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Arizona bill to let police arrest and deport immigrants

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posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 09:27 AM
Once again Arizona law makers have taken a step in the right direction.

Now if the other states will do the very same thing, we can get rid of the illgals in this country once and for all.

Frankly I think local police forces should have been allowed to arrest them all along, hell all the border patrol does in some cases is give them a ticket and tell them to come back in 3 months only to never show up. I doubt city cops will do the same

The Arizona Republic
Apr. 12, 2005 12:00 AM

Saying that Arizona has become a haven for undocumented immigrants, state Republican lawmakers on Monday revived a bill giving police officers the power to arrest and deport anyone living here illegally.

Republican Rep. Russell Pearce of Mesa successfully used a strike-everything amendment to Senate Bill 1306 in the House Appropriations Committee, which he chairs. A strike-everything amendment is a maneuver in which one bill replaces the contents of an existing bill.

SB 1306 authorizes local police officers to investigate, arrest, detain or deport immigrants here illegally, including transporting them across state lines to detention centers. Certain Arizona cities like Phoenix prohibit the practice in such cases as routine traffic stops and domestic-violence calls.


posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 09:30 AM
All I can say is "THANK GOD!" This is something that is long overdue. All illegals should be deported - period. That is why they are called illegals. Good job AZ!

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 09:34 AM
I would love to see this put into place. Unfortunately, this bill as well similar bills have in the past been introduced but havve died due to opposition. I am sure such agencies such as LULAC will be strongly up in arms against this bill and once again defeat it.
I agree that something like this need to be put into effect unfortunately in today's society, I do not see this happening anytime soon.

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 09:53 AM
We need to get other states going on this asap. This is definatly the right thing to do.

And Ill tell you what: I bet the local police are excited about this too. They will be all over it.

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by kenshiro2012
I would love to see this put into place. Unfortunately, this bill as well similar bills have in the past been introduced but havve died due to opposition. I am sure such agencies such as LULAC will be strongly up in arms against this bill and once again defeat it.
I agree that something like this need to be put into effect unfortunately in today's society, I do not see this happening anytime soon.

Well they also fought proposition 2000 and lost the fight on that; so I would not be so sure this will not pass.

Also who cares what LULAC likes or dislikes they represent illegals and illegals by law do not have any rights other than laws of due process when arrested.

[edit on 4/13/2005 by shots]

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 10:11 AM
what is LULAC?

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by ulshadow
what is LULAC?

A bunch of radical illegals trying to protect other illegals known as the League of United Latin American Citizens

[edit on 4/13/2005 by shots]

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 10:56 AM
Papers Please

On the surface this sounds like a good idea but more arrests mean more jails, more jails means more money for the prison industries and that means more Americans out of work.
After all the illegals will not be but on a bus that afternoon they will have to be kept somewhere, maybe at those semi-secret prison camps that have been discussed here on ATS.
In general it sounds like a good idea but these illegals are just what drips from the tap, you have to fix the pipe to stop the leak.
I get the feeling that Americans will loose on this, and promot National ID cards or some such.


good post shots

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 11:07 AM
The problem with bills like this is that (1) federal judge can over-ride 6 million voters. Remember California voters passed proposition 187 that prohibited illegals from receiving free medical care and free education?

Well (1) stinkin Judge in San Fran-Sicko decided that she was "smarter" than those 6 million voters and she shot down the bill that should have been law.

When (1) federal judge can give the middle-finger to 6,000,000 voters...its not a Democracy anymore. The same thing is gonna happen to this bill.


posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 11:26 AM
The difference, LA, is that San Fransisco has it's head up it's arse. Arizona is, generally, a little more based in reality. There may be moron judges in Arizona (for whatever reason, people seem to give the least thought to the most important elected officials they can elect), but I'm banking on the Arizona Supreme Court to shoot down any "progressive" judge that says police don't have the right to enforce the law.

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 11:29 AM
Good Point JJ, but the ACLU will shop for a certain federal judge until they find one that will shoot the bill down.

It only takes (1) Liberal ACLU Judge....just 1 and you can kiss that bill goodbye.


posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 11:34 AM
While a judge may have been respnsible for stalling the implementation of the proposition, it seems that it was actually the governor that caused it to be dropped completely.


posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by shots

Originally posted by ulshadow
what is LULAC?

A bunch of radical illegals trying to protect other illegals known as the League of United Latin American Citizens

Careful there, LULAC might decide to charge you with being a racist and by extension, everyone on this board that participates in the discussion. Of course to any organization like LULAC and MeCHA any discussion or action that they percieve as "against them" is a "racist" action.

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Chuck Stevenson
Careful there, LULAC might decide to charge you with being a racist and by extension, everyone on this board that participates in the discussion. Of course to any organization like LULAC and MeCHA any discussion or action that they percieve as "against them" is a "racist" action.

Hardly since I have stated over and over in many posts that I am not against immigrants entering the country at all, what I do not like is when illegals enter the country. In other words I am the side of the law, so sue me for being legal

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by cmdrpaddy
While a judge may have been respnsible for stalling the implementation of the proposition, it seems that it was actually the governor that caused it to be dropped completely.


Well not that Arnie is the Governor perhaps they should resubmit the bill after all he did replace Davies

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Sauron
Papers Please

I get the feeling that Americans will loose on this, and promot National ID cards or some such.

good post shots

Well I have no problems with a national ID card, if that is what it will take I am all for it considering the fact we have millions of illegals here.

Imagine all the jobs that would be available for Americans and legal entrants

For all those that think Americans will not benifit from throwing the illegals, think about it. The companies that are hiring them now will have no choice but to pay at least minimum wage to legals; which they do not do at this time. They will pay them only as much as they want knowing the illegals will not complain where legals will.

[edit on 4/13/2005 by shots]

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