I've just been introduced to the work of Thomas Seyfried, who is a biochemistry professor with 180 peer-reviewed papers, many of them concerning
cancer as a metabolic disease. Basically he theorises that cancer cells originate from a defect in the mitochondria of our cells, in which they
respire anaerobically, IE they ferment without oxygen - this causes genetic mutations in the nucleus of the cell as a downstream effect of the onset
of the disease, but the mutations come second, and are not the primary driver of the disease in the first instance.
Cancer cells survive on high levels of glucose & glutamine which both produce ATP as a result of fermentation, as they must consume vast amounts of
energy to survive & metastasize. The mitochondria are supposed to be making ATP for energy purposes, but a defect in the process is what leads to the
cell becoming cancerous, leading to genetic mutations in the nucleus. This generates oxidative stress in the cells through the generation of reactive
oxygen species - cancer cells suffer oxidative stress leading to fermentation in the mitochondria & damage to the genome.
The misunderstanding of cancer as a genetic mutation issue leads to the incorrect treatment of symptoms rather than the root cause. 1600 people die
each & every day because the mitochondrial metabolic origins of cancer are misunderstood, being dealt with as though the genetic mutations are the
principal causative factor in the disease. The most sensible way to treat cancer therefore is to deprive the cancerous cells of sugar molecules of
glucose & the amino acid glutamine, so that the fermentation process can be arrested, the oxidative stress is disrupted, and the cancerous cell is
unable to produce the energy it needs to continue to grow as an undying apoptopic cell which devastates the enviroment in which these cancerous cells
are located.
Transitioning to an alternative fuel for your body - ketones - means that the cancer cells cannot utilise these fuel sources to grow & metastasize.
"By so doing you can progressively degrade the viability of the tumour cells slowly without harming the normal cells of the body.. it is an
elegant way to treat the condition... without causing any toxicity to the patient"
Thomas Seyfried on cancer as a metabolic disease, more effective therapies &
treating it without toxicity
This is a means of treating the cancerous illness without the risks of massive toxicity of chemotherapy which is a cumbersome, clunky & ineffective,
dangerous approach to supposedly 'healing' the body from the cancerous illness.
In reality the use of chemotherapy is like using a bullet to cure
a headache. Chemotherapy toxicity is one of the leading causes of death in cancer patients. Half of cancer patients die BECAUSE OF the
chemotherapy which is being used to 'treat' the cancer.
Ketogenic metabolic therapies are able to treat the cancer cells in the manner described, by depriving the cancer cell of glucose & glutamine, so that
it cannot produce ATP for its own energetic needs, thereby starving the cell & causing it to die off (recalling that cancer cells are by nature
apoptopic if they are sufficiently fuelled by glucose & glutamine, meaning they don't die when they should die - all cells are programmed to die after
a certain time so that a new cell can take over the processes that the old cell would have done previously) - all without inserting anything toxic
into the body which will have devastating secondary side effects in the so-called healing process of the use of chemotherapy.
Dr Seyfried suggests that we were evolved to be a 'starved' creature -we were not surrounded by high caloric foods when we evolved to hunt & gather
foods which would sustain us, yet without overeating, and especially without overeating high quantities of sugars & fats. The fatty acids from our
fat stores are directed to the liver when we have no food to sustain us in the normal manner - as long as we have water, we can survive for long
periods of time on our fat reserves. The processes of our liver chop up the fatty acids into short chain molecules known as ketone bodies, which are
made from fatty acids retrieved from our fat stores when we are in a starvation mode of survival. The ketone bodies provide the fuel for the cells of
our bodies, and importantly they do not form as glucose or glutamine, and hence do not contribute to the growth of cancer cells. Remember that there
are always cancer cells floating around in our bodies, but our immune system usuall deals with them. Only when a fermentation process is locked into
a grouping of cells can a cancerous tumour form, and in such circumstances we must provide ketones for energy rather than glucose & glutamine.
Starving the cancer cells of these fuel sources will cause the tumour to shrivel up & die.
Starting a diet that eliminates blood sugar entirely is the way to deprive the tumour cells of glucose & therefore to begin to starve them, if we
reduce our caloric intake we expedite the process of generating ketone bodies as fuel sources for our cells. It is more difficult to restrict the
production of glutamine - drugs are necessary to prevent the development of glutamine which would otherwise enter into the tumour cells & sustain
Dr Seyfried is convinced that the problem lies with official sources of propaganda in government & medical schools, which describe cancer as a genetic
disease - when in fact it is metabolic, and the genetic mutations are downstream effects of the disease process. He also states that grants from Big
Pharma are responsible for misdirecting the attention of researchers onto problems associated with genes as being the root causes of cancers, when in
actuality the problem is purely metabolic - this means that the radiation & chemotherapy treatments are essentially useless (or at least grossly
inefficient & dangerous) - the problem of cancer can & should be treated in the manner described, which involves dietary changes to bring about ketone
energy production & drugs to address prevention of the production of glutamine (see next post for evidence of this in the mainstream science world
more recently).
People who say that diet alone can cure cancer are in error - there is a need to artificially induce the prevention of the production of glutamine so
it cannot be taken up as a food source for the tumour - but once you are on the drug needed for that purpose, the fact of arranging a ketone-only diet
is the adjunct which then supports the absolute destruction of tumorous cancer cells.
Thomas Seyfried website
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