posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 03:36 PM
How did the US 'get around' poll taxes? They made a constitutional amendment that allowed religion to be mentioned in government to lobby government
where it was always banned and shunned to not ruin the Union. The freedom of saw the future of more than one where there was none and figured they'd
debate their way out of it well the reason religions pay no taxes is the excuse for it was to remove the poll tax.
So we have in god we trust on money as that's the federal stance after that dumb amendment instead of saying we shall stay uncomfortable.
When the Republic for which Korea stands was asked what is wrong with Politics in America? He said "Religion is poison" obviously in a; Hey you guys
better fix it... Before it gets worse.
Many amendments later? There is another quote much older on the subject of politics: "How could hell be any worse?" Coming from someone that already
saw life as hell. The 14th Dalai Lama when asked the same sort of question being a religious leader? Said China... In response to what Mao said; Being
Mao's son he meant: Where his dad went to escape religion.... While he went to India to escape his dad.
It may be wise to mention that the Woke people are Green party... It would be wise for all of those woke folks to try the independent party for as
long as they can stand it. There is an opportunity in it where if they can last? Form a party of their own instead of being political terrorists to
every party and the Union for which it stands... The independent party will teach all of those roots so it does not come from a place ignorant to and
of them. I spent over eight years as an Independent and did not form anything out of it other than personal wisdom. As each person registered as such?
Is considered independent of well everything politics has already done.
I only did such a thing as look at politics at the behest of a one time "friend" when that clearly today was never what he ever was. The education to
what I am wise about is not a trade off so no free pass for him like there used to be as I am worse off for having done that favor not better.
The only problem I have with The libertarians that I moved to is the guns... As that is another amendment with issues n different than the church and
state issue is as guns belong to the militia and the local or state armory in case people needed or required them as a freedom for hunting etc. not
protection not policing yadda yadda yadda.