posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 05:26 AM
Thanks for the post, but I believe that they are fake images they just scream fake to me.
Interesting and entertaining nonetheless but the Nazi Antarctic and high technology exotic technology theories that been getting thrown around for a
while have lost a lot of credence with me and I've been researching reading studying the subject matters for many years now over 30.
The reason is, if you look into the way the Nazi regime fell apart towards the end of world war II you will see that they really weren't as mighty and
or powerful and technologically endowed as one might think.
Adolf Hitler was an absolute mess towards the end of world war II, and believe me they hardly had the resources to fight off the oncoming allied
Powers let alone sneak off to Antarctica and start a break away civilization. The Nazi simply and literally ran out of gas and so they weren't even
making it to Moscow let alone Antarctica.
There absolutely are not any Nazi bases in Antarctica and the Richard Byrd story is a bunch of bull, as is this story. I gave up entertaining the
thought of a secret Nazi breakaway civilization etc etc years ago, but it was good fun while it lasted.
But hey, thanks again for the posting it and giving us some food for thought and entertainment, and welcome back! This is the best website of its kind
on the web always has been, I'm just getting back on myself after several years, I was originally a member in 2007 myself