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My child worrying about his future and if he'll live

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posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: Steinermath333

originally posted by: Disgusted123
Sorry, but you and your family need therapy.

If he's twelve and worried about all that, you're doing something wrong.

a reply to: ScarletDarkness

Agreed. This kid is already seriously messed up and sounds like a future school shooter. Bad parenting is the blame here
Wow! Jumping to conclusions are we? He was talking about SELF DEFENSE. No where did I or he claim anything other . He's the kindest , sweetest child that you'll meet. Soft spoken and will likely jump in and rescue someone in need (my worry).

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

Where have i suggested your little fellow not learn martial arts?

Think you may be jumping to a few conclusions yourself.

If anything martial arts sounds like a great idea and will help reinforce good values and instill a modicum of respect while dispelling silly notions where the child is concerned.

It will also help teach them about history and the rest of the world which is always a good thing.

As to standing up to a person with a gun, i suggest that martial arts might not be the best of bets there.

Hand-to-hand combat, or even the use of bladed weapons, and ranged combat with a gun, not exactly being the same thing.
edit on 22-1-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: Disgusted123
a reply to: ScarletDarkness
Sorry, but you and your family need therapy.

If he's twelve and worried about all that, you're doing something wrong.

Yes, yes, ignorannce bubbles are so cozy after all...

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

I grew up under the threat of nuclear war, which after seeing a Nostradamus prediction I felt sure was going to happen. Was I a poor wee fellow? I’m sure times were much harder then than they are now for the working class. If I so much as ventured into the wrong neighbourhood I was sure to get a beating. There were lots of things to fear, and nothing my parents said or any adult could really console me.

But that aside, we didn’t suffer lockdowns and such obvious blatant lies from the government, telling us things like we were a threat to humanity if we didn’t go out and get some experimental jab. Do you have any idea the psychological impact all that crap had on young people?
edit on 22-1-2024 by AllisVibration because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: Shoshanna
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

Well people have been screaming about this same stuff for decades and it never comes to pass. Its like global warming at this point....probably not even a real thing. Just distraction for the masses.

This has been a slow creep since the 1950s. Like a frog in the proverbial boiling pot, it's not noticed until the frog is thoroughly cooked.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: charlest2

Still in the process of bringing them up and doing just fine ta very much.

Gambling is addictive charlest2, i hope you don't teach your kid to do that.

Now where Ritalin is concerned, is that a whiff of projection?

Or just an attempt at a sad personal attack coz thats your speed?

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: AllisVibration

Snap AllisVibration.

Pretty much 1980s Thatcher era and the likes of BBC "Threads" for us ""when i was a lad"".

We suffered being told to hide under school desks from nukes so there is that. LoL

Still here, still kicking and screaming, and the sky is yet to fall.

Nobody made kids get jabs where i hail from for the most part unless they were required.

The psychological impact would have been all the same with the lockdowns never mind the lack of school.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

I tried my best but your posts were just far too compelling to resist.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Saibot3052
I mean if I'm incorrect and the parents are not of the extremist sorts then i apologize.

The problem with your lack of understanding is found in your actual definition of 'right wing extremist'...

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

This is going to sound harsh, but I think it's the truth:

You wrote:

"......he's still scared because he has every reason to be.
He has seens videos on the plandemic, the so called 'vaccine', how Christians will be prosecuted and killed , the plans from the evil WEF (agenda2021/agenda2030 ), CBDC , 15 minute cities etc etc.

He's 12 years old. This needs to stop. The WEF needs to be stopped, because I see no future for my son."


So, you yourself see threats everywhere and say that he has every reason to see them and fear them too because they're real and that you see no future for him.

And now he sees no future for himself.

It sounds like you have taught him your big long list of fears and apparently, taught him pretty well. And now you are alarmed by the fact that he's growing up to be just like you.

If you don't want him to grow up to be as fearful of the future as you are, somebody influential in his life would have to make it a point to model something other than fear for him on a regular basis.

That someone probably isn't going to be you unless you are able to change your own fear-driven personality which--realistically--probably ain't gonna happen if you are old enough to have a 12 year-old kid.

On the other hand, if you are convinced of the correctness of your belief that it's OK to live a fear-driven life, and to pass that fear on to your kid, then stop complaining because you're getting exactly what you want.

To paraphrase a Zen saying: "if you are not careful, you will arrive at the destination to which you are heading."

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: charlest2

Hence your projection and implication of drugging children with Methylphenidate for your own sick joke purposes or so it seems.

Well done.

Hat and a balloon for you.


edit on 22-1-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Left or right tanstaafl, extremist anything is a bad idea.

Because ideologies that are that far out of kilter seldom bode well or add balance to any situation.

I think my understanding is just fine ta very much.

Maybe take some of your own advice and question your own understanding where extremism is concerned.

Suffice to say groups who hold extreme views or beliefs, or that are advocating for radical political, religious, or social ideologies.

Seldom have anything nice to say about the majority and tend to be more interested in their own obscure outlook in life and/or take on reality.
edit on 22-1-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 12:20 PM

because I see no future for my son .

Probably where he’s adopted his fears that aren’t typical at his age.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

Then i apologize for assuming so.

