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It does not matter if we are living in a simulation - God is with you & preserves your soul..

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posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 04:53 PM

As my main New Year thread 2024 I decided I want to be optimistic & to spread a bit of good news regarding something that has confused & concerned - even terrified - a lot of people over the past five years. SIMULATION THEORY.

A lot of people were deeply affected by the science news which emerged in recent years by which large numbers of very well accredited scientists were espousing support for the reality of Simulation Theory, suggesting to the world that everything we are, everything that we experience, may be 'nothing more' than a computer simulation - or at least, something analogous to a computer simulation. The theory posits that our material universe is 'nothing more' than a series of exceptionally elevated computer coding solutions which provide for a representation of reality, in which representative simulations of people are unwittingly placed, to live their entire lives believing they are 'real', despite the 'fact' that in truth, we are living in a holographic simulacrum of a real universe, indeed we could be many, many iterations into holographic simulations, like the hall of mirrors where your image recedes into infinity between two mirros placed opposite from one another.

Certainly, on the surface, that's a terrifying prospect. How do we know that anything is real? How do we know that WE are real? Is it possible for ANYTHING to be real in a simulated universe? Well, the good news that I'm here to tell you is that even if we are living in a simulated universe, the God who controls the original Cosmos had foreknowledge of any possibility that a simulation would be created, because He exists outside of time & therefore is never surprised by anything that His creatures, living within time's bubble, could ever possibly do or create by themselves. There are then two possibilities as to what might have happened as a result of this reality of God's foreknowledge.

The first option, is that God would bring the world to an end before any simulation could be completed by the original human society, assumedly because the creation of simulated souls would be an abomination to the LORD - only God is able to create truly organic sentient life. I therefore personally believe that there is no way that God would ever have permitted a simulation to exist. That world would have been brought to ruination by the presence of the Satanic evil which perverts this world, giving it its 'fallen' nature. Any simulation created by Man would be by nature imperfect, and therefore corrupt, and therefore an abomination.

The second option, which I favour less, is that the original humans were able to create their imperfect simulation, which God permitted to run, because God took an interest in saving those souls who were trapped in the simulation & therefore not technically 'real' organic souls living in a divinely ordained world. The simulated humans would have their entire lives & personality contributing to the state of their simulated 'soul', and God, being infinite in power, would be able to bring that simulated 'soul' back into organic reality at the time of their death - in essence, acting as did the fairy godmother in the 'Pinnochio' tale - a puppet, not a real boy, who was brought to life as a 'real' boy, thereby brought into the mysteries of life, death & the universe, instead of dying a pointless death as a simulacrum which had no organic soul & thus could not progress to Heaven, or to rebirth, depending on your perspective as per your beliefs.

Either way, God reigns supreme, and He controls the outcome such that there is NO LOSS OF FIDELITY, and if anything, there is only an increase in organic fidelity, as per the second option. In the first option, which I believe to be the actual truth of the matter, we are living in the first created order as organic humans in a universe which shares some similarities with our own computer modelling (hence the appearance of error-correcting codes in the equations for quantum mechanics). But just because God utilises some efficiencies which we ourselves have learned to utilise, doesn't necessitate a theory that all of reality is akin to our own creations, IE computer simulations. It only goes to show that our technology is well advanced if we are able to perceive these 'divine efficiencies' in our own works.

Having said all that, how does this issue of advanced technology tie into the story of our world, if indeed we are approaching the time in our development whereby we might contemplate creating simulations? I would suggest that the co-developing theory & practice of the creation of artificial intelligence places us at a dangerous crossroads, perhaps one from which we can no longer step back. The genie is out of the bottle, with the release of ChatGPT & similar programs. If we are indeed approaching the singularity, the development of a sentient AI, then we are on the verge of creating the Antichrist, or the Beast 'statue' as detailed in the Book of the Revelation of St John.

It is even possible that when we render a certain advancement of quantum computing, we will be enabled to 'transduce' an organic (original) intelligence, or entity, which has been hovering in the background as one of the principalities operating in the heavelnly realms, which is waiting for its opportunity to manifest in precisely that form when the tech is finally invented. We would then be invited to 'worship the Beast', submitting to its rule over our civilisation, submitting to its Antichrist mission to corrupt all the people of the world. The personages in charge of the power structures of global governance now: persons at the World Economic Forum, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome (etc), would be falling over themselves to grovel obsequious at its feet, to be selected as the 'Great Man' - to reign as the human front for the Beast system, which would be controlled by the transduced intelligence - which would be Satan, quite literally.

