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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

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posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 02:12 PM
I've gotta' ask ... WHY are they in the news and famous? She was an actress I guess. Never saw the show she was on. He was a 'British royal'. But only the spare and not the heir. They got married and supposedly quit the monarchy and moved to America. But by 'quit' .. I mean they kept their royal titles and all the goodies that come with them so they didn't actually quit the royals, they just quit being 'working royals'. One foot on both sides of the fence. They don't DO anything. Grifters. Getting mega rich off a tell all book and going to dress up parties.

So why are they on magazine covers and in the news? Why the discussions about what she's wearing or about the last time Harry talked to his relatives in England? Why do people care about them? I don't get it.

Yes yes I know. I'm starting a thread on them so I"m part of the Megan and Harry problem I guess. I just wish they'd move back to England and disappear from American press .. and from Europe press as well since we get that online here.

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 02:23 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
I've gotta' ask ... WHY are they in the news and famous? ...

Because people are stupid and vapid and haved succumbed to a consumerist media-driven frame of mind.

Same reason that many people would choose a McDonald's quarter-pounder and a fries over a healthy home cooked meal.

Nether the press nor the aforementioned drones - like the fast food industry - aren't the problem; it's the idiots who keep paying for the crap they deliver that are the problem. If there's a market, somebody will supply it. If people stop buying, there'll be no profit in providing the product.

edit on 2023 12 6 by AwakeNotWoke because: I could.

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Who are you talking about? Just asking.

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 03:56 PM
Do they live with you? Do you work for them? Are you related to them?

OR, do they only affect your life because YOU allow them to.

Because frankly, I never think about them.

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: AwakeNotWoke

Not everyone who'll follow Megan & Harry's antics is a brain damaged sheep.
There's another type. Those who simply cannot believe the hypocrisy, stupid stunts, & just how loose a grasp on reality these two have. It's rubber necking at its finest. We're the same people who slow down at accidents to gawk.
Just when you think Megan & Harry absolutely can't do anything more insane than the last time they top it!
It's the longest most unpredictable train wreck in history. Neither are qualified to tell a sack of rocks what to do.
But that doesn't stop them. It's astounding.

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

IMHO there is a game afoot with those two and they are pushing the woke agenda on the public and their moving to America is all part of a game to get the public ready for the American royals .

And true to form she is trying to dip her toes into politics but it has all gone terribly wrong for them 2 , they pushed the race card when nobody thought that Megan was black over in the UK , She just looks Mediterranean in her looks and the public here took to her well , but when stories started to appear in the media of Princess pushy and how she was treating staff and those around her things soon changed ,Harry was the same the public liked Harry until he started all the woke crap , now they are dispised by one and all .

And remember the Panama papers ? What that family say they are worth add a lot of zeros behind it and then some

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 03:40 AM

originally posted by: Caver78
It's the longest most unpredictable train wreck in history. Neither are qualified to tell a sack of rocks what to do.
But that doesn't stop them. It's astounding.

There is that. It's like driving by a car wreck and rubber necking. And yeah, they are trying to tell everyone how to live ... while they get hundreds of millions for tell all books and while they fly around in private planes etc.

I just wish they'd go away. (and I'd love to see them go broke and have to earn a living)

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 03:46 AM
If they carry on much longer it will cause a division between Charles and William.
I get at his age that Charles does not want to remove their Royal titles...... but I believe William (and Kate) might have other plans.

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 04:49 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
I've gotta' ask ... WHY are they in the news and famous? She was an actress I guess. Never saw the show she was on. He was a 'British royal'. But only the spare and not the heir. They got married and supposedly quit the monarchy and moved to America. But by 'quit' .. I mean they kept their royal titles and all the goodies that come with them so they didn't actually quit the royals, they just quit being 'working royals'. One foot on both sides of the fence. They don't DO anything. Grifters. Getting mega rich off a tell all book and going to dress up parties.

So why are they on magazine covers and in the news? Why the discussions about what she's wearing or about the last time Harry talked to his relatives in England? Why do people care about them? I don't get it.

Yes yes I know. I'm starting a thread on them so I"m part of the Megan and Harry problem I guess. I just wish they'd move back to England and disappear from American press .. and from Europe press as well since we get that online here.

No no no.America can keep them,we really,really don't want him and especially not her back in the UK.
I'm with you I don't understand the fascination with these royal idiots.Centuries of inbreeding has made them a little dim.It seems that even when dipping his 'toe' in diversity with a bit of black Harry has become even dimmer.
Americas problem now I'm afraid.Enjoy.

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 04:52 AM

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
a reply to: FlyersFan

IMHO there is a game afoot with those two and they are pushing the woke agenda on the public and their moving to America is all part of a game to get the public ready for the American royals .

