a reply to:
This is a very late reply, but you have missed the point. I am not a neo-Luddite, I do not fear technology, I fear what our current globalist leader
caste are doing & planning to do with that technology. You seem to think that I know nothing of the shortcomings of religion writ large, but I do,
and indeed, you are right on one point - the line between good & evil runs through every human heart.
It is not the construct that kills, but the human decision on how to apply that construct to the destruction of one's fellow human beings.
Religion was misused & people were abused by purveyors of religion for aeons, and technology is a far younger beast. But technology, when it is used
inappropriately, by bad men for evil purposes (to gather money & control, and to centralise power within their own sphere of influence) then
technology will destroy far quicker than religion has ever, ever been able to replicate in any way whatsoever.
It is the current caste of globalist elites who are already proving that they are willing to use technology destructively, to control the lower
classes, to steal wealth from the lands of indigenous peoples indiscriminately, to lock us down in our homes & pump bioweapons into our deltoid
muscles, promising us the Earth and yet stealing all resources for themselves.
You can argue about the crusades (which were nowhere near as destructive of human life as is claimed by atheist apologists), but you cannot escape the
clear & key point that I am making - technology, applied selfishly & deliberately to harm other human beings, actions being perpetrated right now by
people in the World Economic Forum & the investor classes that subscribe to their doctrine, the actions of the World Health Organisation to centralise
authority to respond to 'health emergencies' in a punitive & destructive manner, taking over the sovereignty of governments worldwide, and many
institutions doing similar things - it's all enabled by technology, the technology is being misused deliberately to garner power & control, not to
mention financial wealth, and it is likely to end in Armageddon when they start to really fight for all the marbles. We are more endangered than ever
- not by religion, which when applied properly is a beautiful spiritually refreshing thing (we are told in no uncertain terms in the Biblical record
that there will be wolves in sheep's clothing who stir up hatred against the Christian faith by deliberately seeding misinformation about our faith
into the world) - but technology is that which we face now as the greatest threat we have ever faced. Wrongly applied, it is world-ending, even now,
while much of it is in its infancy.
Postscript: Throush secrecy laws, many wonderful technological innovations & inventions have been utterly hidden from the people - free energy from
zero point modules which can increase output directly in proportional response to the load on the system - the energy output increases when the demand
on the system increases; electrogravitics for aerial & underwater travel, cars powered by water, the list goes on & on. The patents are secretised,
they are bought out & shelved, the inventors are murdered or financially ruined so they can never bring their work to the masses - all to protect the
petrodollar & the 'fossil fuel' industry. We could be living in a true paradise by now, but the forerunners of the globalists, and their modern
heirs, felt that personal wealth, power & control was far more important than eliminating poverty within two generations. Bastards. And now, their
surveillance, AI & financial shenanigans will be the death of us all.