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Minnesota Cities Went All-In for Electric Transit, But the Buses Couldn’t Handle the Cold

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posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: [post=27259923]GENERAL EYES

No reason,trying to embed.

posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 08:30 PM
There are electric cars here in the U.P. The people who own them put them away in the winter because of issues with batteries not being efficient and because the cars are so heavy they take longer to stop on ice and slush.

A few of them had the battery overheat and cause a smoking or fire event because they can't seem to draw a lot of power out of the ice cold battery too. So they are summer cars. They do work pretty well in the summer unless you hit something which caused a fire in a couple of them, one fire killed both occupants coming home from a bar.

posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 08:33 PM
Same thing happened in Edmonton up in Canada

posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 08:48 PM

edit on Dec 27th 2023 by Djarums because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: DingbatNYer


You just made my evening!

Thank you that was absolutely beautiful.

I just added you to my friends list.


edit on 12/27/23 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2023 @ 11:54 PM
a reply to: Loadstain

Reminds me of Obama wasting money on yard fans, after hearing Lefties cry about birds and butterfliez....

These guys just love spending taxpayer monies. I'd love to know where EVERY cent went, but alas, transparency is another nono for the Lefties.

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

This Wise Man just said..............

cupera2 330capt

A gallon of gasoline contains about 33.7 kWh of energy. Filling a 20-gallon tank takes about 5 minutes, so 4g pm is flowing into the tank. Expressed in terms of watts: 33.7 kWh/g * 4 g/m * 60m/h = 8,088 kW. Yep, that's right; you're hooked up to an 8-megawatt source of power. Even if the total car efficiency is only 25%, you're still hooked up to a 2-megawatt power source. For a diesel tractor on the farm, it is even greater. Diesel has ~39.6 kWh in a gallon and a sixty-gallon tank on a tractor that is nearly a 10 megawatt source of power that is recharging the tractor. That tractor is converting that diesel to work at a rate of six gallons an hour. 39.8kWh/g * 0.1g/m * 60 m/h = 238kW. If gasoline or diesel didn't exist, we would have had to invent them.

EV's Will NEVER be Cost Effective Compared to ICE Vehicles .
edit on 28-12-2023 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 05:25 AM
We had something similar happen here. I live in Canada, in a city where Minnesota looks warm by comparison. Our municipal government shoveled millions into electric buses, into a company that had never built an electric bus before, and then surprise, something like a third to a half of them are unusable due to maintenance at any given time.

Electric vehicles are probably the way of the future, but we haven't developed the technology, particularly in regard to batteries, to make them economically viable in the present. They're also nowhere near as 'green' as some are claiming. The electricity still has to get generated from somewhere, and that power is probably still produced by fossil fuels, depending where you live.

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 05:47 AM
Did the public in MN get to vote on the decision to rely on battery powered public transportation? I mean really, most kids in elementary school know that batteries are a problem in winter, especially winter in that place. They certainly should have gone for a propane solution if they wanted to eliminate gas and diesel.

The first thing they should do now is fire every person from the committee that was responsible for purchasing an EV solution for winter in such an environment, and send them all back to grade school where the kids will set them straight.

Reminds me of the Louis Black joke about how cold it is up there, but if you had Fur on your nuts, it would be a festival.

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Oh we are are completely in agreement even though my feminine brain can't understand a damn thing you just shared.

Math is not my strong suit.

But as far as I'm concerned only viable electric vehicle fir mass production is a golf cart.

edit on 12/28/23 by GENERAL EYES because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

This Wise Man just said..............

cupera2 330capt

A gallon of gasoline contains about 33.7 kWh of energy. Filling a 20-gallon tank takes about 5 minutes, so 4g pm is flowing into the tank. Expressed in terms of watts: 33.7 kWh/g * 4 g/m * 60m/h = 8,088 kW. Yep, that's right; you're hooked up to an 8-megawatt source of power. Even if the total car efficiency is only 25%, you're still hooked up to a 2-megawatt power source. For a diesel tractor on the farm, it is even greater. Diesel has ~39.6 kWh in a gallon and a sixty-gallon tank on a tractor that is nearly a 10 megawatt source of power that is recharging the tractor. That tractor is converting that diesel to work at a rate of six gallons an hour. 39.8kWh/g * 0.1g/m * 60 m/h = 238kW. If gasoline or diesel didn't exist, we would have had to invent them.
That's some of the wonkiest math I've ever seen. Filling the tank doesn't result in watts.