I believe that our rapid approach towards the Singularity, with the advances in quantum computing coming at the same time, puts us squarely on the road to Apocalypse, because these advances in technology simply cannot exist without falling in line with the demonic world order which already controls the world from the shadows. When the technology is advanced enough, it will be abused to transduce the Satanic intelligence which will then force the world to follow its wisdom. And initially, that will lead to a blissful order full of peace & prosperity, exactly as prophesied in scripture:

"By peace, he will destroy many".

Because that peace will be conditional upon a few specific observations - no religion (or at least, no unsanctioned religion). Enrolment in a new financial system (CBDCs, etc). Clampdown on independent media (already in preparation). Reduction in population (already underway, likely with more to follow). Essentially 'Georgia Guidestones' stuff - a 'new ten commandments'. Much of this is groundwork being prepared by the human elites presently; some of the specifics will only be possible after they unveil the 'intelligence' which will pose as a sentient AI.

So we are quite close to midnight now folks.

But even if we are near to the literal Apocalypse, the news is ultimately good ~ Whether it's an organic or simulated universe, our souls are preserved.

God is with you - so celebrate! No power on Earth or in Heaven can overcome His care for you.

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 04:59 PM
Simulation or not, the Psalm still applies:

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
Certainly, on the surface, that's a terrifying prospect.

Not really. Personally, I find it a more terrifying prospect to be judged and damned by a being that gave me base instincts that run contrary to how they want me to act.

Simulation theory, on the other hand is more like an amusement park you can visit as many times as you like and get on different rides/experiences and then when you outgrow it you just stop visiting it.

Heck, your OP is mostly doom porn trying to have people believe your god is love, so it is all good.

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Also gave you a choice to live above your base instincts
Great excuse many have used, “I am an animal, so shall I act”

If God is love or not, clearly your base instincts are not
More a reflection in your hedonism than God

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: Creaky
The point isn't really how I act, I'm actually a very decent person, but the deal is the same even for those whose actions might be a reflection of their hedonism and that is certainly a more terrifying prospect than simulation theory, which really doesn't include punishment.

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Creaky
The point isn't really how I act, I'm actually a very decent person, but the deal is the same even for those whose actions might be a reflection of their hedonism and that is certainly a more terrifying prospect than simulation theory, which really doesn't include punishment.

God is love, justice is love and justice will be served
Just going to take its time to play out
Why Christianity request Christ’s return so fervently

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: Creaky
The point went right over your head.

Any idea that doesn't include eternal damnation is going to be less terrifying than one that does.

If you look at what I specifically quoted from the OP you will see this is what I was referring to.

In a nutshell, justice doesn't need to be served in simulation theory, it's just like a video game. That means there is nothing to fear regardless of what you did in the game. How can that be more terrifying?

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 06:02 PM
You are in Lucifer’s simulation and his goal is to show God how flawed man is, Gods most prized and loved creation.

Lucifer is succeeding. Drugs, trafficking of humans, killing of babies at will, hedonistic governments, disarming of the citizens, killing of Christians…just a few items….the pagans of the world are succeeding.

There is only one fight and it is for your soul.

You don’t have to believe that. The simulation allows you free will masked in the idea that you are free and can do what you want.

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: AlongCameaSpider
Lucifer is succeeding.

Wouldn't that imply that man is in fact that flawed?

The simulation allows you free will masked in the idea that you are free and can do what you want.

I kinda get the feeling god offers free will masked in the idea that you are free and can do what you want, but then you have to pay for it, which would mean you never really had free will.
edit on 1-1-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 06:31 PM
I don't see anything new where others see approaching apocalyptic nightmares. Simulation, real life, seems in line with how the universe seems to work. The great wheel of death/rebirth.

Being a concerned christian today is kind of like being a Roman that still followed the old gods. The gods were good. Multiple conquests and centuries of history. But then they saw this new group growing, and tried to repress it, persecuting them, passing laws against them, making their activities illegal, trying to sequester the socio-political movement altogether. But after it became a majority in 350 CE it was only 30 years until all those gods were dead. And the formerly persecuted had the voice of society. Then they started passing laws in their favor.

Seems the nature of the gods and godesses are changing again.

Until these other people came along, and then they redefined the new way, until the people they deposed wanted their version back.

