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posted on Nov, 20 2023 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: charlest2

What's interesting is that the OP clearly states that it's a SECRET elite counter-illuminati entity so how would AI know anything about it or be able to find any evidence of it if it is secret? lol


We don't REALLY know what we know from what we read online, we only know what we experience first-hand ourselves.

There's a lot of knowns, and a lot of unknowns, there's known-unknowns, and then there's unknown-unknowns, then there's the nebulous unknown-knowns.

I believe Donald Rumsfeld had more to say about knowns and unknowns....

posted on Nov, 20 2023 @ 03:45 PM
I've thought of some other parameters. Here is the updated list.

Humor(group-recursive deprecation only, non malicious)
High-quality command of grammar, or at least a tendency towards
-anything else?

The secret organization with no name has staff who possess cybernetic enhancements.

All the necessary gear of this to take place is housed in some sort of untraceable vessel, such as bunker complex, or spaceship.

After the 2026 Social Media Singularity, the machine learning continues and improves with real-time live input while retraining on the old stuff again and again and again.

Until, it becomes sentient.

No longer "artificial," but bridging the gap with humans' ELECTRICAL INTELLIGENCE

Is it creating a monster? I sincerely hope it's the sort of monster, with big furry hair and really sharp claws and rows of sharp teeth, that is properly house-trained before exposing the children unattended...
edit on 20-11-2023 by BiothermalReactor because: spiffification

edit on 20-11-2023 by BiothermalReactor because: more spiffification

posted on Nov, 20 2023 @ 09:04 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: BiothermalReactor

I have to give it to you, you do know how to hold a conspiracy theory, but how can I tell if you are not one working for the secret elite counter illuminati.

Just asking, you know.

The counter to the Illuminati are the Lumenari. Their signs are the sun and the moon.

The cycles of influence are roughly 2 thousand years long.

In 2020 the current cycle of influence by the Illuminati was over and the time to reclaim influence by the Lumenari started.

Fun times, yes?

edit on 000000011America/Chicago11pmMon, 20 Nov 2023 21:04:56 -060004 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2023 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: BiothermalReactor

The big tech oligarchs have control of everything and everything is censored and truth is banned. They bought Drudge and now its a deep state front. I haven't been there in years since they were bought out. VOAT was an awesome site for news and people digging up nasty truth but they shut that down when Biden took over by Insurrection. They're here watching us but they can't shut it all down because they need to have some way of keeping track of what we're thinking and where we're getting our info. City data is the same way. Reddit.... they've gone completely progressive nazi and clamped down on any free thought that isn't favored by the state. I go to GAB and the deep state has run amok there pretending to be anti semites and white supremacists in order to discredit anyone not in line with what the MSM says is going on. That was how I was able to not be suckered in by the Gaza Israel conflict. For months before GAB was pushing anti semitism and I figured they were building up to something and the deep state was prepping us for another 911 or Ukraine snow job. Yep, I called that one correctly.
Our one hope is that these people are insane and therefore they'll do stupid things and think they can get away with it. Maybe those of us who haven't had our brains scrambled by the vaxx or cell phone use will be able to shepherd the rest into avoiding whatever disaster they have planned for us. Maybe.

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 08:04 AM
I would imagine this site has its fair share of spooks. I think we run across them in our daily lives often we just don't know it.

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 08:07 AM
to be honets: to be anti-spook is the dumbest strategical move, we the people can make.

They might be their own little parallel society but in any conceivable idea of revolution against lies and depopulation and total control... we for sure want them on our side, don't we?

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

User content is the third party cookie...

It's best to think of it that way... As 1st party is the host 2nd party is the site; If the host goes down? No site.

Typically it's thought of as the site is the host when that's wrong... As a sever likely has more than one site as host and the traffic to it more or less than the others based on third party(us).

When ads are a module linked to all sites it is like a spiders foot sitting on part of the host when someone; Jiggles it with an add? The entire host as well and the site becomes vulnerable.

So how are sites valued? By the traffic the 3rd party user of it putting content there(us).

So when a site gets a value and someone does not want to sale? There is that magical formula of: 'we can't host' and start upping the hosting cost based on data weight of the 3rd party... Trying to force a sale as host will profit too; Then it's well if you install ads... it'll pay for it. Since many adds have a re-direct and connected to many other sites all of them profit at once... So host saying it costs too much falls flat as nope that was a lie; But no one wants to say: That host sucks.

So we say back in the day internet where people programmed the code and people couldn't internet without it... Now AI could re-write all of that old code easily without breaking it and update it and likely make it appear way way smaller with the new and even be able to support the old legacy stuff while they are at it.

But profits... Someone invariably wants to profit and that means user content user clicks user traffic... Like when someone invests but has no heart or really doesn't care about the subject or topic no real passion for it; All of those that do? Hate those people as such a thing as profit never enters their mind they just love it as in; Eat it, breathe it, sleep it and it's just a part of them.

So one would think; If the site owner is one of those people? No worries. However; If not? Then it's a constant juggle since they are just in it for the profit and us; The real 3rd party really does not matter.

The mistake is when someone says fine; If it's gonna be that way? I'll make another site and everyone can go over there... Instead of camping it and campaigning to buy it to secure it and get someone with a real passion for it to own it.

Hopefully; That's what has happened... What I noticed of the previous was too many mods and some of those that camped and would delete posts based on their personal ideology thoughts and belief; Even if the post did not violate any of the terms or agreements as they personally found whatever it was offensive to them.


edit on 22-11-2023 by crowf00t because: sp

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

Green women are from Mercury unless they have green blood then they are Vulcan the mythological planet closer to the sun or already eaten by it giving it fuel to burn a little colder than previous but more fuel to sustain it nonetheless.

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 03:47 PM

originally posted by: crowf00t
a reply to: quintessentone

Green women are from Mercury unless they have green blood then they are Vulcan the mythological planet closer to the sun or already eaten by it giving it fuel to burn a little colder than previous but more fuel to sustain it nonetheless.

I thought green women were from Orion?

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: Degradation33


there is a certificate on nearly every computer called 'thawte' specifically for data mining er I mean research purposes.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 09:03 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

Ready to get really conspiracy like: We never went to the moon conspiracy?

Those are not stars just reflections on the 'dome' that encircles the world...

So what is 'Orion'? A reflection of the gold caps that used to be on the pyramids in Egypt for tens of thousands of years until someone took them off meaning not 'stars' reflections on that 'dome'.

Here's what's weird nearly every culture has in it's history the 'sky' as in up there 'is hard' or a 'firmament'.

Many cultures have different names for those things up there... Sticking 'Orion' in everyone's face is a: Hey you dropped your sword down here." moment.


edit on 23-11-2023 by crowf00t because: sp

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: crowf00t
a reply to: quintessentone

Ready to get really conspiracy like: We never went to the moon conspiracy?

Those are not stars just reflections on the 'dome' that encircles the world...

So what is 'Orion'? A reflection of the gold caps that used to be on the pyramids in Egypt for tens of thousands of years until someone took them off meaning not 'stars' reflections on that 'dome'.

Here's what's weird nearly every culture has in it's history the 'sky' as in up there 'is hard' or a 'firmament'.

Many cultures have different names for those things up there... Sticking 'Orion' in everyone's face is a: Hey you dropped your sword down here." moment.


It's widely known green women are from Orion, just saying.

posted on Nov, 24 2023 @ 08:13 AM

originally posted by: BiothermalReactor
I've thought of some other parameters. Here is the updated list.

Humor(group-recursive deprecation only, non malicious)
High-quality command of grammar, or at least a tendency towards
-anything else?

Nascent brilliance.

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