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UFO Information Dump

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posted on Nov, 12 2023 @ 01:47 PM
Again, I came across some unusual UFO/UAP information which after my interest in Timothy Alberino's Peruvian Expedition ,quite frankly was akin to my brain hitting a windshield like a bug, despite being unrelated material. Like every stroll thru YouTube one thing leads to another. Sometimes you find gold, other times it's a bust.

This happy trail began with me for once reading everyone else's opinion in Pianopraze 's thread an mulling it over. Go figure, right?
Then went over to Jesse Michel's YT The American Alchemist. Well that got deep with his interview of Mike Masters & David Grush on "Aliens Being Future Humans". Turns out Masters is a Biological Anthropologist at Montana Tech University who's done extensive research an written a few books.
Yes I googled. I did not find Masters having any kind of UFO/UAP conference presence as so many others do.

The crux of his work is Human's are domesticating themselves out of existence, tied to ET abductions for genetic material 1970's-1990's but has significantly tapered off, to the shapes of craft (round/spinning) are actually Time Machines not interstellar craft, not a wormhole, not a portal opening. There's more but that's the quick & dirty.

At 16:47 is a lovely graphic of Electromagnetic & Geo-Magnetic anomyalies overlaid with reports of Abductions.
There's a ton more info & I'm sure everyone will gravitate to the parts that resonate with them.

In the video was some material by Steve Mera/Barry Fitzgerald of the "Doorway Project". After exposure to John Greenwald Jr. & Issac Koi I thought I'd already heard every possible "Project Name" but I was wrong. So went digging. Came up with a presentation at "The Ultimate Star Beings Conference produced by Portal to Ascension" Mr. Mera did (most cringe-worthy conference name ever!) then linked over to his website.
The information in the YT conference was mostly new to me, but also well presented. Lots of evidence I don't think most of us have seen before.

Of particular interest to me was Mera delving into the properties of Infrasound (low Hz) and it's affects on Human's & Camera's. Watching water pouring from a pipe appearing to be running backwards while clearly filling a glass was amazing! (Filmed at 23Hz) I also did not know Infrasound was capable of extinguishing a fire.

This all why I could only call this thread a 'Information Dump".
Link to Mera's Project Doorway's Paper, or at least one of them? Again, more brain/windshield action for me as he covered "Recent studies in magnetics and bacteria suggest that a positive magnetic charge could deter bacteria." This was also directly after his paper included info from "Lithospheric Magnetic Field" Data from the European Space Agency. Apparently negative magnetic fields can be associated with increased instances of suicides.

EU Global Magnetic Field on YT

I tried to embed the video's an haven't been able to since ATS's last bit of drama. I also did a search in case Steve Mera's work already had a thread but came up empty after using multiple search keywords, multiple searches.

posted on Nov, 12 2023 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: Caver78

iFix your YouTube videos...

Quote, copy and embed into your OP... then iDelete.

edit on 12/11/2023 by Encia22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2023 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: Encia22


You're a absolute "Post Hero"!!!

posted on Nov, 12 2023 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: Caver78

Of particular interest to me was Mera delving into the properties of Infrasound (low Hz) and it's affects on Human's & Camera's. Watching water pouring from a pipe appearing to be running backwards while clearly filling a glass was amazing! (Filmed at 23Hz) I also did not know Infrasound was capable of extinguishing a fire.

This all why I could only call this thread a 'Information Dump".
Link to Mera's Project Doorway's Paper, or at least one of them? Again, more brain/windshield action for me as he covered "Recent studies in magnetics and bacteria suggest that a positive magnetic charge could deter bacteria." This was also directly after his paper included info from "Lithospheric Magnetic Field" Data from the European Space Agency. Apparently negative magnetic fields can be associated with increased instances of suicides.

You might be interested in my old thread as it directly addresses this: Schumann resonances, electromagnetism, and the brain.
edit on 12-11-2023 by pianopraze because: Correcting autocorrect

posted on Nov, 12 2023 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

I am absolutely interested & THANK YOU TOO!!!