All i can suggest is that you sit the little fellow down and set him straight reassuring him that the sky is not about to fall.

Also, the YouTube channels must be a bad influence if he thinks he or his family are right-wing extremists and/or their people are coming to get him with shotguns.

You really need to establish why he thinks that and reassure him that he is in relative safety whilst at home.

Politics seems to be of major concern, i would lose that, and explain to him that the world is somewhat larger than the left /right democrat vs republicans ideology that appears to be the colour of the day.

Just my two cents but if my own kid came to me with such thoughts it would be of serious concern and hes 11 right now, my daughter is 17.

I don't buy into the 'left' vs 'right' thing either. It's created to divide us (the 99%) and is done by the 1% who benefit when we're divided fighting each other, instead of them.
It goes very up/down with him, most days he's fine. Next time he mentions his fears I will focus on the fact that these youtubers monetize fear-mongering. Maybe half of it is true off course, and may or may not happen, but they do make money of keeping us scared/divided.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

Again I'm sorry i assumed you were a right-wing extremist.

I really hope your little fellow is ok.

Does he have friends he goes out and plays with?

The reason i ask is that's who i seem to recall sharing my woes and fears with at that age as opposed to mum or dad.

Not that it's not a good thing that he does share his thoughts and fears with you but other kids are a different kind of sounding board if you know what i mean.

I would suggest that you cut out YouTube if it's a bad influence to be honest.

Then again i know how hard that can be my own kid is sitting in his room right now playing FC24 and conversing with his friends all over social media.

Tearing them away from it can be like pulling teeth, best to check their history now and again and just keep on top of the problem doing the best you can do.

If he's like any other 12-year-old boy I'm sure he will be fine, but tell him not to be so worried or concerned with things that are thus far beyond his control to influence in any sort of significant manner.

Anyhoo im away for dinner, and apologies again for my own assumption.
edit on 22-1-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 12:47 PM
When I was a kid we hid under our desk.

Even as a boy it seemed foolish.

I thought I had it rough.

Who knew ?

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 12:49 PM
The red flags are flying high with this poor kid! Ignoring them would be to his detriment and healthy mental development.

Children and young people at risk of radicalisation may:

Have low self-esteem
Be confused about their faith, sense of belonging, or identity
Be victims of bullying or discrimination
Feel isolated or lonely
Be experiencing stress or depression
Be going through a transitional period in their life
Be angry at other people or the government
Feel angry about how they are treated or seen by society
It is very difficult to know at what stage certain views can become dangerous, or if a child or young person is being exploited and manipulated into becoming a part of an extremist group. Signs aren’t always obvious, but indicators that a child or young person is being radicalised may include:

Advanced warning signs to be aware of:

Withdrawal from family and friends, or changing circle of friends
Hostility towards others
Talking as if from a script
Being unwilling to discuss their views
Increased levels of anger
Being secretive, particularly around what they are doing on the internet
Using extremist terms to exclude people or incite violence
Expressing the values of extremist or terrorist organisations (including political or religious based grievances)
Supporting violence and terrorism towards other cultures, nationalities, or religions
Writing or creating artwork that promotes extremist values
Talking about being a ‘martyr’
Possession of extremist literature or other material, or trying to access extremist websites
Possession of any material about weapons, explosives, or military training
These signs don’t necessarily mean that a child is being radicalised. Sometimes this can be normal teenage behaviour, or an indicator that something else is going on.

While this may just be a 'phase' it certainly needs to be watched, very closely and addressed if it doesn't turn into a more healthy outlook. Paranoia is no fun at any age, and there is nothing more dangerous than a fearful animal-or human.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 01:33 PM
I have just one question for those who think this child needs psychological council or intervention. That this child should be encouraged to just be a kid? Until they are 30 years old and still living in your basement? At what age do you think a child should be educated and informed about the realities of this world? Just let them play their video games 24 hours a day well into adulthood? How long should you wait to confront the brainwashing and manipulations of the past 60+ years by the left? When they are old enough to vote? Until it's too late to convince them otherwise? After they are so brainwashed and dumbed down that they refuse to accept the reality of what is going on and eventually realize they have been lied to their entire life? Or should we just leave them to their leftist-inflicted delusions into perpetuity?

At what age is appropriate? Please tell me.

Personally, I think sooner is far, far better than later, or not at all.

Some children are smarter and more mature than the previously brainwashed adults in the room.

That's all! I'm out of here!
edit on 22-1-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: charlest2

Is that not 8 questions or thereabouts?

That's all! Back to my Pesto and Spinach Linguine.

edit on 22-1-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: AllisVibration

originally posted by: Steinermath333

originally posted by: Disgusted123
Sorry, but you and your family need therapy.

If he's twelve and worried about all that, you're doing something wrong.

a reply to: ScarletDarkness

Agreed. This kid is already seriously messed up and sounds like a future school shooter. Bad parenting is the blame here

Oh piss off. A future school shooter, how do you make that leap? What utter bollocks!

Oh and blame the parents, like kids are always doing what they’re told by their parents! I can’t believe you even got one star for such drivel. Go crawl back under the rock you came from.

LMAO! And i will have you know i have quite the nice rock too!

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