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Why no disclosure?

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posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 11:11 PM
You guys seem to be going in a good direction and you do have your heads on straight.

I would say to start a group of sorts online might be a way to go and im sure everyone apart of it would love to help in anyway they can. (translation, spreading word, organisation, prints, video ect.)

If this group got big enough and some recognition quite possibly we could merge with larger groups like disclosure or others for the same common goals, aslong as everyone keeps thier heads on straight, we may have our theories and thats fine we wont know for sure until they tell us being the government,alien's or both,remember what's important and that being the truth/disclosure.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 03:37 AM
Of course this is all hypothetical... For discussion's sake.

What I'm getting from all of this is a sort of "Public Awareness Program" so to speak. A way to actually get out there in the trenches and do the grunt work that needs to be done to catch people's interests, and add momentum to the efforts of those who's work is already in motion.

Documentation almost isn't even an issue, really. There are so many different collections of documents and records of events, eye-witness accounts, abduction stories, etc. that we wouldn't really have to document much ourselves. There's no point in re-doing all the work that's already been done. It would only be necessary to direct people towards professional, presentable documentation from the more well known organizations like the Disclosure Project or documents they can even acquire themselves using the Freedom of Information Act, and stay away from wacky "what if" webpages with stars in the background and bright yellow text that "some guy" cooked up because he was bored. Making a good first impression is very important. We could even help people understand how to indentify hoaxes and misinformation for themselves; ways to keep an open mind, but still have a skeptical eye.

Ways to get people's attention? Make it personal, I think. Give people ways to relate, and reasons to want to pay attention. Help them answer the question "What does this have to do with me?"

Any other ideas, anyone? Opinions, suggestions, anything?

[edit on 17-4-2005 by CloudlessKnight]

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 06:41 PM

from CloudlessKnight
Of course this is all hypothetical... For discussion's sake.

What I'm getting from all of this is a sort of "Public Awareness Program" so to speak. A way to actually get out there in the trenches and do the grunt work that needs to be done to catch people's interests, and add momentum to the efforts of those who's work is already in motion.

Documentation almost isn't even an issue, really. There are so many different collections of documents and records of events, eye-witness accounts, abduction stories, etc. that we wouldn't really have to document much ourselves. There's no point in re-doing all the work that's already been done. It would only be necessary to direct people towards professional, presentable documentation from the more well known organizations like the Disclosure Project or documents they can even acquire themselves using the Freedom of Information Act, and stay away from wacky "what if" webpages with stars in the background and bright yellow text that "some guy" cooked up because he was bored. Making a good first impression is very important. We could even help people understand how to indentify hoaxes and misinformation for themselves; ways to keep an open mind, but still have a skeptical eye.

Ways to get people's attention? Make it personal, I think. Give people ways to relate, and reasons to want to pay attention. Help them answer the question "What does this have to do with me?"

Any other ideas, anyone? Opinions, suggestions, anything?

most already believe in aliens, and already suspect the gov't of covering up lots of things....the real question here i believe is, how do you get them to meet an alien that's friendly? ppl at ATS Aliens Forum agree EBEs exist and the gov'ts mostly cover-up, but ATS' (mods' especially) message to society is, aliens are still 'bad' the way they've been for the last 50 years, and ETs will always stay that way for the much of the forseeable future as well...ppl on this board want to believe but are in fear / power that just supports the matrix imo.

so if ppl on this board directly experience benevolent aliens for themselves (just ask, ETs can read your thoughts, you know, they can't really do much until receiving a request, being benevolent) and stop fearing the inevitable contact and you will have gone allot farther tow toward disclosure than all the marches on the white house imho....

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 10:17 AM
I think that a hostile alien race would be even more reason for us to know. I mean, if the US were going to be invaded by another (human) nation, wouldn't it be best to prepare ourselves as necessary? I mean, would you rather know that someone is moving in before you see the troops walking down your street or hear the planes in the sky? If we know what we're in for, then there might be people who could figure out something to do that government agencies never thought of. If nothing else we would know what the big disks in the sky with the lasers shooting out of them would be
Also, it's arguable that the fear is created by the government itself to keep people from asking about things. Fear is probably the best mind-control technique ever devised.

I've been staying away from this thread over the weekend to wrap my brain around the idea a little more. I think a good way to start would be with a website that declares the mission statement, links to various documents and sites across the net (I think ATS would be one of the top one on the list), and contains most of the contact information I detailed the project needing. Make it clear that there's no money to be made off of this--not even donations--and try and get the other big organizations such as Disclosure Project and MUFON involved. Maybe not necessarily involved with a "controlling interest" as it were, but try to get them to maybe link to the site somewhere on their own and possibly help to push it a little.

