Originally posted by Rocky003
You have to Remember The Stuff that Is Said in the Bible:
"I Shall Come like a Thief in the Night, No One Will Know The Day Nor the Hour Of My Coming...Not Even Jesus Christ Himself Knows, Only God
So Basically Yes, There are Prophets and yes, They all Have made Bold Predictions! But NO ONE Can Predict the End times....Everyone tried, all Have
Just My Opinion on that Matter
Hi Rocky003...
Yes .there are prophets in the Bible.......The Old Testament has many.
All the Old Testament has been fullfilled.......From a Christian point of view........otherwise you cannot have Christ the Lord.....who
Now speaking of the New Testament.....prophets always refer back to the Old Testament for clarification of what happened and what is to
We know for certain and fact ......that the end of times has not come.......otherwise I would not be posting here.......
People pick up their Bible and come up with various prophetic visions(so they beleive)
We know also that this has been a terrible mistake because many have failed and this causes many to foolishly react in a negative way to ALL of
Why do we have LAW'S?
Why do we have to follow the Law of this world?
why do we receive certain punishments regarding the Law of man?
Well, you cannot ,NOT have any rules or laws because then man would destroy themselves and live according to their own way of thinking what is right
or wrong......Even with man's law there are many problems .......but whether we like it or not, we have to abide by these laws...
be patient.....
God created and the law of God was not to eat of the tree(Cross of Christ in Paradise(First church......people )..
The Law of God was not kept, and Adam and Eve(the first people.....ADAM being the first MAN ) had to pay with ''death''...not a spiritual death,
but death to not fully being with God...
Death was conquered.....by Jesus Christ (God come in the flesh)and reconciled the people to God and death was no more(Spiritual death).......Though
through SIN man does not have contact with God like in the Old Testament as was before the FALL.....(hmmm I hope im making sense?)
Jesus Christ is the second Adam.....because Adam did sin, God had to come down for all humanity to save all mankind...quote//"the Word became flesh
and dwelt among us" (John 1:14).
Prophecy from the beginning in Genesis after the fall......tells us that a Saviour will be born to save the world......
Prophecy all throughout the Old Testament spoke of the Son of God........
In not a few instances, Old Testament prophecies speak simultaneously about the beneficial changes in human societies during the time of the New
Testament and about the new life in the Heavenly Kingdom. In this case the first acts as the source for the second (Is. 4:2-6, 11:1-10, chs. 26, 60
and 65; Jer. 23:5-6, 33:6-11; Hab. 2:14; Zeph. 3:9-20). The Old Testament prophecies regarding the destruction of Chaldean Babylon speak
simultaneously also of the annihilation during the reign of the antichrist (Is. ch. 13-14, and ch. 21; Jer. chs. 50-51)