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The Final Theory

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posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 12:14 PM
This is a follow up to my recent thread titled UFO's and the Many Worlds Interpretation. In this thread I'm going to assume the Many Worlds Interpretation is correct, and that it is possible to travel between parallel universes. There's always a chance that those assumptions are wrong, I'm not claiming this theory is 100% correct but I'm pretty confident in it. I've spent almost 2 decades studying the UFO and Alien subject, and I finally feel like the puzzle pieces are starting to fit together in a logical way.

Let's say all these other parallel universes actually exist and when a civilization becomes sufficiently advanced they will develop methods of traveling between those universes. This helps explain why there is such a wide range of humanoid life forms which all look slightly different and also explains how all of them could reach our planet in a practical amount of time, but I already explained all that in my previous thread. Now I want to examine the massive implications if my assumptions are correct.

Imagine we are one of the first civilizations to discover that other universes exist and we develop a way to travel between them. How would our government handle that situation? Would we just ignore all the other universes and hope they never become a threat to us, or would we take active measures to ensure they can never become a threat to us? I guess it really depends who is leading the government, but it's not hard to imagine an outcome where we decide that conquest and domination is the safest option.

Now, we clearly aren't the first civilization in the "multi-verse" to figure out other universes exist, and we haven't figured out how to travel between them, well at least not in the public sector. It's reasonable to think that there are many other parallel Earths which have much more advanced civilizations, and that is the reason we have UFO sightings which go back thousands of years. It's also reasonable to assume at least one of those civilizations decided to pursue an agenda of conquest and domination.

So how could they prevent our civilization becoming a threat to them? Well they could obviously just annihilate us and steal the planet, but I don't really think their agenda is totally "evil", it's more about self-preservation. Imagine once again we were in their place, people would never allow our government to go around destroying intelligent civilizations, it would be considered absolutely outrageous, and could potentially spark a large scale war across multiple universes, which we all want to avoid.

The methods used to achieve their agenda of subjugation are more likely to involve covert operations, psychological manipulation, and other tactics which keep them hidden in the shadows. It seems to me the most effective tactic would be to insert agents into the political power structures of other civilizations so that they could directly control entire nations and limit their progress, or even reverse their progress and destroy their standard of living, destroying their chance for a better future, all while making them think it's a good thing.

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder

When full disclosure happens, the true shock won't be that they actually exist, it will be who they are and where they really come from. It will overthrow our understanding of our place in this universe and force us to accept new physics concepts which could completely transform our civilization for the better. Yet, someone clearly doesn't want us reaching this next phase of civilization.

Here's something I want people to think about; when was the last time your cost of living fell by any considerable amount? Is your quality of life improving or is the average quality of life getting worse despite the fact we are constantly developing new advanced technology to make our lives easier? Energy availability is at the heart of any developed civilization, yet we are facing energy scarcity on a global scale.

Pure Unadulterated Evil

For my entire life it has always felt to me like most world governments are completely fake, there is no real choice, and on the rare occasion the people manage to make their voice heard, the elite go out of their way to punish the "offenders" and make sure it can never happen again. It truly does feel like we are living on some sort of prison planet, and this theory helps us understand why that might be. This theory also helps us understand why our governments react so aggressively to many UFO's in our atmosphere, this planet already has "owners".

Maybe there are some advanced civilizations who want to land on the White House lawn but just entering our airspace might be a risk for them. Ironically, the biggest obstacle to disclosure might be caused by the very thing we are trying to disclose. It explains why there seems to be so much resistance to disclosure at the highest levels of government, and if that's the case it's going to be much harder than we thought to get disclosure, because it would risk us breaking free from this prison planet, and that's the last thing they want.

Their knowledge could be thousands or even millions of years more advanced than ours, which would make it very easy for them to exploit our economy so they can amass absurd amounts of money and power. Even when we go back to ancient times we see many stories of humanoid "gods" coming down from the heavens so they can lead the people and be treated like royalty. I think when we went from candle light to nuclear energy and digital computers in such a short span of time they started paying much more attention to us.
edit on 29/12/2023 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Let’s look at the current circumstances as a whole:

Born with memories wiped ✅
Isolated from other intelligent species in the universe ✅
Don’t know what happens to us when we die ✅
Lied to about our true history ✅

Combining those factors, it appears our isolation / amnesia is by design.

I think an important question to ask is ‘What would an alien species have to gain by disclosing themselves to us?’

If there are ‘many worlds’, I hope the other me’s made better decisions than I did in this timeline…..

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Excellent OP and yea, I've been thinking the multi-verse (proper term) idea is spot on. Although I might add that I've come to believe, largely by way of Skin Walker Ranch, that multiple theories apply. That's to say I believe some visitors are from planets in our Galaxy by way of Worm holes, some visitors are from other dimensions, and some are from parallele universes.

But my heart froze at this idea: "Imagine we are one of the first civilizations to discover that other universes exist and we develop a way to travel between them."

