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Illegals at NYCs Floyd Bennett Field are Begging Local Residents for Food and Money

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posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 06:27 PM
New York City declared itself a sanctuary city. It says it will house, cloth, feed, and medically take care of illegals coming into the country. So naturally, this entices illegals to come and get their free stuff. New York City is swamped and it's only going to get worse. Now, the illegals that are being housed at Floyd Bennett Field in NYC are going outside the shelter that has been set up, and they are going door to door to American homes begging for food, clothes, and money. The locals are upset, and worried about crime etc etc.

NYC has also announced that it is having to make cuts to law enforcement and sanitation to pay for all the illegals that have come in. NYC taxpayers are paying for shelter, food, medical issues, clothing, etc, while their own services are cut back.

Well ... this is what they voted for. Sanctuary city status. They kind of only have themselves to blame.

Illegals at NYCs Floyd Bennett Field are Begging Residents for Food and Money

Migrants staying at the Big Apple’s controversial tent shelter at Floyd Bennett Field have started going door to door in nearby neighborhoods begging residents for cash, food and clothes, furious locals told The Post Friday.

David Fitzgerald, 62, said he has noticed an influx of asylum seeker families showing up on his doorstep in Brooklyn’s Marine Park neighborhood in recent weeks asking for spare change — sparking safety fears among some of his neighbors.

“There’s definitely an invasion of immigrants from Floyd Bennett Field in our neighborhood and I see them sitting outside stores … outside the mall and going around to all the houses in the neighborhood, knocking on the door looking for money,” the retiree said.

“I certainly sympathize with their situation, but to have people knocking at your door looking for food that don’t speak English, it’s annoying. I don’t like it. We have never had this before, ever,” he continued.

+3 more 
posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

When virtue signaling bites you in the ass.


Suck it New York.

I'm in Oregon and it's getting that way also.

Too bad my vote doesn't count.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 06:56 PM
Why is the current Federal Administration allowing Migrants to live in poverty for so long? 😀

And how are 650 immigration judges going to handle 10 million cases?

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 06:58 PM

originally posted by: WingDingLuey
Why is the current Federal Administration allowing Migrants to live in poverty for so long? 😀

And how are 650 immigration judges going to handle 10 million cases?

Cases are scheduled out to 2031.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:29 PM
Pretty sure if you look in the Archives, you'll find we tried to warn the bleeding hearts about this years ago.

Elections have consequences.

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

I'm in Oregon and it's getting that way also.

Too bad my vote doesn't count.

So recently moved from Portland over here to Virginia it's much nicer DB. The weather is better and the gas is under 3 bucks a gallon. Everything is cheaper compared to there though the drivers here are crazy on levels that make Portalnd drivers look like the best. No homeless either, I wonder why?

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 09:59 PM
I say keep sending them to the liberal cities... They need to go somewhere and it seems all these cities just talk the talk and expect the border States to handle it all. Why should NY complain as they expect Texas to just take the brunt of the issues?

NY says we can't handle them, they are driving us into bankruptcy, they are using up all the social programs, we have no place to put them...

Texas says well no sh!

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan


The trick is having an Independent or Republican DA.

She can only do so much when the Federal government increases our county population 50k in a few months.

Like most border cities, the metropolitan population of 3.3 million is closer to 3.6. Census data doesn't really acknowledge that.

Here's the opinion of a local "left-leaning" CBS affiliate.

I think many people were now on board with "secure the border."

I also seem to remember Obama and Napolitano being actually competent with the border. They were even substantiallly higher than Trump in deportation numbers.
edit on 22-12-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 11:58 PM
I am happy to let those who supported the unrestricted migration of the dregs of the species suffer the consequences. Hopefully it opens their eyes to the need to expel each and every one of them.
edit on 22122023 by Ohanka because: autocorrect

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 12:51 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Umm who is this David Fitzgerald individual?
I've tried looking him up but with my little knowledge all I found was obituary article after another.
Is he real or did the post just pick a dead man's name for a story?

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 01:00 AM

edit on 12/23/2023 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 04:09 AM

originally posted by: Allaroundya4k
Umm who is this David Fitzgerald individual?
I've tried looking him up but with my little knowledge all I found was obituary article after another.
Is he real or did the post just pick a dead man's name for a story?