Before anyone gets the idea anything I've posted here is "old hat", let me assure you I've been having a world class (quiet) hissy fit as I realized how much of this information "should have" been already known. For instance on SWR how do we or anyone knows what they really filmed since low Hz affects the recorded images? Anyone who's been subjected to "the wall of fear" well that's 18.9Hz. Exactly what instrument do I need to measure this when it happens again? (oh eff me!!!)

Pretty sure y'all heard me screaming when Master's described "them" shoving info in his head he couldn't access?
Yeah...other cryptids do that an I DID NOT need to know ET's did it as well or that they had their little gray fingers in "synchronicities". There were plenty of little tidbit's I could have gone without knowing. Positive magnetic fields kill bacteria, are you freakin kidding me??!! How does every Mom not need to know that???!! (only dogs could hear me at this point)

Yes it's 2023, no I didn't want to die stupid.
When it's said "you can't handle disclosure" this is not what I thought they meant. Disclosure seems to be puking itself up all over the place, ready or not. Oh Yay!

posted on Nov, 13 2023 @ 03:01 AM

edit on 11/13/2023 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2023 @ 04:19 AM
Thank you, Caver78 !

Some rabbit holes for me, I feel like a ferret.

While I have had my own encounters over the years, Nothing seemed to fit quite right with the contemporary UFO lore that has grown up in America and exported since around the 1940s.

The mention of time travellers has got me interested.

The idea that many UFOs and "aliens" are terrestrial holds more water for me than "aliens from outer space".

My opinion is the more we can eliminate as non-extraterrestrials the better. For sooner or latter we may find through elimination the real extra-terrestrials. (Or not ; )

posted on Nov, 13 2023 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Glad you liked, more shocked anyone even looked at the material.
Had to sort of pick & choose while i tried to describe the information. It's all so dense I just went with some that flipped me out. Have to add in Steve Mera's presentation one of the images of a UFO in close up looks just like a flying pair of binoculars. OK...mostly like.

I haven't seen it debunked anywhere but clear images of UFO's are precious few. I'm assuming it's one of ours since craft usually shows up fuzzy/blurred due to our presumed idea the propulsion system is causing that effect.
Still, freakin'Binoculars??!! Been giggling all day cause if it turns out it's one of our drones?

Just what comedian/engineer/designer in a black project couldn't help themselves an decided "binocular drone!!"
That's the ticket!!

Big Brother is watching you. See the flying binoculars?
The one liners are endless.

If Time Travelers rocked your world please, PLEASE check out Dr. Michael Heisers YT on "the unseen realm".
It will blow your mind.

Forgot to add "Project Doorway's" written paper. I know YT's aren't everyones cup of tea some prefer reading.
edit on 13-11-2023 by Caver78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2023 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: Caver78


Just what comedian/engineer/designer in a black project couldn't help themselves an decided "binocular drone!!"
That's the ticket!!

Big Brother is watching you. See the flying binoculars?
The one liners are endless.

On time travel, a British engineer by the name if George Delawarr made a camera that is said to be tunable through time. That was back in the 1950s from memory.

It was a medical diagnostic instrument using Radionic principals. For example if a patient was suspected of pancreatic cancer, the camera could be tuned to a year in the future and pancreatic cancer. A photo was taken and the tumour examined. If no tumour look for something else.

Pregnancies were also examined in this way to ensure potential problems were known in advance.

The camera wasn't popular with the medical establishment at the time. The camera was eventually purchased by a private collector. The trail stops there.

Vogel and the Delawarr psychotronic camera

posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 10:34 AM
it may not be time travel but moving in and out of different dimensions
the earth is 3.5 billion years old which is plenty of time for advanced civilizations to come and go. There have been 5 extinction events on earth so it is reasonalble to think civilizations were wiped out.

