posted on Jan, 17 2024 @ 07:57 PM
Love 1960s through 1980s music. The Carpenters were phenomenal. I listen to everything from folk to metal to underground electronics, electro-metal,
nu-metal, you name it, but I can't get into today's commercial music.
Modern pop sounds "fun" on the surface, but it has a strange, buzzer-like quality to it. Listen to the vocals, you'll see what I mean. There's a buzz.
Also, those fast, sprinkler-like hi-hats irritate me. It's like they're trying to clicker-train people. LOL
Mainstream pop tries too hard to be appealing, and its motive of being marketable to the lowest common denominator rather than expressive or artistic
tends to show through, which simply loses my interest, so I don't listen to it. Some people like it, no shame in that; it has an upbeat, motivating
tone to it, but I personally can't get past the fact that it's not crafted; it's molded and poured.
CT angle: can music be a propaganda vehicle? Certainly, why not? Use rhythm and repetition to turn the mind into mush, then simply insert the
propaganda in the lyrics.
Not a big fan of media with a "message" if you know what I mean.
Not drunk, but not feeling so great, either.