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from CloudlessKnight
Of course this is all hypothetical... For discussion's sake.
What I'm getting from all of this is a sort of "Public Awareness Program" so to speak. A way to actually get out there in the trenches and do the grunt work that needs to be done to catch people's interests, and add momentum to the efforts of those who's work is already in motion.
Documentation almost isn't even an issue, really. There are so many different collections of documents and records of events, eye-witness accounts, abduction stories, etc. that we wouldn't really have to document much ourselves. There's no point in re-doing all the work that's already been done. It would only be necessary to direct people towards professional, presentable documentation from the more well known organizations like the Disclosure Project or documents they can even acquire themselves using the Freedom of Information Act, and stay away from wacky "what if" webpages with stars in the background and bright yellow text that "some guy" cooked up because he was bored. Making a good first impression is very important. We could even help people understand how to indentify hoaxes and misinformation for themselves; ways to keep an open mind, but still have a skeptical eye.
Ways to get people's attention? Make it personal, I think. Give people ways to relate, and reasons to want to pay attention. Help them answer the question "What does this have to do with me?"
Any other ideas, anyone? Opinions, suggestions, anything?
Nice work.
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You have voted MCory1 for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have used all of your votes for this month.
Nice work.
Aw....shucks...Just doin' my part. Thanks though
The movie is a really good idea, and something I definitely hadn't considered. However, I don't think that it would be viewed as much more than a sci-fi movie, maybe just a more realistic version of Independence Day or Mars Attacks. But, it could be very useful as something to get the ball rolling if it were done right. Of course, the SciFi channel is probably the only one who would take it seriously to any degree, but I don't think it would be taken as seriously as if it were on TLC or Discovery or something like that.
Letters and E-mails will undoubtedly get trashed.
That's something I have figured on, and one of the reasons I'm looking to get as many different organizations involved as possible. If only one letter or email is sent out to everyone from the same person, it's going to look like spam or like the sender has lost it. But if we can get a lot of people to flood the news agencies and various government people with questions about the situation, then they might take more notice. We'll see how things work out, and the movie idea is definitely a good one.