It’s an interesting concept: an intelligent society lived on earth millions of years ago and as the earth changed and forced the society to split up, the beings evolved into humans and Lemurians. In that case, we are descendants of the great society of Lemuria.

The Lemurian Age took place until the sinking of the continents of Lemuria and later of Atlantis. For a very long time, before the fall in consciousness, the Lemurians lived in a fifth-dimensional frequency or dimension and were able to switch back and forth from fifth to third at will, without any problem. It could be done whenever it was desired.

Lemurian’s worked within the quantum field in which they discovered the pathway to a 5 Dimensional world. They also had the ability to move between 3rd, 4th and 5th dimension worlds. They had evolved their sixth-sense, which enabled them to communicate among themselves by extra-sensory perception and telepathy. They could also teleport and make themselves invisible at will. An ascended civilization living in a fifth-dimensional vibration and consciousness.

When you read accounts of alien abduction it is repeated the aliens communicate using telepathy

Do I believe any of this stuff? I’m always interested and exactly why people believe the things they do. With the power of evolution and the volatile history of the changing earth, it’s not the craziest thing I’ve ever heard like

edit on America/Chicagovam14001 by evad001 because: type correction

posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: Caver78

The first video for me striked it all , I've had these strange downloads in 2017 it both scared the shh out of me but later on it came like a rush

I stil sometimes have these weird occurrences that I see happen before me , but I've ignored for a long time , even waved it off because I don't want to be strange although I'm a complete lunatic sometimes

It sure sounds plausible that they're from the future and not completely interact with human societies
It also makes religions save somehow because if it's still us we are the only ones still human in the eyes of religious studies only they/us from the future

Also the changes in UFO'S from saucer like to more unconventional types we now or some people film those that look so weird could be that , if we are able to crash retrieve those craft and reverse engineering, the future craft become a more technological craft eight thousand years from now , so advanced they can't shoot it anymore if they travel back to our time hmmm

Something to ponder about for sure thanks

edit on 0b24America/ChicagoTue, 14 Nov 2023 13:39:24 -0600vAmerica/ChicagoTue, 14 Nov 2023 13:39:24 -06001 by 0bserver1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: evad001

I've put forth a similar concept for the insects. Bees for example have sixty million years of co-evolution with flowering plants.

They may not have built skyscrapers and rocket ships, yet developing their own consciousness to spiritual heights humans can scarcely conceive is well and truely within the realm of probability.

posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 06:17 PM
While I think of it, while listening to the first video, on the subject of time travellers from the future, there is a mysterious website.

It is called 'forgotten languages'. FL for short.

Time travel is one of their themes. So is contact.

Their definition of contact is government level treaty and trade.

They also say the year 3100 (from memory) is the extinction event. Here is a sample. I am quite sure they won't mind.

The source is From Denebian probes to epsilon machines

For what we understand, post-extinction probes are deemed to arrive around year 3100 to whatever is left of Sol-3. We expect the probes to face a planet whose biosphere interacts only weakly with its environment, and one in which the fluxes of matter and energy through it are relatively low, so we understand its presence would probably remain hidden from chemical or spectral analyses.

It is an extremely bad luck to jump backwards in the timeline to escape self-destruction and end orbiting around a Cambrian Sol-3, with an atmosphere with just a 9% of its actual composition which prevents humans to be able to breath. So there you are, looking at your planet in a too early period, unable to inhabit it.

What if DP-2147 belongs to us and arrived too early to its current position? What if DP-2147 was deemed to study Sol-3 in year 3100, and not at present time? We don't expect Sol-3 to change much by year 3100, save for the total absence of humans. It then seems highly unlikely that the removal or absence of life would change the main abiotic features of Sol-3. It seems more likely that the climate system, oceans and lithosphere would remain with very similar compositions, with similar dynamical regimes and appearance, given that the planet is not just the linear sum of its components

... tells the story of the final decades of the human civilization which, anticipating its self-destruction, decided to launch seventeen probes with preprogrammed orbits such that the surviving probes would visit Sol-3 once every 12,000 years... meaning the last one would visit the planet 204,000 years after launch...

