posted on Nov, 1 2023 @ 09:23 AM
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Reality is so much more nuanced and complicated than a simple 10 minute youtube video can explain.
19th Century European Jewish Emancipation, and Haskalah (Jewish Enlightenment), encouraged Jewish integration into European society.
This in turn seemed to threaten Jewish identity.
Zionism rose as a counter, to maintain Jewish identity within a Nationalistic framework. It was a minority position.
Then the Holocaust. That presented a super impetus for Zionism to become the majority position.
To force a Jew to be Zionist is antisemitism. To assume that a Jew is Zionist is antisemitism.
There are Jews who identify as Israeli first, Jewish second, and American (or whatever) third. They may not be the majority but they sure don't make
it easier for Jews in general.
To complicate matters more, very many Jews have been born in Israel. You know. Regular people born normally in a country. They are pretty much Zionist
by default. Their religious ideology isn't a factor at all.
It gets more complicated rather than less over time.
edit on 1-11-2023 by FullHeathen because: (no reason given)