posted on Oct, 20 2023 @ 06:38 AM
What a crazy thing has happened here. This is why I don't put too much importance on anything digital in my life. I know that it is just a lot of code
that can disappear in a flash with just one small error in the wrong place. It is why I don't have profiles other than for music. Music is amusement.
Even though I spend my whole life with sound I know it is amusement. A famous poet said that of poetry too even though he spent his whole life writing
the finest poetry humans can write.
Yes, the real importantce and the real memories are all tied up with flesh and blood reality. I neglect reality too much, so do we all.
New starts are great. So if this is a new start enjoy and try to be a better version. It is all Jesus will ask when He steps into our dimension on
that Great Day!
I say this in all honesty: I LOVE AND CARE ABOUT HUMANITY. I will not support any kind of killing for any cause. It is wrong. It was written in stone
that Moses brought back down from the Mountain:
That is the Law. If you break it as you live by your sword you and your people die by it constantly too. It is a karmic equation we do not have the
power to outwit.
Sword or Word? One is death and the other is life!
If you live by bullying and deleting members because they are being too honest and real....well you know how that story ends!
Looking forward to a resurrected ATS that is a better version of that old monster.
I love you all and no government, revolutionary or terrorist cell can entice me to want to go to war with any other human being. Those guys stink for
the misery they bring. If they strike you on one side of your face offer them the other side too. That is ultimate control and ultimate courage.
Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi!
edit on 20-10-2023 by Avengelist because: (no reason given)