posted on Oct, 24 2023 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to:
I worked for SSA for 4 years, and left mainly because of the type of people who make up nonsense like this. Your local office is severely understaffed
and is getting yelled at all day. Any number of things could have triggered that overpayment, none of which you mention. You could have earned too
much, started taking a pension from a non-contributing source without telling anyone, etc. It happens all the time. You're not special. Depending in
the process, your SSA rep will have to jump through quite a few hoops for you. They manually send those letters out themselves, and usually not just
the one. Imagine sending several letters, because people don't like to read and certainly can't comprehend. Did you file for a waiver? You can only
get a waiver if it's not your fault AND you can't pay it back through benefit reductions or other means. There's a lot of paperwork involved with.
Your rep has to manage that too. Now, imagine 50 of those a month, on top of soccer moms screaming at you because they didn't think they needed a
valid driver's license to get a social security card, fights in the waiting area, and just all around trashy peolle all day long. I was making 78k/yr
and took a 25% pay cut to leave, and have never been happier. But yeah, totally hire a lawyer lol. I can't imagine a bigger waste of money, but we did
all love laughing about it. Lawyers are for disability appeals. Otherwise you're just paying someone to explain a letter to you. What does that say
about you?
As far as criminals, no. I had a 4 hr interview with a special agent. I don't have a criminal record, but they weren't even happy about something on
my credit report. That's not to say there aren't bad apples. Rude reps, occasionally someone somewhere will try to steal someone's benefits... if you
can imagine going to jail for 10 years over a couple grand. But 99.99% of the people that work in your local office are basically being treated like
lunching bags by the general public, just like yall are doing here! It's why you can't find labor lol. No one wants to deal with you. Also, a 600-700
overpayment is nothing. They can split that up between 36 payments without any additional paperwork. But you read the letter right? You already know
that! Or maybe higher a later (or a 6th grader) to read it to you.
Oh God, how I miss the "a friend of a friend said this" crap lol. You can't even spell what you're complaining about. You have zero details, and just
throw around insults and accusations. You sir, are litterally the definition of an idiot.
edit on 24-10-2023 by Jhayesdvm because: (no reason given)