decided to go on holiday.

Well, there was a pandemic that messed with staff numbers at the time when they were required the most, and also taxed the existing resources and funding excessively.

And subsequent to that, there has been an economic downturn and a period of government instability in the UK where rash budgetary decisions were made, and not on the basis of 'best healthcare outcomes'.

edit on 2024-02-04T17:08:29-06:0005Sun, 04 Feb 2024 17:08:29 -060002pm00000029 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

He isn't retired he is dead. Probably from a heart attack due to stress. Did you have any issues with regard to the statements he was making?

edit on pm2220242America/Chicago2291329 by annonentity because: (no reason given)

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