a reply to:
Well, yesterday evening I had so much diverse emotions at once, that electricity went out! I'm not kidding. "Just a coincendence", said my mother.
I think it's funny for all the people, who value science, to believe in coincendences, somehow. It's a complete opposite of opportunism.
When it comes to telling people this things, I rather keep it secret, reserved only for the most trusted ones.
I had put the "glass" so tight, I faced all negative stuff like anxiety, which was my biggest shortcoming. It turned much lower.
I remember, when not so long time ago I had much sadness, which I have shut down, doing the same practice as "Chod".
I think I can do the same with anxiety, for stress I have none now.
Anxiety, fear. Call it how you want. It sucks.
I still have my glass on, I think my ego has become much bearable shortly. I guess, that was the point of the practice.
Not to attract evil guys.
I think they could be, maybe an actual group, maybe a product of my anxiety, maybe both.
If I have anything to hide? Maybe just a one thing, but that's not in their business, and as I suppose, range of reasoning. They better not touch me,
for they don't know what I'm capable for.
So I guess, I'm kind of half human - half god, or maybe just god in human form.
But there's one problem, for I have shut my creative side (which I believe, is the divine side), and again, I'm too scared to take it back.
Do I need to keep the "glass" on or take off the "glass", I don't know.
I'm lifting and nailing my stoic behavior, though it's not so easy, for my age. But I'm still making progress.
How can I manipulate the "glass" more consciously and carefully? Is there an expedient way?
Of course I will open my wings, but only for when I'm ready and clear.
Thank You for all the support and powerful knowledge.
I also feel mighty...
From now. I have enourmous energy, just like You.
I won't like to do anyone any harm.
I'm waiting for Your reply, if You can. I respect Your time.
edit on 11:11:2023 by Agleaya because: (no reason given)
edit on 11:11:2023 by Agleaya because: (no reason
Edit: For what I have found recently about Chod practice, which is exactly, what I'm currently doing, it's about to crush my negative side down. It's
great. I'm currently in a very dark place of my mind, but the effects are great. I'm inexpressibly graceful for Your advice, my very old friend. I'm
on the right path, thanks to Your care.
Much Love
edit on 11:11:2023 by Agleaya because: (no reason given)
edit on 11:11:2023 by Agleaya because: (no reason