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Study Shows Children of Conservative Parents Have Best Mental Health

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posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 06:53 PM
Wonder how it does for parents who don’t subscribe to dogmatic ideology. And I wouldn’t reserve that for only left and right, but other things like religion.

I’m not saying that people shouldn’t have opinions and world views, but certain camps have gotten toxic as of late, and I’m sure sometimes that can roll down hill to children.

Politically, many people in the left and right have a lot of self righteousness. Which to me is odd considering they’ve both run the show for decades, and both have driven it into the ground while enriching people in there close circles.

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: Klassified

This is how surprised I am at the results of this study...

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 07:04 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
Wonder how it does for parents who don’t subscribe to dogmatic ideology. And I wouldn’t reserve that for only left and right, but other things like religion.

I’m not saying that people shouldn’t have opinions and world views, but certain camps have gotten toxic as of late, and I’m sure sometimes that can roll down hill to children.

Politically, many people in the left and right have a lot of self righteousness. Which to me is odd considering they’ve both run the show for decades, and both have driven it into the ground while enriching people in there close circles.

I think a lot is about what happens after they finish high school -- especially if they've been brought up in a tight cloistered environment.

College may be the first real freedom they've experienced.

Or even employment -- that exposes them to more of the world and different types of people.

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

The root of the word "conservatve" is conserve.

The first defintion of the word "conserve" in the American Heritage Dictionary is:

To protect from loss or harm; preserve.

Merriam-Webster says:

to keep in a safe or sound state

The Cambridge Dictionary says:

to keep and protect something from damage, change, or waste:

Anything or anyone that does not achieve this end is not conservative. they may espouse some opinions or cling to some platforms that are similar to true conservative values, but the term is thrown around to freely.

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: AwakeNotWoke


Plenty of independent minded people who want to conserve good aspects of the country and humanity without subscribing to a grifting party that does anything but.

I don’t see how they’ve been conserving money with record spending. Or conserving freedoms with things like the patriot act.

Call a group by any name you want, but actions speak louder.

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: Annee

Programed parents have programmed kids.


Right over her head.

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: Annee

Depends on the kid too. Some are more resistant and can shake things if and walk their own path. Some hold onto their childhood too hard.

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: Annee

Depends on the kid too. Some are more resistant and can shake things if and walk their own path. Some hold onto their childhood too hard.


I'm very much a supporter of "we are who we are born" -- that our brain tells us who we are.

The brain is flexible and adaptable to environment -- but its a toss up to which comes out stronger.

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 07:54 PM
You're using a very biased website as evidence? I'd prefer a more unbiased study.

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 08:14 PM
Raise your kids, spoil your Grandchildren. Spoil your kids, raise your Grandchildren.

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: Crazylife
You're using a very biased website as evidence? I'd prefer a more unbiased study.

I'm sure you'll find something that confirms what you want to believe.

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: Annee

Now find a source that proves it wrong. 😀

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 08:31 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: Annee

Depends on the kid too. Some are more resistant and can shake things if and walk their own path. Some hold onto their childhood too hard.

Examples (proven) ?

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: TheWhat
I think the use of the plural "Parents" is the at the crux of all of this.

Two parents in a loving and supportive house. End of story.

How hard is that? My two boys 20 and 23 are doing extremely well in life. Maybe it's because they had two very supportive parents, oh BTW the mom was a stay-at-home mom their whole childhood. I'm not saying that is the secret to success, but it sure the hell doesn't hurt.

I can tell you this, their mom was more important than me, but dad still brought a good deal especially once they hit their teen years and beyond. Just thinking about it, it seems all the professionals do not look at the roles parents provide. I can say 100% of their younger years were all mom, but their teens and older were about 80% dad. Maybe that is the secret sauce.

Now think about 80% plus of Black kids who don't have a daddy and their mom works too hard to take care of them. What mess do you think comes of that if there is no daddy in the years they need to be there? If I wasn't around my two boys could easily over power their mom in the alpha game, but they know who is alpha and always will be.

edit on x31Sat, 09 Dec 2023 20:47:40 -06002023342America/ChicagoSat, 09 Dec 2023 20:47:40 -06002023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: Annee

Programed parents have programmed kids.

What happens after they get away from mommy and daddy?

What does this mean to you?

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe

It's not perfect, but the family unit is a very important part of the moral fiber of a healthy society/country.

Nice to see you get your identiy

I can tell you both play vital roles in a young person's life. Is it too cliche to say that my kids love their parents too much to mess up and do something so stupid there is no recovery? I think the look of disappointment from me would be something they would rank as one of their top things never to happen. How simple is that?

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: WingDingLuey

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: Annee

Depends on the kid too. Some are more resistant and can shake things if and walk their own path. Some hold onto their childhood too hard.

Examples (proven) ?

Any family with multiple kids who grew up in the same environment with different outcomes?

So probably most?

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 09:02 PM

edit on 9-12-2023 by CriticalStinker because: Dbl

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 09:44 PM
Kids need stability in their life. The society we are created is very chaotic, and the changes occurring are too fast due to the liberals and progressives pushing for change and succeeding.

This conclusion matches how I see things, it seems like the kids world is being torn apart. There are so many changes being pushed on the kids it is confusing them and they are not doing well with it. Back when I was young in a conservative area, suicides of kids were rare. Some older people who got buried in debt or got divorced did commit suicide back then, but that was not that common.

We were taught in sunday school that killing yourself was a sin and if you did you would not see your loved ones in heaven. It may have been far fetched, but it kept most people who had a depressive time from actually going through with offing themselves. The Liberals in this new society do not properly evaluate changes they implement into society, they falsely think they are smarter than our ancestors who actually created our societies. Their common sense and rationality is not what it should be, people have not changed that much other than their addiction to technology and lately their susceptability to access harder drugs.

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 10:01 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Annee

Programed parents have programmed kids.

What happens after they get away from mommy and daddy?

What does this mean to you?

I don't think it needs an explanation.

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