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Cheshire Troll sighting

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posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 04:00 PM
I drive a taxi and a few weeks ago I'd picked up four lads going from Winsford in Cheshire to Liverpool Airport. At about 4:10am ish i was going northbound along the A49. Just as we went around the slight left curve of the road towards the Riverside Pub, something crossed the road somewhere near the pub and the caravan park from the right to the left towards the open fields. If you look at this google link, its the map of the area and you'll see we were some distance away but with a clear line of sight.

Google Map area link

Whatever it was, it crossed the road at the same speed as a fox or dog. It was 1/3 to a 1/4ish the height of a lamp post. Now this is the odd thing, for as much as it was tall, it was wide. Two of the four lads saw it too, so I know i wasn't just seeing 'things'. The guy in the front said it was sort of 'hunched'.

It got me thinking to do an internet search and see what comes up and look at this.....

The Cheshire Troll

The Cheshire Troll was a bulky humanoid-like creature that stood 18 feet tall. It had no hair, was very pale, had glowing yellow eyes, big ears, a hunched back

This page checks alot of boxes, size, description and location. but.......

According to this odd internet page the first sighting was in 1974 and the final sighting in 1977.

I'm going to go and knock on a few farmers doors this week and see if there has been any 'odd things afoot'.

Id' thought i'd better post this somewhere on the internet because there is very little. and i definetly saw something odd.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: McUrnsalso
Oh wow! And what a fabulous confirmation after you saw it!
Please keep us updated when you've spoken to the farmers.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

This is the third odd thing i've seen whilst i've been driving about, but the only one that i can really do some foot work with. Most of the odd sightings around these parts are the big cat sightings, but we'll see what happens when i go door knocking

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: McUrnsalso
Myself and my exhusband both saw a big cat crossing the road late at night on the Fosse Way in Gloucestershire. It even stopped half way across and looked straight at us as I came to a halt!
I absolutely believe big cats exist.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

They do. Saw one in Kent whilst fishing a lake. Was on the far bank. Went over there and saw huge paw prints in the mud. Size of an alsatian but black.

No photos, in the 80s.

Loads of mates saw it too. Pretty sure they were exotic pets let loose when they got a bit too big to handle.

Like alligators in NY sewers.

The Beast of Bodmin Moor is well documented, too.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: McUrnsalso
I drive a taxi and a few weeks ago I'd picked up four lads going from Winsford in Cheshire to Liverpool Airport. At about 4:10am ish i was going northbound along the A49. Just as we went around the slight left curve of the road towards the Riverside Pub, something crossed the road somewhere near the pub and the caravan park from the right to the left towards the open fields. If you look at this google link, its the map of the area and you'll see we were some distance away but with a clear line of sight.

Google Map area link

Whatever it was, it crossed the road at the same speed as a fox or dog. It was 1/3 to a 1/4ish the height of a lamp post. Now this is the odd thing, for as much as it was tall, it was wide. Two of the four lads saw it too, so I know i wasn't just seeing 'things'. The guy in the front said it was sort of 'hunched'.

It got me thinking to do an internet search and see what comes up and look at this.....

The Cheshire Troll

The Cheshire Troll was a bulky humanoid-like creature that stood 18 feet tall. It had no hair, was very pale, had glowing yellow eyes, big ears, a hunched back

This page checks alot of boxes, size, description and location. but.......

According to this odd internet page the first sighting was in 1974 and the final sighting in 1977.

I'm going to go and knock on a few farmers doors this week and see if there has been any 'odd things afoot'.

Id' thought i'd better post this somewhere on the internet because there is very little. and i definetly saw something odd.


Very interesting sighting!

Was the creature you saw that tall?

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: McUrnsalso

How tall are the lamp posts?

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 04:57 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: angelchemuel

They do. Saw one in Kent whilst fishing a lake. Was on the far bank. Went over there and saw huge paw prints in the mud. Size of an alsatian but black.

No photos, in the 80s.

Loads of mates saw it too. Pretty sure they were exotic pets let loose when they got a bit too big to handle.

Like alligators in NY sewers.

The Beast of Bodmin Moor is well documented, too.

But was this creature as tall as it was described earlier. 18 feet is over 5.5 metres tall.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 05:06 PM
There was also a Puma sighted there.

Mate was walking round the lake, thought it was a roll of dumped carpet, gave it a kick and it snarled. Never seen him run so fast.

Odd lake. We night fished it. Known for it's large rats. One night there was loads of them in front of us making a racket. Shone torch, reflection from eyes was like a foot across. Legged it and spent night sleeping in car.

