posted on Jan, 16 2024 @ 09:17 PM
Has anyone else noticed the...well, the only adjective I can come up with is 'packaged' music that is saturating pop-culture as of late?
I am a big fan of music. Any music that is actual music. What I have noticed is that every station I hear, and at work where we have a constant music
stream, it is not actual music. It is packaged product music. Ariana Grande is an impersonator, not a singer. Miley Cyrus has a pretty good voice, and
same with Taylor Swift, but they sound like actual robots with the amount of "production" in their music.
What I have also noticed, is the music trends change. Maybe politically. Because during the 2010s when Obama was in office, most music seems to be
optimistic and upbeat, empowering lyrics.
I guess what made me really key into this is the fact that I've been having some deep personal.................crises recently and been listening to
The Carpenters, almost exclusively. I dont know if it is because I relate so deeply to Karen on a personal level, or if it is just the sadness, but I
have been feeling my emotions actually change based on the music I am listening to.
And so I wondered if anyone else had considered the subliminal messaging angles in music, lyrics and harmonics and how this related to ELF, mind
control, the control of populations, I mean the war song [what is it good for? Absolutely nothing] and there are many other examples but i am
moderately drunk at this moment so i am sure you all can provide more examples to extrapolate my theory.
Music is programming and real, pure music such as The Carpenters and im sorry to any offended but the greatest female voice of all time, Karen
Carpenter had to be silenced because she brought too much delightful wonder into this world. What an absolute legend.
Im drunk. Are you? Do you love Karen as much as Me? What other programming songs or artists can you guys come up with?
Can you name the song from which the lyrics in my title come from?