I must stand tall tahu is watching
So is my family and so is my Tribe
Mustn't seek vanity must seek to be wise must seek to be wise yeah
I've heard it all before now that's what the man said held it in my heart but held it in my hand
it isn't just suggestion but spiritual law that
Love all serve all and remember jah
another uplifter:
edit on 15-12-2023 by ButterfliesAndPonies because: add
Well yeah. Only masochists are able to give love without anything in return. To most love has to be about them at least a quid pro quo. To me
it seems they're missing the point entirely.
Because love is to appreciate what is.
Not the wish to change it, or what will be.
From that a lot of psychological consequences arise.
...but you know love is only half of the equation if love would be the motor of everybody we would run into serious issues too. Which doesn't mean
'hate' which is probably what everybody who reads this' mind just went to, not opposite: companion.
The balancing force.
But I don't know what that is as that is a place people like you and me can't go.
All I know is: one can't be without the other
I've always wanted an excuse to share this song. This seems like a good thread.
I feel if you, forum reader, like amazing singing, this is one of the most amazing duets people have never heard. It's from the same group of North
European artists I can't extract myself from. They're all friends in real life, and they all do amazing work with each other.
If Disney and Symphony Metal had a baby, but it was mostly still Disney.
edit on 16-12-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)