Turns out, they were escaped Coypus.

Like Big Beavers.

edit on 12-12-2023 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem
UK ;amposts are around 12 meters or almost 40ft high in most areas.
So if OP said a 1/3 to a quarter of the height, let's asume a 1/4 if 'it' was hunched over, what he saw would have appeared 10ft tall, straightened up then around 15ft tall. So, not far off!

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 05:08 PM
What a troll!!!

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

Cat paw prints, not dogs.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 05:28 PM
They are probably from another dimension and aren't here all the time. We think that is the case with Bigfoot. My friend saw one in Humboldt, he also suggested they weren't here all the time.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 05:28 PM
Trolleborg FC

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: McUrnsalso

Ogres, Trolls, Bigfoot and even the Green man, in my opinion, are the same thing.

I think different parts of the world are giving the same creature different names.

Are there any known cave systems in that area? Some people attribute the Bigfoot smell to sulfur as if they came from underground.
edit on 12-12-2023 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 07:05 PM
Cool sighting. At five yards (5 meter) tall that is a big one. About the house here in west Oz, they are about two feet (2/3 meter) tall. At least the ones I gave seen within my house and in my garden. Those have a lot in common with the brownies and dwarves of the European folk lore.

They are an interesting study.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 09:20 PM

originally posted by: McUrnsalso
I drive a taxi and a few weeks ago I'd picked up four lads going from Winsford in Cheshire to Liverpool Airport. At about 4:10am ish i was going northbound along the A49. Just as we went around the slight left curve of the road towards the Riverside Pub, something crossed the road somewhere near the pub and the caravan park from the right to the left towards the open fields. If you look at this google link, its the map of the area and you'll see we were some distance away but with a clear line of sight.

Google Map area link

Whatever it was, it crossed the road at the same speed as a fox or dog. It was 1/3 to a 1/4ish the height of a lamp post. Now this is the odd thing, for as much as it was tall, it was wide. Two of the four lads saw it too, so I know i wasn't just seeing 'things'. The guy in the front said it was sort of 'hunched'.

It got me thinking to do an internet search and see what comes up and look at this.....

The Cheshire Troll

The Cheshire Troll was a bulky humanoid-like creature that stood 18 feet tall. It had no hair, was very pale, had glowing yellow eyes, big ears, a hunched back

This page checks alot of boxes, size, description and location. but.......

According to this odd internet page the first sighting was in 1974 and the final sighting in 1977.

I'm going to go and knock on a few farmers doors this week and see if there has been any 'odd things afoot'.

Id' thought i'd better post this somewhere on the internet because there is very little. and i definetly saw something odd.

It was Jerry Nadler

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 09:39 PM
This reminds me of one night coming home with the ex. We saw all kinds of small animals running away from something. Then shortly later this big, black, hairy floppy meat sack looking thing goes tumble-running across the road chasing after a small animal. I actually rejoined to make a post after reading your post, but have a few more replies to go evidently.

posted on Dec, 13 2023 @ 12:48 AM

originally posted by: McUrnsalso
I drive a taxi and a few weeks ago I'd picked up four lads going from Winsford in Cheshire to Liverpool Airport. At about 4:10am ish i was going northbound along the A49. Just as we went around the slight left curve of the road towards the Riverside Pub, something crossed the road somewhere near the pub and the caravan park from the right to the left towards the open fields. If you look at this google link, its the map of the area and you'll see we were some distance away but with a clear line of sight.

Google Map area link

Whatever it was, it crossed the road at the same speed as a fox or dog. It was 1/3 to a 1/4ish the height of a lamp post. Now this is the odd thing, for as much as it was tall, it was wide. Two of the four lads saw it too, so I know i wasn't just seeing 'things'. The guy in the front said it was sort of 'hunched'.

It got me thinking to do an internet search and see what comes up and look at this.....

The Cheshire Troll

The Cheshire Troll was a bulky humanoid-like creature that stood 18 feet tall. It had no hair, was very pale, had glowing yellow eyes, big ears, a hunched back

This page checks alot of boxes, size, description and location. but.......

According to this odd internet page the first sighting was in 1974 and the final sighting in 1977.

I'm going to go and knock on a few farmers doors this week and see if there has been any 'odd things afoot'.

Id' thought i'd better post this somewhere on the internet because there is very little. and i definetly saw something odd.

Great sighting!

posted on Dec, 13 2023 @ 01:13 AM
Usually trolls are very tall and they have been sighted all over Scandinavia.

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