posted on Jan, 17 2024 @ 04:56 PM
Really. So why would Russia, China or North Korea want to ruin a good thing over here in the USA. Iran? Who knows. As a country we are so corrupt no
one seems to know which end is up along with gender idenity, hate and all the other filth now becomming a daily experience. Just look at the clowns
running the country along with those on the sidelines. IMO the USA and the world would be better served if they all just faded away. That includes
educators both at the local, state and university level. Then we have the corrupt judges. Et Al.
Then we have MAGA. All demonized by a chosen few Hitler Youth idiots over at the 4th Reich DNC headquarters. I also dont care for MAGA but really? Yea
put the January 6 idiots in prison. A bunch of god dam fools. Demonized by some dude who looks like MAX Headroom from the 1980's who seems to be
under demonic control.
Oops cant talk about anything religion! My bad.
So spare me any ballastic missiles being launched at the USA because they actually may fix the USA if they did it. Think about it.
Anyone care to notice that when the USA Mafia collapsed the rest of the country accelerated its downhill journey. IMO seems to be a correlation as
this stuff was decades in the making.
I mean its a matter of respect.
There aint any
edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: typos
edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: typos