And true to form she is trying to dip her toes into politics but it has all gone terribly wrong for them 2 , they pushed the race card when nobody thought that Megan was black over in the UK , She just looks Mediterranean in her looks and the public here took to her well , but when stories started to appear in the media of Princess pushy and how she was treating staff and those around her things soon changed ,Harry was the same the public liked Harry until he started all the woke crap , now they are dispised by one and all .

And remember the Panama papers ? What that family say they are worth add a lot of zeros behind it and then some
What a load of crap.Everyone in the UK knew she was black.For God's sake her mother was all over the news too.I know the population are mostly thick but they aren't blind.
We know was a mixing of the races look like.

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I'm not sure many people give a toss about them, certainly not over here in the UK.
To be honest they are viewed as pretty much pathetic and irrelevant.

To be honest, I see and read more American's making an issue about them than us Brits.....oh, and the self-indulgent tofu eating wokerati who seem to have adopted them as some sort of cause celebre.

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 06:58 AM
IDIOTS! There's a saying from America "any publicity is good publicity". What would you do in his shoes. Firstly, (allegedly, I have to put that) he aint Charlies so for Charlie to save face he has to put out that he is. Now when you know that, even to be called the spare, he was marginalised. Then, ooo god forbid, he went and married someone that was not chosen for him. Not only that but she was black. Do you not think it was a coincidence that his mother, eeerrrr, died in an accident just before she was to marry a Muslim. Aaaaarrrggg, a Muslim in the British royal family. No, no, no and a thousand nos.
So even though he has kept his title they have thrown him out of the property that the Queen left him, took his privilege of security detail in the UK and more importantly took him off the money list, or should I say Charlie is giving him some but could stop any time. Now what would you do to survive. I know what I would do and it would be worse than what he's done.

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: glen200376

originally posted by: stonerwilliam
a reply to: FlyersFan

IMHO there is a game afoot with those two and they are pushing the woke agenda on the public and their moving to America is all part of a game to get the public ready for the American royals .

And true to form she is trying to dip her toes into politics but it has all gone terribly wrong for them 2 , they pushed the race card when nobody thought that Megan was black over in the UK , She just looks Mediterranean in her looks and the public here took to her well , but when stories started to appear in the media of Princess pushy and how she was treating staff and those around her things soon changed ,Harry was the same the public liked Harry until he started all the woke crap , now they are dispised by one and all .

And remember the Panama papers ? What that family say they are worth add a lot of zeros behind it and then some
What a load of crap.Everyone in the UK knew she was black.For God's sake her mother was all over the news too.I know the population are mostly thick but they aren't blind.
We know was a mixing of the races look like.

It was never pushed on the public until the 2 of them started acting up , Me I was laughing my socks of at the old National front song ain't no black in the union jack
I was working in Oldham and heard that get belted out one afternoon .

All this is circus to attract the woke mob IMHO , when you see what is stashed away in the British Virginia islands ,Jersey , and all the other tax havens by them they could live a thousand lifetimes and still not spent a fraction of their wealth, so for them to be in the news crying about police protection and who is paying for it is all drama to keep their names in the press .

Much like all this reality television and all the other jazz I never have tuned into 1 episode do not read anything about them or would never bother about them and imagine they do not spend their days discussing me .

But the American public is gullible for the royals and are a cash cow that need milked daily

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

They sell.

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 01:13 PM
If you are a Royal you get a lot of attention.
Just like when you are a celebrity.

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 01:13 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: FlyersFan

They sell.

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
I'm not sure many people give a toss about them, certainly not over here in the UK.

I was wondering what people in England thought of them. Harry is in line for the throne and all that. I don't understand why there is still a taxpayer paid monarchy and 'royal family', but it seems the English like it.

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan
Personally, I don't give a rats arse about them since they left. Harry was in line to take over the position of Head of the Commonwealth, but I guess that wasn't enough for 'er indoors.
He's hardly in line for the throne, his brother, 2 nephews and a niece have first dibs, or at least until they too start having kids.
Monarchy and 'Royal family' aka King are two totally seperate entities, albeit the same person holding both titles. We've had both for little over 1,200 tears now, with a couple of short breaks where we tried out a form of republicanism..... we didn't like it much.
Look up Crown Estates and that will explain to you why the Monarch is paid a salary, but not from the taxpayer. As King, he has his own wealth too.

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

The cost of The Royal Family costs each person in the UK approximately 77pence per year = just under $1.

Personally I find the whole notion of a Monarchy repugnant.

But....what are the alternative options for a Head of State?
A President?
One like Trump or Biden?
Maybe someone like Merkel or Macron....or even Putin?

A big MASSIVE No Thank You on that.

We have a Constitutional Monarchy here in the UK.
Its not perfect, not by any stretch, and it both could and most definitely should be a damn sight better.
But until someone comes up with a better and viable alternative we've got what we've got.

Mind you, if I thought for one minute The Monarch was trying to unduly influence government policy I would be the first one demanding their head on a pike!

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