I can't imagine the horror of our civilization being imposed upon another parallel universe. No one deserves that.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Let’s look at the current circumstances as a whole:

Born with memories wiped ✅
Isolated from other intelligent species in the universe ✅
Don’t know what happens to us when we die ✅
Lied to about our true history ✅

Combining those factors, it appears our isolation / amnesia is by design.

I think an important question to ask is ‘What would an alien species have to gain by disclosing themselves to us?’

If there are ‘many worlds’, I hope the other me’s made better decisions than I did in this timeline…..

It's funny mate I was just thinking this very thing last night .

I was having a Gaze at the Moon , I've always found it odd our Moon it just seems out of place.

As we live our lives it feels like we are just thrown into the middle of a timeline , No memories , No direction . We truly are an Amnesiatic Species just left here on this Planet cut off from the rest of the Cosmos.

Perhaps our Species has some sort of Genetic Disease and we are quarantined on Earth .

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

“As we live our lives it feels like we are just thrown into the middle of a timeline , No memories , No direction . We truly are an Amnesiatic Species just left here on this Planet cut off from the rest of the Cosmos.”

Yes, basically we are at the whims of how our parents raise us. Some get lucky, many do not.

Here’s mine:
father is a gaslighting narcissist (don’t speak to him anymore)
Mother is a die hard Jehovah’s Witness (tough to get any logic out of her).

So I’ve been left to fend for myself and figure it all out on my own. Born alone and die alone. This place is unforgiving.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 06:14 PM
I believe there is only one Universe. Uni...

There is however other dimensions. Many. This one Universe is temporary and constantly in flux. It is also in decay. The whole damn Universe is in decay. It is dying.

The aliens left their first estate to come here. The estate (dimension) they came from is permanent. Yet they chose to come here. You see the aliens depicted worldwide carrying a purse in one hand at all times? That is something they needed to stay in the flesh here. It could be compared to some type of life support system. They broke rules, and were told after that that they would die like men. They were playing with genetics at the time, and they are somehow able to mess with genetics now. I dont know if they have engineered and produced bodies they can inhabit (grays)or if they are getting human scientists to do that work for them, but I do believe people in the past saw them, and they will once again show up in the fairly near future in some form. Just to be clear, they are here now. Angelic beings that did not break genetics rules still are around and have the ability to have fleshly bodies at will while obeying their creator. Scripture says they are among us at times and do interact. They are around.

Do high level government officials know this? Of course, they do. There is an interface. They do run things. They have the technology they shared that you use almost all day long. It has always come from them. They can speak to your mind. They can make you a billionaire if they want to. They are different from us, but do have personalities and feelings. They made and continue to make choices. They also face consequences for their actions and behavior.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

They can make you a billionaire if they want to.

That is nothing but a Curse.

Money seems great until you have it .

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Its when you begin to love money that you cross the line

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 07:44 PM

originally posted by: visitedbythem
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Its when you begin to love money that you cross the line

True but I hate money .

It is the most superficial thing ever created by humans , we are creatures of energy and consciousness and yet we can't survive without this Meaningless Physical construct.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

the true shock won't be that they actually exist, it will be who they are and where they really come from.

Or that they've always been here ,withholding their existence and even propagate our technology, sociological
and economical advancements to their standards to understand that they could exist?

It might even be that they extrapolate experiences in their advancement to think twice about talking about them to secretly continue their agenda.

The possibilities are endlessly frustrating to ponder about and their headstart as those before them could simply be relay methods for all starting lifeforms in evolution?

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 08:30 PM
Can we assume that cross-dimensional infiltrators would be like us at all?

As all of this is speculation anyway, why would we assume that ''they'' are enough like us to have the cares and fears that grow out of being humans born on this rock? Maybe that assumption is a crutch of hope that ''we'', as we are, might have even a glimpse of hope in understanding how truly strange is this existence in which we find ourselves.

I mean it's nice trying to figure this out basing the question of ''why'' on human motives but if we are talking about aliens should we not allow for entirely alien motives that we cannot understand because we are not alien? I guess it's comforting to believe either benevolent or malevolent motives as this assumption helps to hold belief in universal motives and causes that we have learned here. This just does not hold for me.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

originally posted by: visitedbythem
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Its when you begin to love money that you cross the line

True but I hate money .

It is the most superficial thing ever created by humans , we are creatures of energy and consciousness and yet we can't survive without this Meaningless Physical construct.

I dont hate money. Its just a tool. We even saw Yeshua use it as a tool to pay taxes.

Here it is in Matthew 17:

24When they had come to Capernaum, those who received the temple tax came to Peter and said, “Does your Teacher not pay the temple tax?”

25He said, “Yes.”

And when he had come into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth take customs or taxes, from their sons or from strangers?”

26Peter said to Him, “From strangers.”

Jesus said to him, “Then the sons are free. 27Nevertheless, lest we offend them, go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take the fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth, you will find a [j]piece of money; take that and give it to them for Me and you.”

