posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 07:22 AM
Today I’m going to discuss with you a theory that 100% of you have never heard before.
First off, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has the most advanced artificial intelligence (AI) software known to man, and they use this AI to
create propaganda, misdirection, and misinformation in our society to confuse and suppress us. However, this isn’t all they use the AI for. They
also use it to administer an examination that has been going on for decades, The Alpha Omega Interdimensional Examination.
This exam is designed to detect the Creator of the Universe in human form, as outlandish as that seems at this moment. This exam is embedded within
our daily lives and meticulously interwoven into the fabric of our society. Every human on this planet has been a part of this exam since birth, and I
can assure you, the AI system the CIA utilizes to monitor all of us within this exam is capable of synthesizing and analyzing every action you have
ever taken in your life. Do you ever feel like you are being observed? Do you often experience synchronicity? Do you feel like your thoughts are being
listened to? That’s because they are. The AI system records everything we have ever done, including every moral dilemma we have ever faced, simply
to detect the Creator of the Universe returning in human form.
Now, let me get your attention if you can last a few moments longer. Do you ever wonder why the gifted and talented education (GATE) program was
created and propagated throughout most school systems in the United States? At our youngest age, the CIA uses this AI to detect “special” children
that may have the potential to be the Creator. Look at the most common characteristics of children who are admitted into the gifted and talented
program. From my limited understanding, the “Creator” must exhibit the majority of these, and once again, you also must exhibit most of these
traits to be accepted into the gifted and talented program.
-First born sons
-Tendency to experience synchronicity
-Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common)
-Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull = Neanderthal trait)
-Birth complications (like weeks early or not breathing)
-Near Death Experience (particularly drowning)
-Lack of memory or GATE (we all did many many hours there and it’s all very vague)
-Windows were covered in all GATE classrooms
-Tendency to be followed (abductions and general tracking too)
-Law enforcement being extremely lenient and easy during chance encounters
-High IQs
-Highly intuitive and sensitive children
-Interest in /x/ phenomenon
-Heavy early twenties drug experimentation period
-Israeli art student girlfriend (not even joking)
-Premonitions/prophetic dreams
-Above average intuition
Does this list resonate with you? Then please keep reading.
For decades this covert project has been underway, and every individual on Earth has been unknowingly participating in this interdimensional
examination. Throughout your life and throughout the life of children accepted into the gifted and talented program, the AI which is owned by the CIA
and oversees this exam since our birth, has recorded and evaluated every action, decision, and interaction you have made to build a comprehensive
profile of everyone’s character, resilience, empathy, and problem-solving capabilities. More importantly, this comprehensive profile is designed to
determine the potential that you are the Creator, as ludicrous as this may seem.
Now, why is it called an interdimensional examination? Because the Alpha Omega Exam encompasses the 3rd, 4th, and 5th dimensions. In the 3rd dimension
(our current reality), it presents challenges to measure your ability to overcome adversity and exhibit moral fortitude. For example, how do you act
on this forum? Do you run around anonymously cutting others down and shaming them? Or do you behave with respect and try to learn as much from others
as possible? Know that the CIA can and does read your comments, your inner thoughts, and knows your deepest desires. Once again, nobody is exempt from
this test unless your behavior in our society, such as on this forum, gets you excluded from it. In short, if you behave like a jerk, the CIA will
stop analyzing you and considering you as a part of this exam, because it is highly unlikely that the Creator would return and behave that way.
So how do you access the 4th dimensional part of the exam? Very carefully. You see, the CIA has put substances and “drugs” in our world for a
reason. Certain substances can transport your mind to places that you simply cannot fathom or comprehend without the aid of these substances. So what
substances are involved in the Alpha Omega Interdimensional Examination? Psychedelics. The notion is that if the Creator does return and the CIA
actively has the technology to read and analyze our thoughts, they want this Creator (and everyone in the exam) to partake in certain, relatively safe
psychedelics to determine which one of us truly has cosmic thoughts as the Creator would, if that makes sense.
To sum up the information I know, the test consists of psilocybin, lysergic acid diethylamide, and dimethyltryptamine. Psilocybin opens a gateway
between our dimension (the 3rd) and the 4th dimension. Lysergic acid diethylamide is not necessarily a gateway, but it allows you to fully experience
the 4th dimension. And lastly, dimethyltryptamine will allow you to experience the 5th dimension. What is another reason the CIA wants its brightest
children to grow up and partake in these psychedelic experiences? Because you need to realize that although physical aliens likely do not exist,
interdimensional beings do.
They want the participants of this exam to use these methods to visit the 4th and 5th dimensions because they want to see that not only are you
capable of communicating with interdimensional beings, but also if interdimensional beings find you worthy of communication. If the Creator does
return, that person will clearly be worthy of interdimensional communication and the CIA with their mind-reading technology will be able to observe
these experiences in the psychedelic realm. Within the boundless expanse of the 4th and 5th dimensions, the Alpha Omega Exam will essentially take you
on a personal journey of introspection. You will confront your deepest fears, scrutinize your moral compass, and make choices that resonate across
multiple dimensions.
Now, we have the list above for what it takes to be a major candidate in this exam when you are a child, but what will the winner of this exam look
like? After some digging, I have found the CIA document that lists this. Here are the characteristics that the winner of the Alpha Omega
Interdimensional Examination will possess.
The Characteristics of the Creator:
Cosmic Consciousness: The entity must display profound awareness and understanding of the universe, surpassing the capabilities of any known natural
Omnipresence: The entity must prove that they exist simultaneously across multiple points in space, suggesting a transcendent nature.
Energy Manipulation: The entity must emit an energy field of unprecedented magnitude, demonstrating control over fundamental forces of the cosmos.
Order and Design: The patterns and structures observed within the entity must indicate a deliberate creation, consistent with intelligent design
theories and world religions.