The Lipschift-Involke algorithm is disturbingly accurate, in fact it is so accurate it can only mean one thing: that we, as a civilization, are totally predictable; that we, as a civilization, cannot escape self-destruction; and that we, anticipating the timeline of global disasters to come, decided to launch the probes some time around year 3,100. It also means DP-2147 is ours, is we, which basically means we never made it through the Great Filter: we ceased to be.

DP-2147 is a named section of the sky.

I get the impression that FL knows about the end of the world, how and when it happens. That 3100 is desperate to save their lives, the human race and probably have the means to reach through time.

After all, George Delawarr was photographing the future and the past back in the 1950s.That is seventy years ago for the Delawarr Mark 11 camera.

It is known that the solar system is a large chronometer. What is probably not known is the sun spots, the electromagnetic eruptions, are the key to it all.

I'm not referring to the extinctions, that is obvious. Sunspots are all unique bookmarks in time. There ya go 3100, now leave me alone.

posted on Nov, 14 2023 @ 10:25 PM
now you might be quick to say these lost civilizations are just myth without any proof. Stop to think the same can be said about UFOs and aliens. After 80 years since the 1940s there has not been one single shred of evidence of aliens and their flying machines. In the last 10 years there have been over 300,000 reported sightings of UFOs so people are seeing something. I kind of doubt it is aliens from outer space if it were then that is a full blown invasion, but yet we have nothing.
Sure the following description of an lost civilization is a fantastic story but it is just as possible as little gray aliens flying here. We can not dismiss the idea aliens are actually us.

On skinwalker ranch the team suspects some kind of dome buried in the masa and a structure under the ranch consisting of tunnels This was investigated by Robert Bigalow and the US government. According to the research being done on skinwalker ranch this dome structure is emitting an energy field and transmitting a 6 gigahertz signal.also caught on camera are glowing orbs of light energy. One experiment on the ranch used chanting and native american drumming to provoke a response which it did. Native americans believe in the vibrations of sound to connect to the spiritual world.

Lets call this dot A

Loeb suggested “superhumans” with extremely advanced technology

Lets call this dot B

A Power Grid, called posers, which were connected through an alloyed gold-copper rod under a spherical dome that could be angled to receive specific stellar, solar and gravitational energy waves.The Poser System was also able to receive specialized refracted light and feed it into earths Ley lines Energy System for use in the Interdimensional Tunnel System and feed crystalline light into conductive earth currents to raise the frequency into a semi- aware electromagnetic plasmic field of benevolent energy capable of retaining spiritual frequencies. The poser system was astonishing works of sacred geometry and stunning architecture. Many of the great temples were covered in a dome of projected crystalline amplified light somewhat like a glowing force field. Others were set within Pyramids degreed at very specific angles.
The energy fields were projected above the spherical domes creating fields of vibratory light and orbs of energy and resonant sound frequencies that amplified the senses and chakras, others amplified the receptive learning ability of the mind, and others enabled multidimensional consciousness, communication and transport.
The pyramidal form was used primarily for multi-dimensional receival and transmission. these energy plasma fields were not solid, rather subatomic plasma and composed of what is termed bio plasma. These were regulated by the amazing magnanimous glowing Platinum Crystal of Bio-Plasmic Interface.
Each of the energy centers, and there were 12, were networked with a series of satellites, they were set up in concentric triangulation patterns all over the planet. They established a hemispheric grid network of crystalline and electromagnetic energy. Those who created the Poser System were governed by the ‘Law of One’ contingency of poseida were devoutly spiritual people and sought equality among the people and a unification of Oneness.
This is from esoteric occult literature