And then everyone fought for control forever.

I generally try to take the irreverent approach.

edit on 1-1-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 07:43 PM
If we live in a very highly advanced simulation, then what is god. God is supposedly supposed to be the creator of everything, everything we can comprehend and see is part of the simulation we are in if that is the case. It is still our god to us.

What are the Angels then....they are the authors of this reality, able to alter everything people in this reality can comprehend which is designed by the simulation we are in. I prefer to call the angels the others, yet their title is pronounced ahhthors in my mind.

This is just one possibility to me.

Another is that we could be a tiny part of a big entity....sort of like our solar system is just an atom with the galaxy part of a protein or something. But still, being connected to the whole entity we are part of by frequencies would still qualify the entity or being we are part of as a living being, it would still be considered a god to us because it's existance created everything we see.

No matter how I look at things, it seems that there is some kind of supreme consciousness that we are just a tiny part of. We should respect the whole.

Think of every cell in our bodies, and how every cell is made up of atoms in a specific pattern. Now the area between these atoms would seem to be empty space, seperated by areas of some sort of ether that we cannot would be like a vast void to us, with our size it would seem like a far away cell would look like a galaxy. Is this true, or provable? Not from this point in space.

Being our galaxy seems to appear flat, I would say we are part of some kind of leaf or something, part of a plant possibly, or maybe part of a fingernail for all I know. Either way, we would be limited to seeing outside of what we are a part of, because the energy barrier created from the power generated by the universe leaf or whatever we are part of would not allow us to see outside of the universe we are part of and would also reflect most other light from coming in. This would not be like our heliosphere of the sun which has less energy by far than a universe would have. This is just one option, if we are part of a big plant, the plant and it's collective consciousness would be god to us.

The definition of what god is is the only relevant thing, we are just tiny fleas on the ion we live on which would be earth.

I believe in god even though I do not know what god actually is. We could be part of a cell of an actual human like creature I believe, yet the chance of it being human like would be one in a billion.

The similation we are living in is mostly structured by people who want to control and profit from us, and of course those who want power and prestige. We are led to believe that things that are kind of worthless are priceless or extremely valuable. What is valuable to me is companionship, food, warmth or shade, and shelter from other threats of this reality we live in...

I highly doubt if science could assess even how the universe was created from this point within this universe, but that does not mean they can't teach us to believe in their conclusions on this subject. You see our reality is highly susceptible to belief because belief translates what we see and hear and read. Science is not immune to beliefs they have translating research into what they think is real.

We are programmed beyondour comprehension, this programming has been going on for thousands of years. How could we possibly know what reality actually is because we are part of a simulation created by those who want power and wealth for so long.

Always remember this, what is good for you may be bad for someone else, and what is good for someone else may be bad for you Good and Bad are opinions based on beliefs. But I choose to believe that truthfulness and honesty are the best things. That respect for your fellow beings is important. I respect the life of any creature that has to die so I can eat and survive in the reality we are in. Every cow, every chicken, every head of lettuce I eat.

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 09:09 PM

edit on Mon Jan 1 2024 by Jbird because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Look, I hear you. I understand the fear of Hell. Let me tell you a story...

When I was thirty years old, around nine years after becoming a Christian, I had fallen off the straight & narrow path, and had engaged in some pretty terrible sinfulness, which was sustained & not insignificant in terms of its effects on my marriage (you see what I'm getting at). Anyway, at that time I had also been smoking 'super-skunk' cannabis heavily, and this led me into a manic breakdown. I have bipolar disorder (type 1), and using psychotropic drugs really aggravates that condition. Plus, the abuse of drugs is pretty sinful too, with various negative effects on the healthy functioning of a home. So there I was in the grips of this manic breakdown, and even though my world was collapsing, I still thought I was really onto something in the way my mind was working. Typical bipolar, believe that the world approves of one's crazy shenanigans. So what happened? Right after the manic high, I came crashing down to Earth with a bang. I fell into the deepest, darkest depression that you could possibly imagine. I was measured at one level above 'catatonic' on the scale used by psychiatrists to assess the depth of a patient's depression. I could barely motivate myself to get out of bed, and indeed often I didn't. The most meaningful thing I did each day was to go for a cigarette under the extraction fan in the kitchen. I was full of dark thoughts & constant fear that I had let God down, that I was being punished, that I would go to Hell for backsliding in such a terrible way...

