posted on Dec, 22 2023 @ 07:27 AM
originally posted by: Klassified
a reply to: 727Sky
It's fairly simple. Those who have served are telling the younger ones in their families to avoid the military. I've seen it first hand. Why fight for
a country whose present government hates its own people and is working hard to replace them with immigrants?
How did it become acceptable to have a majority in Congress actively and vigorously trying to scrap the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?
Especially the Bill of Rights? New legislation is being brought almost weekly that amounts to blatantly stripping the public of their rights. Smh.
It's their mandate to undermine and subjugate the American citizenry whilst breaking or distorting whatever law is necessary to do so.
This is in real-time folks. We are watching it happen day after day and people are STILL apathetically propping up 'hope' as their salvation; it's
their fallacious autopilot option.
Win without doing. Free without strings. Security without enforcement. Governance without oversight. Change without pain.
The fallout of this cultural revolution experiment over the last ~20 years is exactly what you see. A rudderless society that beginning to ask the
ultimate question which is actually one word:
These kids have been told their government and certain ethnic groups are horrifically villainous to human progress and liberty. What would they be
fighting for? There's no nationwide rally to arms or singular purpose to get behind. It's all BS.
This bleeds over into other things as life in general becomes purposeless under the current socioeconomic paradigm. Probably done on purpose to
destroy it as pretty much everything else is being toppled as well. Making crime trivial is planned. Making law and order trivial is planned.
Neutering economic activity is planned. Attacking children with filth is planned. An sustained assault on our rights is planned, etc.
When you step back and look at it all, one could easily ask, what's the use? That disillusioned and jaded outlook is only the beginning.
There's really no glory, nor honor, in these MIC enrichment schemes that wipe out a good deal of each generation in this country. Gotta stop feeding
the machine.