Lets call this dot C

Now lets connect all the dots and we get either the team at skinwalker ranch has found one of there power stations which is said to have been built thousands of years before modern history. Or they are smart people and are familiar with occult teachings and are using it to create the skinwalker story. Now we throw in Loeb suggestion of a superhuman then we have another data point to consider. Perhaps the ETs are not what the circus media clowns suggest little gray beings from another planet .but rather superhumans that go back half a billion years or so.

connecting dots like this may very well be a remarkable coincidence or it may have some truth to it. If there is some truth the government and the disclosure is nothing but a made up conspiracy theory to scam the gullible. Then we also have to consider how accurate is the occult/religious teachings which never has been open to the public that is why it is called esoteric knowledge.
Does this all go far beyond anything we can imagine.
edit on America/Chicagovpm14001 by evad001 because: miss spelling

edit on America/Chicagovpm14001 by evad001 because: error in typing

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 09:05 AM
Alrighty then!

Before things get further into the weeds.
Lermuia has been disproven with evidence from plate tectonics. I appreciate Evad001's time & effort however I've based this thread on science as well as information that's coming to light that has been missed.

Still looking for more Steve Mera discussions but Barry Fitzgerald has been more accessible.
In this interview he covers some amazing ground. While he begins with some history of Iron & it's past uses regarding the supernatural he moves quickly to Discernment and the 20 second rule.

The 20 second rule being you have that much time to go with your gut and NOT get overly fixated on any phenomena.
After 20 seconds it can affect your brain pattern pushing us into the "Theta Band" problematic because that's when hypnotic aspects can come into the encounter. Just a quick paraphrase there, but it's more detailed.

He also returns to the topic of iron in a unexpected way.
The phenomena interacts with us when we have low iron levels in our bodies. One example he used was "succubus encounters after menstruation". Anyway he goes on to point out chocolate dramatically reduces our iron levels as well as processed sugars. It's facinating stuff.

My immediate thoughts were, OK. I've been up in arms for years over people who keep insisting "the veil is thin". It isn't, stuff has been around us always. I'd thought because we're talking about it and there are hundreds of classes in hundreds o modalities that humans were just learning how to percieve more. Looks like I was wrong!

People on chocolate or high sugar diets are just more easily targeted by the phenomena.
His assertion. Not going to ruin the entire thing, but descriptions of YT's are encouraged here.

edit on 15-11-2023 by Caver78 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-11-2023 by Caver78 because: kept trying to embed video, usual method not working? Copy #'s after the = symbol?

edit on 15-11-2023 by Caver78 because: still trying

edit on 15-11-2023 by Caver78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 09:46 AM
Alrighty then!

Before things get further into the weeds.
Lermuia has been disproven with evidence from plate tectonics. I appreciate Evad001's time & effort however I've based this thread on science as well as information that's coming to light that has been missed.

that was nothing but an example of a possibility of maybe and i repeat maybe there were long lost advanced civilizations that reached a level of technology beyone us. This thinking was based on the books by Dr. Vallee that all this UFO thing may not be ETs in flying machines from far far away. So if it is not little gray aliens then what else can it be?
edit on America/Chicagovam15001 by evad001 because: type error

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: evad001

You have a PM!
Appreciate the insights!!!

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 03:43 PM
carver78 got your PM but when i tried to reply i got the message i can only send PM to admin.

posted on Nov, 15 2023 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: evad001
Well Damn!
Maybe shoot an admin a PM & see if they can fix that? Djarums is super nice. Overworked an much appreciated, but also nice!

Have been surfing thru more of Barry Fitzgerald's stuff. Still looking for additional relevant info.

edit on 15-11-2023 by Caver78 because: spell check didn't. LOL!

edit on 15-11-2023 by Caver78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2023 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: Caver78
a reply to: evad001
Well Damn!
Maybe shoot an admin a PM & see if they can fix that? Djarums is super nice. Overworked an much appreciated, but also nice!

Have been surfing thru more of Barry Fitzgerald's stuff. Still looking for additional relevant info.

ok i sent a PM to Djarums to see what's up with this

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