You are kidding, right? The article interviewed multiple New York residents. And how exactly would you investigate one of the residents to see if they exist? It's not like there are phone books anymore. If someone on the internet tried to investigate me they'd find nothing. I have no landlines. I have no instagram. I have no YouTube. I have no TikTok. I had a Facebook but that's long since not been used. I've never had any news articles about me nor an obituary (obviously). There would be nothing that they could find online about me.

I do not doubt the article at all. There is no reason to.

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 05:36 AM
This administration is a bad joke. We had a record set of 12k migrants in one day recently and they just smashed that with 14,500k coming over in one day a few days ago. This is pathetic and in no way sustainable. All the geniuses that voted for this dumpster fire of a administration are responsible for flushing this country down the drain because that’s exactly what’s happening. They’re bankrupting city’s and this country systematically, it’s absolute BS.

They’ve let in more than double the population of the state of Oklahoma since Brandon’s been in office and taxpayers are paying for this #. It’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen done to this country in my lifetime of 60 years. What’s even crazier is that there’s idiots that will still vote Democrat in the next election. How can anybody that calls themselves a American vote for one more single democrat after this display of utter incompetence by the dem party. I’m disgusted and Biden can’t be gone fast enough. Arghhhhhh!🤬

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 05:46 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I say keep sending them to the liberal cities

I say stop letting them into the country, period and start deporting. From here out they will be a cancer and a societal burden on American citizens. It was bad enough before potatoe head joe got in office, now there’s no return from this. They want our jobs, money, housing, education, medical and anything else they can squeeze out of us for decades to come.

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 06:31 AM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab
What’s even crazier is that there’s idiots that will still vote Democrat in the next election.

That's just it. They really can't complain about being overrun with illegals ... they vote for the Democrats who put in 'sanctuary city' status. It's their own fault. And they aren't even remotely overrun like Texas and other places are.

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab

I say stop letting them into the country, period and start deporting. From here out they will be a cancer and a societal burden on American citizens. It was bad enough before potatoe head joe got in office, now there’s no return from this. They want our jobs, money, housing, education, medical and anything else they can squeeze out of us for decades to come.

Well Duh...

But that isn't what old Joe and the libs want to do as they live with their head in the sand saying the border is fine, life is great, and Joe is one of the greatest Presidents we ever had. So what we need is to open up a can of reality and let them feel the pain that the border states feel, and maybe they might get a clue.

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
I say keep sending them to the liberal cities... They need to go somewhere and it seems all these cities just talk the talk and expect the border States to handle it all. Why should NY complain as they expect Texas to just take the brunt of the issues?

NY says we can't handle them, they are driving us into bankruptcy, they are using up all the social programs, we have no place to put them...

Texas says well no sh!

Most people were clueless about ALL the issues, the challenges, dynamics, the sheer numbers, etc. In a nutshell, they weren't familiar or ready to practice the logistics involved. They had been all talk and little to no action on immigration. When the rubber hit the road, they weren't ready because they never took the situation serious or thought about it as a 'close encounter'. They literally could only speculate on a very thin veneer layer of humanitarian assistance, and at that, didn't want to get THEIR hands dirty, or sacrifice anything to sustain other's comfort AND insertion into their own back yards. Their rose colored glasses are starting to fade along with the focused reality of what their prompts and poster board signs were really enticing. They were accepting of the migrants based on corrupt intel. And of course, they will be the first to complain about 'their' lack of security that they were by proxy, giving away.

This is real life we're talking about. Many millions of real people in the last few years have travelled from around the world, hundreds and thousands of miles, some on foot, risked life and limb to make the great migration and live in the greatest country in the world BECAUSE they were enticed to do. They were encouraged to migrate based on corrupt intel. They are here now and it's chaos because no place in this country was ready for the sheer numbers. And this country isn't ready for the sheer numbers, especially in such a short amount of time, with no systematic organized plans in place practiced by all to process and adopt the migrants.

All in all, the left have compromised every. single. thing. that peoples EVERYWHERE attempt to attain throughout their lives. A cohesive, sustainable, opportunistic, supportive and overall safe society. By subjecting insecurity on both the givers and receivers, they have promoted doubt, fear, and inhospitable lifestyles for many people in a short time. Which we all know leads to crime, chaos, unsafe, and an insecure society.