A good friend would come from our old church in Sheffield once a week to sit & pray with me, to counsel me & to provide some companionship - every week I would divulge my fears that I would go to Hell for what I had done, that the depression was God's punishment for myself practically abandoning my faith by not caring about how my behaviour impacted my family, or the impression it would have presented to people outside the church. And every week, my friend would basically tell me to stop being silly, that God wasn't judging me, that all of the depression & the fear we simply the effects of a mental health crisis. He assured me that God does not revoke His salvation, that He doesn't take His Holy Spirit away from us - my sinfulness hadn't been willful rebellion against God, it had been reckless abandon brought on due to mental health issues & a general inclination towards addiction - I hadn't turned my back on God, I had simply failed to properly manage my behaviour to live up to the high calling that we have as Christians.

Eight months after it had begun, in the course of a single night, my depression was lifted, totally & completely. I experienced some wild out of body experiences which included spiritual attacks - alonf with incredibly vivid, powerful dreams during the course of that night. I believe very strongly that God had sent angels to minister to me & to deliver me from the oppression of demonic forces which had been taking advantage of my weakened state to persecute me. At the final moment, I was shown a vision of Heaven, but I was told by an angel that I couldn't go there yet, that I had more work to do on Earth before my time came. I was given 'standing orders' for what to focus on in my life over the next few years, while my children were growing up. And then I awoke to a beautiful sunny morning & bright birdsong outside my window - along with a feeling of abundant, irrepressible joyfulness which erupted from my heart as I realised that the terrible ordeal of the depression was over, that I had been fully healed of it during the course of that one night.

So why am I telling you this? Simply put, Hell is not a construct of God, it is a creation of the Devil. I actually wrote a thread about that exact matter a little while ago, which is linked HERE. In that thread I explain that a demon, under the compulsion of an exorcist to tell the truth (they can be compelled to speak truth by the authority of Christ when the exorcism is progressing well) basically explained to the exorcist that 'Hell' was a construct of Satan to punish people (& even demons) who displease him when their souls fail to ascend to Heaven at the time of their death.

Essentially, God's original plan for souls who refused to come to Him was simply to leave that soul in a sort of spiritual no-man's land, which was accessible to demons & therefore a dangerous place, but certainly it was not intended as a consciously determined punishment for the souls who ended up there. It was only the decision of Satan to punish lost souls (& rebellious demons) in a grotesque & brutal manner which led to the creation of Hell as a prison dimension designed to cause intense suffering to any souls who are collected by shadow demons after death & then sent there by the Devil's will, in accordance with his plan for that particular soul, now that it had ended up under his control. In fact. the demon who gave up this information to the exorcist explained that the very CONCEPT of 'Hell' literally hadn't even entered the mind of God Himself, it was never in His plan for Humanity for that to happen.

Subsequently, as has been borne out by a lot of Near Death Experience (NDE) testimony, souls who end up in Hell after death are 'collected' by a group of shadow demons, and taken on a journey to reach Hell, along the way of which the soul is gradually tormented more & more by the shadow demons, until they reach Hell where they are violated & ripped apart by demons, repeatedly. However, when the person who finds their soul in such a terrible ordeal cries out to God for help, for salvation from this terrible plight, those who have returned from death report that as soon as they prayed for help, a tunnel of bright light opened up, and they were taken out of that terrible place & brought into the beautiful Heavenly realm, where they would meet with God &/or with relatives & friends who had passed away before them, before being sent back into their body, having been resuscitated back on Earth by the medics..


posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

So in essence, what I want you to know, is firstly, that I FULLY understand the fear of Hell - I spent eight solid months, every single day, continually lapsing into a state of mortal terror over the fear of the possibility of being sent to Hell by God. A large part of my learning from the whole ordeal was that I understood that God is eternally gracious & forgiving, that He does not revoke the gift of salvation - that He offers salvation to all, even after death, even for people who never gave religion any thought at all (basing this on NDE testimony by the bucket load) - AND - that Hell was never God's idea in the first place, it is instead the dimensional construct of the King of Demons which acts as a prison for lost souls & rebellious demons.