The car's engine produces power and it's often expressed in horsepower. You can compare horsepower to kW since 1kW=1.34 hp, so a car producing, for example, 134 horsepower, is producing 100 kW once you convert the units. That's 0.1 megawatts, not 8 megawatts.

But "filling" a gas tank is definitely way faster than recharging batteries, so if that was supposed to be the point, it's better to just say that instead of claiming the 134 hp car has 8 megawatts when it only has 0.1 megawatts.

Anyway back to the cold weather EVs, some people have expressed concern about EV vehicles getting stuck in a huge winter storm. EV has the disadvantage that you can't even turn the power to the battery off completely because heaters run to keep the battery from getting too cold. So with gasoline you can just turn the engine off and wait until the road is plowed, then start it back up and continue driving, but the EV batteries can't really be turned completely off in cold weather and could be drained by the time you can start driving again.

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 10:29 AM

originally posted by: Dandandat3
The governor should just make it so difficult for people to travel that they choose not too.

Guaranteed that's their aim (15 minute prison city trials in the UK ULEZ ) . They want us imprisoned into small areas . Can you imagine no international travel ever anymore? It's their plan though (agenda2021/agenda2030). That's also why they are making air travel , on purpose, more and more a miserable experience : extra long security now compared to the 2000s, smaller leg room, grumpier cabin crew (who are told to be grumpy to passengers) , the hassle in simply buying tickets, etc

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 10:43 AM
Virtue signaling at the expense of We The People

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 11:25 AM
Here is another story of the stupidity of electric vehicles and anyone that thinks they will become mainstream enough where everyone will buy one.

Firefighters use 36k gallons of water to extinguish flaming Tesla after ‘battery’ fire

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 12:25 PM
$1.7 million federal grant to buy eight battery-electric accordion busses.

Seems the company they were to use is now bankrupt.

Green is the new pork....

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 03:04 PM
This state is run by the twin cities, and the rest of the state suffers as the result. There is a streak of idiocy in every democrat and liberal that borders on a form of self destructive behavior. Not only do these people make poor choices, but expect everyone who doesn’t to simply go along and tolerate it. Screeching whenever reality is thrown in their faces as being offensive. How dare you present facts, when my version of truth is more powerful because I have more morons supporting it.

The kind of person who becomes a democrat, is the kind of person who used to burn witches at the stake. If they are a witch they can survive the flames. If they don’t, well, they were innocent and likely going to be troublesome anyway. Gotta keep the rest of the proletariat in line. Present truth to a democrat and they will react the same way a vampire does to sunlight or a crucifix.

Let’s spend money on things that don’t work. Like the light rail system they have which they want to run clear up to Duluth. While I can see the appeal, and light rail can be effective as transportation, currently it is being used by criminals. High rates of crime. Violent crime too. a reply to: CosmicFocus

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

" A gallon of gasoline contains about 33.7 kWh of energy."

Sorry , it is Expressing how much Energy can be Produced by a Gallon of Gasoline if used to Generate Electricity .

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 08:03 PM
Minnesotan here, I’m surprised there’s actually problems with these electric vehicles considering this is the worst winter I have ever experienced. Zero snow in the twin cities and temperatures have been around
20-50 degrees. I know El Niño is supposed to mean little snow and warmer weather but this is horrible.

posted on Dec, 28 2023 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: Arbitrageur

" A gallon of gasoline contains about 33.7 kWh of energy."

Sorry , it is Expressing how much Energy can be Produced by a Gallon of Gasoline if used to Generate Electricity .
You already posted that, maybe that's what your quotes mean. But that reply doesn't tell me if you understand what you posted after that is completely wrong: " Expressed in terms of watts: 33.7 kWh/g * 4 g/m * 60m/h = 8,088 kW. Yep, that's right; "

Nope, that's not right. Someone has a very confused view of the relationship between power and energy and thinks power has something to do with how fast you fill up a tank. It's not the 33.7 kWh of energy per gallon of gas that's wrong, it's the 8 megawatt calculation that's wrong. The 33.7 kWh/g is stored energy, and once you pump it into the car it's still exactly the same amount of stored energy per gallon. So the net power of pumping it into the car is either zero, or if you want to calculate matters further you could say it's however many watts the gas pump uses to pump the 4 g/m.

posted on Dec, 31 2023 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: Loadstain
the green new deal transition to electric is proving to be not only totally fraudulent (as in a giant wealth transfer mechanism on a global scale) but will likely wind up killing billions of people as energy gets scarcer and scarcer and becomes unaffordable. This is the real goal: death and destruction to a lot of people.

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