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: StoutBroux
They were encouraged to migrate based on corrupt intel. They are here now and it's chaos because no place in this country was ready for the sheer numbers. And this country isn't ready for the sheer numbers, especially in such a short amount of time, with no systematic organized plans in place practiced by all to process and adopt the migrants.

That is what the liberals do... We love all, Conservatives hate you all so come quickly while the Liberals are in charge, and boy do they come. Even though Obama and Clinton wanted to push tough immigration laws the liberals as a whole wanted to portray the opposite of whatever the Conservatives stood for even if it tore our country apart.

All in all, the left have compromised every. single. thing. that peoples EVERYWHERE attempt to attain throughout their lives. A cohesive, sustainable, opportunistic, supportive and overall safe society. By subjecting insecurity on both the givers and receivers, they have promoted doubt, fear, and inhospitable lifestyles for many people in a short time. Which we all know leads to crime, chaos, unsafe, and an insecure society.

They are so ignorant and lost in some rose color glasses viewpoint. When I look at Portland they pushed to defund the police, progressive prosecutors, homeless-friendly city, drug-free zones etc.

1. Stores are either already closed or closing in mass
2. Not enough cops and they really do not care.
3. Not only are the streets full of the homeless but people lost in drugs and just lay in the streets.
4. Mass crime as it has been incentivized by weak prosecution to the point a person can shoplift and no one can touch them in the process.

So now you have these liberals calling the cops because the homeless are living in their front yards and the cops are like all deal with it. Also, the homeless and criminals just break into houses and start to live there and the owners can't do anything as the cops will not come as they have been dealing with the cop hate from these same people for years. A friend of mine said the secret is to say people broke into your place and you have guns in there, then the cops come.

edit on x31Sat, 23 Dec 2023 09:55:33 -06002023356America/ChicagoSat, 23 Dec 2023 09:55:33 -06002023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Same thing in Seattle and Austin.

Wealthy transplants complaining about the swaths of new homeless due to rent increases defecating on their lawns and leaving drug paraphernalia in dump spots in their neighborhoods that require biohazard crews to clean the mess up.

Back in the day before the new blood moved in the addicts at least had affordable accommodations to indulge in their addictions and finding used needles on the street was a very rare sight indeed.

Now both of these beautiful cities are back to square one like the drug epidemic of the 90s with meth and heroin abusers shooting up wherever and whenever they need their fix.

Tourists are complaining about feces in front of businesses and overpowering smells from public urination in parking garages.

There are areas that have daily clean up efforts and they frequently have to call in power washing companies to keep certain areas sanitized.

And then these newcomers have the audacity to complain about rising property taxes to cover the cost of these clean up efforts and services for the displaced and unhoused.

On the bright side a small nonprofit was able to finalize the purchase of an old hotel they revamped to provide accommodations for single parent families and folks without drug and alcohol issues so that's encouraging.

It's just an absolute cluster fudge and even though detox centers are freely available a lot of addicts prefer to continue their addictions and my heart goes out to the responders tasked with picking up overdose cases.

I really hate whoever got these poor folks hooked on hard drugs in the first place and I hope they have a special place in hell reserved exclusively for them.

posted on Dec, 23 2023 @ 12:57 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES

Tourists are complaining about feces in front of businesses and overpowering smells from public urination in parking garages.

There are areas that have daily clean up efforts and they frequently have to call in power washing companies to keep certain areas sanitized.

So I know Portland and Seattle well. Going back 10+ years when all this we love the homeless thing got big I quickly noticed that all the restaurants and bars put combos on their bathhrooms. The person that worked there whispered to you the combo with a wink. Later, it took one of them to personally open the bathroom for you each time. Then I saw stores going the same way, telling the homeless to not come in etc.

I thought about where are these people supposed to go to the bathroom if all places are closed to them. I then looked up port-a-potty and 8 will service 500 people, so these cities could buy them and position them around in key areas and have city workers service them every couple of days, so for Portland we are talking maybe 50 or less... Maybe 750k service fee per YEAR...

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