posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 11:11 AM
originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe
...Got a question? We're happy to try and answer anything about the contests/rules etc. ...
Dear ATS moderators,
Hi, I'm thinking of writing a story for this contest. In fact I joined this forum just moments ago so that I could do so. I have a question: If I
wanted to retain copyright to a story I post here, would it be acceptable to post the story with my copyright notice attached? i.e., Story Title -
HS2023 - non-writer - copyright ©2023 by Mark Armstrong.
Suppose I came up with a story that some paying market wanted to reprint. Would ATS assert any claims of ownership of the story?
I'm fine with TAN having non-exclusive rights, and even willing to go along with all third parties having the right to copy and distribute posts, per
the Terms and Conditions of Use (which effectively puts everything we post here in public domain). But would TAN or ATS object to any of us trying to
reprint our stories elsewhere?