As for creatures.. I dont know that I would characterize us as creatures.
Do you agree with all things Yeshua said? Im not asking you to answer that on here. Its just a question for you to think about in private

John 10:34
“Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?”

King James Version (KJV)

Yeah He said that. Its a small g. It doesn't mean Creator like he is, but we do create, and he also is stating first and foremost that the soul of a human being is an eternal creation, and he made each one with his own hands and breathed life not only into our flesh but into our eternal existence as a spiritual being with an eternal soul.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: BingoMcGoof

Scripture has been right all along.

What does it say about them?

They were before Earth was. They cheered when Earth was created. Their estate was not in this Universe. It appears to be in another dimension that is permanent. What we see in this dimension... this Universe is not permanent. From scripture, it appears to me that it is being generated at all times, constantly by "the Word of God": vibration. Its not a computer program. Computer program would be a blue light special compared to what we have going on here.

So what's it all about? Its a story that started forever ago. It truly is the never-ending story. It's the story of love. Its the story of finding true unwavering love, grabbing hold, and never letting go.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
Can we assume that cross-dimensional infiltrators would be like us at all?


Some aliens look very similar to humans. Scripture says so. Also in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, the beings referred to as Angels in scripture walked into Abraham's tent to discuss his departure from the area and the coming destruction. The story gives a lot of clues that answer your questions. From the story I deducted that they looked human like, but were likely taller and had different features. They looked different enough that all the men rushed Lotts home in persuit of them. There is a couple different theories on this.

1 They were tall blonde hair blue eyed nordics, very attractive to the gays of the area.

2 They were spotted as being Angelic aliens, and their semen had the ability to create giants and men of renown. they wanted their genetic material.

When they rushed Lotts house, the Alien Angels used advanced tech to flash and blind the people attacking Lotts home. Then they grabbed Lott by the hand and pulled him out of town as chit hit the fan. All the weirdos died.

So, yes, some look like us, and likely have DNA that is somewhat compatible. The offspring is not the same spiritually nor physically.

Now back to Abraham's tent: Let's ask the questions that are deep. Before the Angels (aliens) walked into Abraham's tent, how did they get there. Did they materialize like in Star Trek? Did they arrive in a star ship? a saucer? Did they get sent by God from another dimension on assignment. It would seem they came at the Creator being's direction.
edit on 29-12-2023 by visitedbythem because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 01:06 AM

originally posted by: BingoMcGoof
Can we assume that cross-dimensional infiltrators would be like us at all?

As all of this is speculation anyway, why would we assume that ''they'' are enough like us to have the cares and fears that grow out of being humans born on this rock?

If the Many Worlds Interpretation is true, we can assume there are nearly countless other time lines which have forked from us, where humans are exactly the same as us or very similar to us. I mentioned in my previous thread that it may be harder to travel to other universes the more they diverge from our own universe, which could explain why we see mostly humanoid aliens.

I also think that most intelligent life evolves to have similar cares and fears because it's just the nature of self-aware consciousness. I think the bigger mistake is how most people assume they would be so different from us that we couldn't possibly understand them. Their agenda only starts to make sense when you realize they have the same flaws we do, the same capacity for evil.

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Yeah, I get that Chao. My approach here is as you suggest in the opposite direction whereby I notice how we can assume similarities when there may not be and you assume that there likely are. Here, to my way of thought is that we assume in the first place and those assumptions limit our considerations.

Do we hold with a universe governed by consciousness or a universe governed by randomness. Personally, I hold with a universe governed by a unified consciousness and that our consciousness and likely alien consciousness flow from that much broader template. But it may not be.

I"m not sure about that same flaws and capacity for evil. That may be and possibly is a localized phenomina. A world that spawned a species that has a different environment might not have the predator genes that we have inherited. We don't know so we build our own mental universes of how we think things might be on the macro scale.

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 06:06 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I think "they" keep us alive for entertainment purposes. Aliens don't need our money but we are a great source of s*its and giggles for them. "The Earthlings" is the most popular soap opera broadcast live in the whole Universe.

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 02:12 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I pretty much agree with your theory, unsure if it's dimensions, multiple realities, or if they are the same thing.

I've been rewatching the series Fringe on Max - I did watch it as well when it was on broadcast TV. The entire series story arc has to do with other realities.

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 05:28 PM
I think there's a shadow biosphere on Earth that is invisible to us. The shadow biosphere talks about microbial life, potentially RNA based. I'm thinking macrobial life, that our eyes don't pick up simply because the way our eyes, lens, mind, etc doesn't perceive and we don't feel it either because it exists at s different vibration.

I also think ET's can be from an Exoplanet.

posted on Dec, 30 2023 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I agree with you I came to a simpler version of that in my own mind lol but I think most likely some ETS are demonic in nature maybe not all but most. To me I think a demonic force would travel from another deminsion.

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