Is there anyone who wants to get involved with this? We'd need to set up some type of organizational group, most likely on another portal like Yahoo or something--somewhere to collaborate. As great as ATS is, I haven't found anything of this sort yet outside of the message boards, and these seem rather limited in their capabilities. If nothing else there's no file storage. I've been a web developer for quite some time; doing the site itself would only cost the hosting fees, and that's only about $70 per year. I could cover that much. I could do the collaboration site, and would feel a little more secure in that as opposed to Yahoo hosting it, but that's just too much damned work
I think it's just a matter of getting something professional in appearance, with some professional, "middle of the road" wording for everything. Anyone care to help, or at least have any suggestions?

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 12:28 PM

Honestly, I love all the ideas you've presented so far. I wold love to help out. Granted, I have no experience with website related issues. I am a people person, and more one on one than in a team or group effort. I'm all about communication and spreading awareness in any shape or form.

Regardless, of input... I would love to see a public enquiry concerning the truth about ET.s etc on both a local and global scale, but how much time would be spent on such an effort, is probably anyone's guess, that and the financial aspect, are factors needed to be addressed right away.

anyone else interested?

[edit on 4/18/05 by w1kdtr1p]

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 12:45 PM
Considering we're straying off topic. I suggest that someone, perhaps you MCory, begin a new TOPIC POST that will openly discuss public interest in disclosure of ET in an organized manner.

For the time being, can everyone out there help out?!

We need your opinions on public disclosure, a consensus from members of ATS would be great.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 02:37 PM
Personally, I'm finding the idea of this project to be very exciting. I am an art student, so I might be able to provide some services in that area if my art would be adequate. After all, art is often used all over the world in posters for propaganda during wartime. It's something that everyone can relate too.

Here's some examples of World War II Art Propaganda from both sides.

Or the like of pictures of Uncle Sam pointing, saying, "I want you!" Anyways, as far as skills to offer go, that's my own personal area of expertise. How useful or practical I could be in the end, I'm not sure. I have a tendency to regard art with a deadline as "work", and for some reason especially when there's money coming my way. This could be a fun project for me though.

Anyways, I'd love to help out in any area that's needed. And if no art is needed, I can still assist, even if that means walking around and handing out fliers, or going from door to door to talk to people personally.

posted on Apr, 20 2005 @ 05:03 PM
MCory1 umm... where did that post you started about this go, its gone.

posted on Apr, 20 2005 @ 05:20 PM
Apparently it got lost when everything got knocked out. I'll get something back up again probably tonight when I have a little more time to work on it. Gaz pointed out it might be violating some T&C; don't want to take any chances on that.

posted on Apr, 20 2005 @ 05:51 PM
Here are my thoughts on this. I like the idea of a combined effort from various sources. If all the various groups were organized, it would be a powerful group.

But here’s the thing about the approach your proposing. Letters and E-mails will undoubtedly get trashed. This is what happened to the Disclosure Project. All representatives and congressmen told there offices to screen all of these. Phone calls will also be screened using an answering service.

Think about the effort the Disclosure Project went through trying to get a congressional hearing. With all the credible witnesses and the support they had, they still could not get congress to listen.

Everything your suggesting has been tried without success, so let me offer a new idea.

I always think about the movie JFK, and the public awareness that came from it. I know not everything in it was true, but the format of the movie is what made it successful. Up till now, every UFO documentary or "special" has had the same typical format. It is as exciting as watching "This Old House".

Everyone loves a good scifi movie, but we know before hand that it is fiction. Now imagine a movie in the same format as JFK, only the topic is Roswell, and include the solid evidence on what really happened.

Why not send letters to the SciFi channel and offer this idea? Maybe they could make a movie using this format. They have been working on several projects in conjunction with UFO organizations like Disclosure Project trying to get a congressional hearing.

So now at the end of the movie, explain that all the events portrayed in the movie are factual and explain all the unsuccessful attempts at a congressional hearing. Provide sources and promote the various groups, so people can follow up on it.

I think this would create more awareness than something like the Peter Jennings Special ever could.


You have voted MCory1 for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have used all of your votes for this month.
Nice work.

[edit on 4/20/2005 by Hal9000]

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 09:28 AM


You have voted MCory1 for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have used all of your votes for this month.

Nice work.

Aw....shucks...Just doin' my part. Thanks though

The movie is a really good idea, and something I definitely hadn't considered. However, I don't think that it would be viewed as much more than a sci-fi movie, maybe just a more realistic version of Independence Day or Mars Attacks. But, it could be very useful as something to get the ball rolling if it were done right. Of course, the SciFi channel is probably the only one who would take it seriously to any degree, but I don't think it would be taken as seriously as if it were on TLC or Discovery or something like that.

Letters and E-mails will undoubtedly get trashed.

That's something I have figured on, and one of the reasons I'm looking to get as many different organizations involved as possible. If only one letter or email is sent out to everyone from the same person, it's going to look like spam or like the sender has lost it. But if we can get a lot of people to flood the news agencies and various government people with questions about the situation, then they might take more notice. We'll see how things work out, and the movie idea is definitely a good one.

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