posted on Nov, 2 2023 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to:
I have never understood and excuse me for the lack o a better word the: "Cucking" of oneself whether male or female to please someone else... It is
what is as known as "bargaining" and in the end it leaves one defeated dominated and basically without anything to show for it even possession gained
by their own work in the choice whether it seems rational or not at the time to be such a slave to whatever was driving those choices in to such an
It in some peoples minds is the if it was or were good enough for me then it is or good enough for someone else mentality. Like for instance some
father of a witch I met was cucked into not smoking and put on rot your teeth out candy as a replacement and said you should stop smoking as if I
wanted to be cucked right along with him. At the behest of his "daughter" who knows and who cares I said I'd try it for her sake not knowing cuckville
I'll just say that I learned that giving another ones power? Especially over personal choice Is a mistake.
edit on 2-11-2023 by crowf00t because: sp