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Why I believe we are facing Apocalypse. The 'Unveiling' signifiying that the world is at an End.

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posted on Feb, 2 2024 @ 10:13 AM
Something something Project Blue Beam, end of the world. Logical chronology concludes we are always getting closer to the end; unless we take a tangent into an inverse chronological order.

not entirely coherent due to early(?) day drinking

side note: I miss the days of "us" against the powers to be: vs us against one another. While we battle against each other, those in power get free reign; no matter what side they say they are for. Those in power are only for one side: their own. They do not care for you, your family, your progeny, or your way of life.

ramblings of a dissuaded/misguided proud(?) heretic

posted on Feb, 2 2024 @ 12:18 PM
Domesday Song

Jumbled in the common box
Of their dark stupidity,
Orchid, swan, and Caesar lie;
Time that tires of everyone
Has corroded all the locks,
Thrown away the key for fun.

In its cleft the torrent mocks
Prophets who in days gone by
Made a profit on each cry,
Persona grata now with none;
And a jackass language shocks
Poets who can only pun.

Silence settles on the clocks;
Nursing mothers point a sly
Index finger at a sky,
Crimson in the setting sun;
In the valley of the fox
Gleams the barrel of a gun.

Once we could have made the docks,
Now it is too late to fly;
Once too often you and I
Did what we should not have done;
Round the rampant rugged rocks
Rude and ragged rascals run.

(W.H. Auden)

posted on Feb, 4 2024 @ 05:56 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I personally believe the assassination of JFK, as well as DJT’s 2020 election loss were divine intervention.

posted on Feb, 7 2024 @ 02:24 AM
The end is near, I'm sure of it. I'll be animating it in a few days.

posted on Feb, 7 2024 @ 04:46 AM
a reply to: SpecialTruth

Near what?

Possibly worth considering it's not the beginning of the end.

But simply the end of the beginning.

posted on Feb, 8 2024 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: uccastandoff12424
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

I personally believe the assassination of JFK, as well as DJT’s 2020 election loss were divine intervention.


Additionally, the Alien Deity Civilization (Elohim) have already caused engaging 'weapon of Indignation' upon USA/West.... so the 2nd coming can begin Apocalypse & Millennial Kingdom reign

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 12:04 PM

Why I believe we are facing Apocalypse. The 'Unveiling' signifiying that the world is at an End.

It's in the book of Revelations. How can you question that. It's been accurate so far....

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: lilzazz

Why I believe we are facing Apocalypse. The 'Unveiling' signifiying that the world is at an End.

It's in the book of Revelations. How can you question that. It's been accurate so far....

Paul was known to believe that he was living in ends times. He said "the appointed time has grown very short." (Corinthians 7:29) and that "Lord Himself will descend from heaven" in his lifetime (Thessalonians 4:15,17). In mark's gospel, jesus said that he would return during the lifetimes of people he literally spoke to. Let that sink in- jesus in the bible was positive that the world would end during his own generation. Ever since the first century, every generation of christians has believed that they were living in end times and would witness the return of jesus in their lifetime. It didn't happen then, and it's not going to happen any time soon.

It is in the best interest of local churches to encourage “end times” as a fear tactic to maintain control over the lives of followers- it encourages people to keep showing up with more donations. The psychology of the theist is ruled by fear and pride.

posted on Feb, 9 2024 @ 09:51 PM
a reply to: NovemberHemisphere

Or you just misunderstood the symbolism and symbolic nature of those words and did not understand because you need an excuse to reject God. That only shows more that your human personal value system is quite flawed just like everyone else. The only way to overcome that is by searching for true understanding by remaining humble and not having a hardened shell around your heart.

I have learned over decades to TRUST God without everything always making sense and especially when some things appear to have great contradictions. That has proven to me over many years that it was the right way to go. It ain't always simple or easy.

posted on Feb, 10 2024 @ 12:53 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: NovemberHemisphere

Or you just misunderstood the symbolism and symbolic nature of those words and did not understand because you need an excuse to reject God. That only shows more that your human personal value system is quite flawed just like everyone else. The only way to overcome that is by searching for true understanding by remaining humble and not having a hardened shell around your heart.

I have learned over decades to TRUST God without everything always making sense and especially when some things appear to have great contradictions. That has proven to me over many years that it was the right way to go. It ain't always simple or easy.

Or maybe you like to interpret things to fit your perspective. I need an excuse to reject 'god' about as much as I need an excuse to reject santy claus or scientology- these things are also patently invented by charlatans. In the bible it is written that jesus literally said to his disciples- "This generation shall not pass away before all of these things have been fulfilled". In the last sermon to his disciples before being arrested, he is asked- "What are the signs of the end times?" before they are explicitly told by jesus- "All these things shall be fulfilled in your own time."

Then we have more 'firsthand letters' from paul, which are undisputed by christianity. He says that "it is better not to get married. The end of all things is at hand." He also advises people- "Slaves, remain a slave. Don't try to really change the social order, because everything, very rapidly, is coming to an end." and "the appointed time has grown very short."
Funny how theism seems to always come back to slavery.

