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Hawaiian nightmarcher possibly caught on camera.

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posted on Jan, 12 2024 @ 05:43 PM
When I first saw this story I thought that it was just a homeless person emerging from the woods, but now that I watched it more times, it still seems like a homeless person emerging from the woods.

I mean it could be something else like a HOAXing teen scaring marathon runners, or some other thing like that but to say it was a ghost? I don't know it seems to be detailed for that, almost like it was a setup by a person to either scare others or as I assume, a homeless person looking for someone to pander from.

posted on Jan, 12 2024 @ 06:49 PM
Demon entity or just a person.

Hmmm? Let me think. LOL!

posted on Jan, 13 2024 @ 05:33 AM

originally posted by: Disgusted123
Demon entity or just a person.

Hmmm? Let me think. LOL!

It could be a demon possessed person. Since there was the lack of projectile vomiting as in the movie the Exorcist, we will never know.

posted on Jan, 13 2024 @ 09:11 AM
The photo makes me think of a modern person. It could just be another participant who took an unscheduled rest stop.

It looks like one of those haircuts where the hair is plastered against the head with some kind of product.

If it's a ghost, perhaps it's a ghost of a modern Hawaiian? Perhaps someone who passed recently?

posted on Jan, 13 2024 @ 11:42 AM
The thing about today's world is there's a lot more cameras out there than there was even 5-10 years ago. Who really knows if this weird crazy stuff hasn't been happening all along and simply wasn't noticed. Shadow people, stuff moving in empty rooms, ghosts, and whatever. If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around to see it. Then did it really fall?

It would be a bit unnerving to find out your home is a happening place. When you are not there.

posted on Feb, 11 2024 @ 05:21 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: Encia22

I have been aware of this stuff for years including Bigfoot and whatever. Always thought WTF bullsheet. However, the Hawaiian natives talk about this creature as did many native americans to others and other large civilizations to others so one has to begin to wonder.

Just like the Greek Gods were possibly ET's

I have to say, I do not group hominids (like sasquatch) in with other cryptids because they are IMO the most likely to exist. I wont go into too much detail, but there are 4 types of hominids from different climates around the world with features that are described consistently by the people who encounter them, including uncontacted peoples. The thing that unsettles me are the best footprint castings. Anyone who has studied ichnology can tell you with a with a high degree of certainty whether or not a footprint belonged to a living creature- namely by looking for what are called 'impact ridges' and 'compression lines'. You get impact ridges from uniformly stamping a solid shape into the soil- they are the tiny cracks along the outside line of the shape that was stamped. You only get compression lines from a fleshy foot with working muscles and bones interacting with the ground. Not only do these castings have compression lines, they also have dermal ridges. Dermal ridges are just the little ridges on your feet or hands that make up your handprint/footprint/fingerprints- you would literally need lasers to fake something like that IMO. On top of that, the castings that have all of those traits also look nearly identical to fossilized neanderthal tracks, a significantly different foot from homo sapiens. It has been suggested that variation in external talar structures in the neanderthal foot are due to greater body mass and/or higher mechanical stress that uniquely led to their habitually pronated foot posture (

The depth of these castings suggests a very heavy creature- the plaster casts taken at Bluff Creek were 6 inches deep, a 200ish pound man standing in the same sandy soil sunk only 2 inches. I just find it hard to believe all of the tracks are fakes- the ones that are fake are painfully obvious, they just stamp out giant human feet. Who are these pranksters with the ability to create dermal ridges, compression lines and have enough sense to redesign the entire foot into a neanderthal foot? The very best prosthetic feet in the world cannot create compression lines, let alone have dermal ridges some how etched into them. If the hominids are real- they gotta be some kind of living neanderthals IMO.

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