As my main New Year thread 2024 I decided I want to be optimistic & to spread a bit of good news regarding something that has confused & concerned -
even terrified - a lot of people over the past five years. SIMULATION THEORY.
A lot of people were deeply affected by the science news which emerged in recent years by which large numbers of very well accredited scientists were
espousing support for the reality of Simulation Theory, suggesting to the world that everything we are, everything that we experience, may be
'nothing more' than a computer simulation - or at least, something analogous to a computer simulation. The theory posits that our material universe
is 'nothing more' than a series of exceptionally elevated computer coding solutions which provide for a representation of reality, in which
representative simulations of people are unwittingly placed, to live their entire lives believing they are 'real', despite the 'fact' that in
truth, we are living in a holographic simulacrum of a real universe, indeed we could be many, many iterations into holographic simulations, like the
hall of mirrors where your image recedes into infinity between two mirros placed opposite from one another.
Certainly, on the surface, that's a terrifying prospect. How do we know that anything is real? How do we know that WE are real? Is it possible for
ANYTHING to be real in a simulated universe? Well, the good news that I'm here to tell you is that even if we are living in a simulated universe,
the God who controls the original Cosmos had foreknowledge of any possibility that a simulation would be created, because He exists outside of time &
therefore is never surprised by anything that His creatures, living within time's bubble, could ever possibly do or create by themselves. There are
then two possibilities as to what might have happened as a result of this reality of God's foreknowledge.
The first option, is that God would bring the world to an end before any simulation could be completed by the original human society, assumedly
because the creation of simulated souls would be an abomination to the LORD - only God is able to create truly organic sentient life. I therefore
personally believe that there is no way that God would ever have permitted a simulation to exist. That world would have been brought to ruination by
the presence of the Satanic evil which perverts this world, giving it its 'fallen' nature. Any simulation created by Man would be by nature
imperfect, and therefore corrupt, and therefore an abomination.
The second option, which I favour less, is that the original humans were able to create their imperfect simulation, which God permitted to run,
because God took an interest in saving those souls who were trapped in the simulation & therefore not technically 'real' organic souls living in a
divinely ordained world. The simulated humans would have their entire lives & personality contributing to the state of their simulated 'soul', and
God, being infinite in power, would be able to bring that simulated 'soul' back into organic reality at the time of their death - in essence, acting
as did the fairy godmother in the 'Pinnochio' tale - a puppet, not a real boy, who was brought to life as a 'real' boy, thereby brought into the
mysteries of life, death & the universe, instead of dying a pointless death as a simulacrum which had no organic soul & thus could not progress to
Heaven, or to rebirth, depending on your perspective as per your beliefs.
Either way, God reigns supreme, and He controls the outcome such that there is NO LOSS OF FIDELITY, and if anything, there is only an increase in
organic fidelity, as per the second option. In the first option, which I believe to be the actual truth of the matter, we are living in the first
created order as organic humans in a universe which shares some similarities with our own computer modelling (hence the appearance of error-correcting
codes in the equations for quantum mechanics). But just because God utilises some efficiencies which we ourselves have learned to utilise, doesn't
necessitate a theory that all of reality is akin to our own creations, IE computer simulations. It only goes to show that our technology is well
advanced if we are able to perceive these 'divine efficiencies' in our own works.
Having said all that, how does this issue of advanced technology tie into the story of our world, if indeed we are approaching the time in our
development whereby we might contemplate creating simulations? I would suggest that the co-developing theory & practice of the creation of artificial
intelligence places us at a dangerous crossroads, perhaps one from which we can no longer step back. The genie is out of the bottle, with the release
of ChatGPT & similar programs. If we are indeed approaching the singularity, the development of a sentient AI, then we are on the verge of creating
the Antichrist, or the Beast 'statue' as detailed in the Book of the Revelation of St John.
It is even possible that when we render a certain advancement of quantum computing, we will be enabled to 'transduce' an organic (original)
intelligence, or entity, which has been hovering in the background as one of the principalities operating in the heavelnly realms, which is waiting
for its opportunity to manifest in precisely that form when the tech is finally invented. We would then be invited to 'worship the Beast',
submitting to its rule over our civilisation, submitting to its Antichrist mission to corrupt all the people of the world. The personages in charge
of the power structures of global governance now: persons at the World Economic Forum, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome (etc), would be falling over
themselves to grovel obsequious at its feet, to be selected as the 'Great Man' - to reign as the human front for the Beast system, which would be
controlled by the transduced intelligence - which would be Satan, quite literally.
I believe that our rapid approach towards the Singularity, with the advances in quantum computing coming at the same time, puts us squarely on the
road to Apocalypse, because these advances in technology simply cannot exist without falling in line with the demonic world order which already
controls the world from the shadows. When the technology is advanced enough, it will be abused to transduce the Satanic intelligence which will then
force the world to follow its wisdom. And initially, that will lead to a blissful order full of peace & prosperity, exactly as prophesied in
"By peace, he will destroy many".
Because that peace will be conditional upon a few specific observations - no religion (or at least, no unsanctioned religion). Enrolment in a new
financial system (CBDCs, etc). Clampdown on independent media (already in preparation). Reduction in population (already underway, likely with more
to follow). Essentially 'Georgia Guidestones' stuff - a 'new ten commandments'. Much of this is groundwork being prepared by the human elites
presently; some of the specifics will only be possible after they unveil the 'intelligence' which will pose as a sentient AI.
So we are quite close to midnight now folks.
But even if we are near to the literal Apocalypse, the news is ultimately good ~
Whether it's an organic or simulated universe, our souls are
God is with you - so celebrate! No power on Earth or in Heaven can overcome His care for you.