The earliest christians practiced an intense apocalyptic anticipation, they believed that the end could come at any moment. After decades passed, with the first generation of christians beginning to die off and the absence of any second coming, christianity was forced to reinterpret these apocalyptic texts.

You say you have "learned over decades to TRUST God"- but you cannot elaborate on wtf that even means outside of your own imagination.

posted on Apr, 20 2024 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: NoOneButMeAgain

This is a very late reply, but you have missed the point. I am not a neo-Luddite, I do not fear technology, I fear what our current globalist leader caste are doing & planning to do with that technology. You seem to think that I know nothing of the shortcomings of religion writ large, but I do, and indeed, you are right on one point - the line between good & evil runs through every human heart.

It is not the construct that kills, but the human decision on how to apply that construct to the destruction of one's fellow human beings.

Religion was misused & people were abused by purveyors of religion for aeons, and technology is a far younger beast. But technology, when it is used inappropriately, by bad men for evil purposes (to gather money & control, and to centralise power within their own sphere of influence) then technology will destroy far quicker than religion has ever, ever been able to replicate in any way whatsoever.

It is the current caste of globalist elites who are already proving that they are willing to use technology destructively, to control the lower classes, to steal wealth from the lands of indigenous peoples indiscriminately, to lock us down in our homes & pump bioweapons into our deltoid muscles, promising us the Earth and yet stealing all resources for themselves.

You can argue about the crusades (which were nowhere near as destructive of human life as is claimed by atheist apologists), but you cannot escape the clear & key point that I am making - technology, applied selfishly & deliberately to harm other human beings, actions being perpetrated right now by people in the World Economic Forum & the investor classes that subscribe to their doctrine, the actions of the World Health Organisation to centralise authority to respond to 'health emergencies' in a punitive & destructive manner, taking over the sovereignty of governments worldwide, and many institutions doing similar things - it's all enabled by technology, the technology is being misused deliberately to garner power & control, not to mention financial wealth, and it is likely to end in Armageddon when they start to really fight for all the marbles. We are more endangered than ever - not by religion, which when applied properly is a beautiful spiritually refreshing thing (we are told in no uncertain terms in the Biblical record that there will be wolves in sheep's clothing who stir up hatred against the Christian faith by deliberately seeding misinformation about our faith into the world) - but technology is that which we face now as the greatest threat we have ever faced. Wrongly applied, it is world-ending, even now, while much of it is in its infancy.

Postscript: Throush secrecy laws, many wonderful technological innovations & inventions have been utterly hidden from the people - free energy from zero point modules which can increase output directly in proportional response to the load on the system - the energy output increases when the demand on the system increases; electrogravitics for aerial & underwater travel, cars powered by water, the list goes on & on. The patents are secretised, they are bought out & shelved, the inventors are murdered or financially ruined so they can never bring their work to the masses - all to protect the petrodollar & the 'fossil fuel' industry. We could be living in a true paradise by now, but the forerunners of the globalists, and their modern heirs, felt that personal wealth, power & control was far more important than eliminating poverty within two generations. Bastards. And now, their surveillance, AI & financial shenanigans will be the death of us all.

posted on May, 5 2024 @ 04:19 PM
The phrase 'end of the world' as is found in Matthew and one time in Hebrews doesn't mean 'last days.' The word translated to end is synteleia which actually means 'perfection' in the same sense as a plan comes to full fruition, the consummation of something expected, etc.

Apocalypse has no inherent eschatological meaning. It simply means 'unveiling' or 'revelation.' As in "You shall know the truth and it shall make you free" and "There's nothing hidden that will not be revealed."

Having said all that, I do see, also, that we are experiencing the promised seems like no matter how hard the liars in this world try to keep their lies covered up, it isn't working any more. All sorts of secrets are being revealed, much to the chagrin of those who try to hide their deeds and the true backstories of any given situation.

So, yes, that would also mean we are closer than ever to the PERFECTION of the world. Much more hopeful than all that antichrist, third world war, armageddon, hell fire, rapture, blah blah blah nonsense, in my opinion!

posted on May, 5 2024 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Now, there will be no way to fight back, when the control system trap is finally sprung in its most severe incarnation, there will be no coming back from that, the writing is on the wall, it's just like Orwell said -"a boot, stamping on a human face, forever."

What do you think the control system trap is or will be? Technology of some sort?

Previously we could fight back. No more.

We can always fight back. If history has taught us anything, it's taught us that. And there will always be people willing to fight against tyranny. And I don't think it will be pitchforks and torches vs. high tech. People are amazingly resourceful when necessary. I only hope that if that time comes, people don't wait too long to actually do something vs talk about doing something.

Action is all in that scenario. Purposeful action.

posted on May, 5 2024 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

In my humble opinion the Bible is a terrific history book with a lot of fiction thrown in to keep things interesting. Same for the Koran and all of the other religious texts like the bible.

You can throw them all in the dumpster and replace them with two sentences:

The kingdom of God is within you and all around you.

Be kind to one another.


All else will be revealed in it's time.

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