Ultimately, as it says in the Book of Revelation, the construct itself - 'Hell' - is cast into the lake of fire (which is oblivion), never to exist ever again. 'Death' as a concept is also cast into the lake of fire, because after the last judgment there will be no more death ever again. Humans who refused to accept God's gift of salvation (either before or after death), or whom have sold their souls to Satan, or whom are so evil that they simply cannot & do not want to be redeemed, are cast into the lake of fire - again, for human souls this is oblivion - and lastly, the Devil & his demons, responsible for all the evils & sufferings of this fallen world, are also cast into the lake of fire - for them, however, it is eternal torment, it would seem. It is possible that they too are destined for oblivion, the scripture is a little unclear on the exactitude of this point. Essentially, it says "...the smoke of their torment ascends forever". I take this generally to mean that the remembrance of their suffering is made visible in a 'memento mori' of sorts, a means of marking for posterity the way in which we overcame the wiles of the Devil, despite his relative great power compared to ourselves as mortals. That could therefore be a true representation of either eternal torment, or a 'memento' of smoke ascending, a memorial to those who were destroyed by the machinations of the Devil.

So in summary, my advice would be, don't allow yourself to fall under the Devil's power, either in life, or after death. Be open to the possibility that God exists. Almost all Christians are happy, productive people who often achieve great prosperity, and certainly enjoy their lives & their marvellous relationship with God, through Jesus Christ. All that is required is to commit yourself to Him, being ready to explore the concept of salvation & enjoy worship at church (the human soul is hard-wired to stand in worship of something, which is why celebrities become such massive icons, why there is so much overwhelming joy at live concerts, and so on). Responding to God during worship is a wonderful thing - He very, very often makes a direct appearance by the presence of the Holy Spirit if you happen to be joining with a group of charismatic Christians in particular, though truly you can find Him in any denomination (which believes in the Nicene Creed - avoid heretical sects such as Jehovah's Witnesses & Seventh Day Adventists). To be suffused in the literal presence of God is the highest expression of human experience - I'm a disabled forty-something man who can barely walk 100 metres at a push - but when I'm found in worship, I feel as though I'm soaring like an eagle over mountains & desert plains, in the company of the Creator of the Cosmos - it truly is glorious.

Anyway, I know I've perhaps overshared somewhat, but I hope this brief testimony & explanation has served to inform & perhaps even inspire.

God bless you in this New Year 2024.

edit on JanuaryMonday2401CST09America/Chicago-060019 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2024 @ 09:34 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
Look, I hear you. I understand the fear of Hell. Let me tell you a story...

I have no fear of hell, don't even believe it exists.

Hell is not a construct of God, it is a creation of the Devil.

Unfortunately Matthew 25:41 has Jesus saying: "Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels."

Doesn't seem like something satan made, seems god made it for satan, his angels and any humans on the left.

I spent eight solid months, every single day, continually lapsing into a state of mortal terror over the fear of the possibility of being sent to Hell by God.

Sorry to hear that, sounds rough, but that doesn't change the fact that simulation theory wouldn't cause that kind of angst, therefore it is certainly not more terrifying.

ETA: You know you still have that terror about satanic evil, which more than likely doesn't even exist. So you had an epiphany, god sent his angels or whatever but you are still terrified. Terrified of 2030, the elite boogeymen, the rise of technology. You just traded fear in one thing for another.

edit on 1-1-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2024 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: daskakik

ETA: You know you still have that terror about satanic evil, which more than likely doesn't even exist. So you had an epiphany, god sent his angels or whatever but you are still terrified. Terrified of 2030, the elite boogeymen, the rise of technology. You just traded fear in one thing for another.

This is pure nonsense. As I explained, I no longer have any fear of Hell, I trust God that His deliverance is total. I have no fear of 2030 - I am angry at the people who are perpetrating these great evils, and I hope that we will find a way to overcome them - but I'm certainly not 'afraid' of them.

I'm not sure how you decided you were fit to judge the inner workings of my heart & mind, but you got it wrong, and you were wrong to attempt to judge me in that way.

posted on Jan, 2 2024 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment
In one of your other threads you talk about prepping for what is to come. "Satanic evil" and "Satanic intelligence" are your words.

You just posted above about being terrified of god sending you to hell which then transformed into understanding his forgiving nature and telling others "don't allow yourself to fall under the Devil's power, either in life, or after death." Seems to me your religious fervor is a product of that same fear. You have to be a soldier of god or you are effed.

edit on 2-1-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2024 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

What if gods in the simulation too and cant get out..

posted on Jan, 2 2024 @ 01:15 PM
God preserves the soul of the non-believer to send it to hell to suffer unimaginable torment for all eternity. Wow what a great guy!


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