a reply to:
As someone who has played/had ACCESS to "alien" body parts and related A & P," you guys/gals crack me up.
Conjecturers all, including myself. I only have more questions about things I do not know and am here to learn.
However, I will interject the following:
1. Doty, Elizondo, Ramirez, Grusch, et al - where do you expect information breakthroughs to come from ? How many civilian Lazars' are out there to
whistleblow, and you see what they did to him? Tell me the last credible informant in the field who spills the truth beans from the civilian world?
Vallee, contactees like Alex Collier? The only people credible enough to be called whistleblowers are those who were officially tasked with
exploring the subject matter by the USG.
So the naysayer, debunkers, and quite possibly employed social media disinformation agents have decided professional intelligence and officers don't
make good whistleblowers or more to the point, are excellent disinformation agents about fake UFO programs.
You guys are so f'n stupid ,at times.
Point 2. The DoD is not in control of programming. That torch was passed many years ago to the DIA and JSOC. Yes, JSOC is DoD but any obstruction
or disinformation is coming from the DIA and the related contractors. The three branches, CIA , NSA, and NRO, all have their parts, of course.
Just how many whistleblowers under the cause of good ole' American values of truth and liberty are comin' forward about alien off worlders, aerospace
and materials tech, who knows what else, like time manipulation? Where the f do you clowns think any information is going to come from? Abductees?
You think after how these guys have been treated, there will be many more whistleblowers coming forward? Rarely is the best possible answer. And
because of guys like you all, thats exactly what the USG and contractors/controllers want - they want you to think they are all liars.
Got news for you, clowns. All these guys are patriots and heroes, even if the waters are muddied.
Point 3. Muddied information. There is nothing the USG puts out on video that they don't know exactly what it is. The TIC-TAC, flying spheres,
jellyfishIES, batman balloon portrayed as ET spaceships. I have minimal doubt that anything the USG sanctions on video is ET. I strongly believe it
is our systems. However, I also strongly believe the materials engineering, cloaking, propulsion, etc is reversed engineered ET technology.
The real stuff is not going to shown on website or MSM newscast and we have all kinds of ET video in the USG possession. Why? Because the CIA, MI5,
and corporate handle the information flow through the editorial and journalism. They put on TV and the papers what they are told to put on TV and the
If that's your point, ARB, that the videos are not ETs, it's like no duh, to the ATS tribe. The obvious reason is nothing is a deterrent unless the
enemy, China, realizes you have the capability to deter with. The second reason is acclimation of a new reality of propulsion, physics (ie, time
manipulation) and the fact that, yes, ETs have allowed our MI to make great advances but we don't care it you think that or not. In fact, you are
only seeing the tip of the iceberg in our programs. So let these guys talk about threats, it sells a lot budget but it also doesn't mean the message
is wrong or that disclosure is not important .
This is the debate that has been going on for 70 -80 years - how to inform the public we are not alone, our physics is outdated, and that our Govm't
has acquired foreign (ET) technology probably at the expense of a bargain with the ET where you don't get something for nothing.
Fact: There are two groups very much at odds about disclosure. My personal belief: this debate is existential for the Nation and Humanity , so
anytime a whistleblower comes forward, I give due respect. You should reconsider your biases, unless you are a disinformation guy/gal and then you
have that on your conscience.
Point 4.
"Phase 3, I figure is the overall UFO buffoonery all this UFO enthusiasm will create...
Like the Peru alien attack, and those Peruvian little aliens( one can always defend on Jaime Maussan to do these kinds of UFO/alien shows).
Another Roswell slides caper. "
Were you in Peru, Brazil, Vegas, Wiltshire, Miami on New Years Day, Roswell in 1947, or any of the other subsequent crash sites? Everyone with an
opinion about UFO buffoonery, but no knowledge about the real deal. It called the Allegory of the Cave. Look it up...
edit on 31-1-2024 by anthelion because: (no reason given)
edit on 31-1-2024 by anthelion because: (no reason given)