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In world history class I learned about other world religions, but why not christianity?

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posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:14 PM
In history class I learned about the hindi, buddhist, islam, ext religions but I am wondering why there is no mention of Jesus. Since he has had the most affect on world history. I am just wondering why they tought these religions, but not christianity.

Please no idiot remarks

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:16 PM
please ask your prof

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
please ask your prof

Next time I see him I will, now why do you guys think it isnt tought?

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:25 PM
Well, it might be because our nation is a Christian nation and it might be expected that you already have a clue about it, whereas it is possible that you have no clue about the religions of other nations.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:26 PM
croat I don't know what type of school you attend but every school and every history course that I have been in that discussed world religions always, always, have started with Christianity. Maybe your teacher is saving it for last

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
croat I don't know what type of school you attend but every school and every history course that I have been in that discussed world religions always, always, have started with Christianity. Maybe your teacher is saving it for last

I took the course last year. I just had this thought recently

Edit: Oh and I just remembered that they also talked about judaism. One of the questions on the regents was who was the father of judaism. You know Abraham.

[edit on 4/12/2005 by Croat56]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Well, it might be because our nation is a Christian nation and it might be expected that you already have a clue about it, whereas it is possible that you have no clue about the religions of other nations.

I know alot of people who have no clue about it.

There was evan a satinist book club in my school!

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:44 PM
My guess is that because of the fact there are probably many Christians present in the class and that whatever is taught may not mesh well with what others have learned in sunday school or whatever, they left it out so as not to cause conflict. Christianity has a very colorful past and depending upon who you learn from and what they teach, the "His-Story" of Christianity can take on many different themes.

Also, at the same time being that there are probably much fewer if any people in class that are Buddhist, Hindu, etc. there is less of a chance that what they decide to teach you will be challenged by someone in the room.

BTW, how long did they spend on each Religion and what were they teaching about them??

Was it more of just the Dry facts about when they started and where and maybe a couple of statistics or did they actually get into the philosophy/theology of them too?

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:55 PM
This should answer all the questions. It is a history music video thing he made. .

Actually they do say one thing about it, maybe I wasnt there when they talked about it. I wasnt in this school my freshman year, so maybe I missed it.

Im not evan sure if it was a question on the regents though. I cant remember. Well I ended up getting a 92 on it so whatever.

Oh and Im in NY and there are ppl from every religion here. So they might not know what it is about.

[edit on 4/12/2005 by Croat56]

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 04:04 PM
You'll get to take World Religions in college, and Chrisitanity will be covered there, so never fear.
A Satanist book club?!? And they wonder why there might be a slight rise in school shootings nowadays?

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
You'll get to take World Religions in college, and Chrisitanity will be covered there, so never fear.
A Satanist book club?!? And they wonder why there might be a slight rise in school shootings nowadays?

Well religion is one of my favorite subjects. I like to educate myself on other ppls beliefs so thats good.

The satinist book clubs doesnt exhist anymore though. Good thing I didnt know about them until recently. I dont know what I might have done or said

So whatd you guys think of the video? I liked it and it helped me study for the regents.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 04:27 PM
Simple Christianity is too damn cool to be in a world history class

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
You'll get to take World Religions in college, and Chrisitanity will be covered there, so never fear.
A Satanist book club?!? And they wonder why there might be a slight rise in school shootings nowadays?

I think that the reason for school shootings now a days is only partially due to religion, perhaps lack thereof. Religion can provide guidance when properly asserted. Whether you are a Satanist, a Hinduist, a Buddhist, Catholic, or Christian for that matter, it stems from not just what books they read or the religion they follow but peer pressure and their environments in which they are growing. I happen to know several Satanists who would never dream of going into a school or any other situation and killing people. I do however think that this phenomenon with these shootings may also have to do with the lack of parental guidance of today's children as well as lack of proper education.

Please remember that the word Satan was derived from Christian beliefs, and why was Satan cast out of heaven? He did not unconditionally obey god and exercised his own free will and thought, and thus was cast from God's graces. Have you even done any research on what a Satanist believes in? I'm just curious. I think you will find that the religion is more philosophical than religious. They believe in the practice of free will and thought. Most Satanists do not even believe in Satan.

Did they cover Satanism in your religious course? I'm just curious. I think that maybe the reason why they may not have covered Christianity is because it is the #1 religion followed through out most of the world, and probably figured that you have experienced or at least been exposed to this religion. Perhaps, this is why your professor has not brought up Christianity and is simply trying to inform you of other religions and their viewpoints.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by Grey Fox
Simple Christianity is too damn cool to be in a world history class

i agree i also think that christianity/chatholicism should be thought more in public schools

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 10:18 PM
I went to a Catholic school and they sure a hell covered Christianity, but we also covered all the other main religions as well. Even the students were from a wide variety of backgrounds, out of my friends there was a vietnamese bhuddist nun, a bosnian muslim, polish catholic, aethiests and me an australian protestant.

Wonder if you get that sort of diversity in other religious schools?

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 10:21 PM

When i had history classes the reformation was taught, as was the dark ages and the inquisition and the crusades and all that. They aren't teaching that now?

I think its understandable that most text books don't go into any detail about the passion and what not, almost everyone knows that. Although as there are more non-christians in the country it might be a good idea.

Then again, you don't learn much about,say, muhammed, just that he started a religion and was in arabia and went to mecca. On the buddha, sometimes you learn that he was a prince who became an ascetic.

You do learn about the jews in a little detail tho, from a biblical perspective.


posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 12:28 AM

I think that maybe the reason why they may not have covered Christianity is because it is the #1 religion followed through out most of the world

s/world/US .. islam is dominant globally.

Thank you btw for clarifying what Satanism really is. It erks me when people cross Satanism with "devil worshiping" or the occult (or crossing the latter two as well). Seems to be the standard Christian mentality, even if toned down in modern times... "if it isn't Christian, it's the Devil's work." Although certainly not every Christian today carries this belief.
"Please Lord, save me from your followers!"

I went to a Catholic (Jesuit) highschool as well and Theology class was great fun. I had the highest respect of the instructor because I always posed questions he could not answer. Other major religions were touched on, barely, with emphasis placed only on Judaism and Islam, naturally.

posted on Apr, 14 2005 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by Croat56
In history class I learned about the hindi, buddhist, islam, ext religions but I am wondering why there is no mention of Jesus. Since he has had the most affect on world history. I am just wondering why they tought these religions, but not christianity.

That's because they believe you're Christian and you understand Christianity and putting a "Christianity 101" in front of you and making you go over the material again is pointless.

I would also guess that the same college has a number of very complete courses in all aspects of Christianity and therefore to teach it as a quick 1 hour topic in a 1 semester long course is to completely trivialize the religion.

The religions they want to de-emphasize are always taught in a "world religions" class. I can't see them offering a complete course in, say, Zoroastriasm.

posted on Apr, 30 2005 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Well, it might be because our nation is a Christian nation .
would that not make US a "Theocracy" and not a "Democracy" It is still "We the people"........right?........not "We the Christians".....

posted on Apr, 30 2005 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by trust_no_one

Originally posted by Grey Fox
Simple Christianity is too damn cool to be in a world history class

i agree i also think that christianity/chatholicism should be thought more in public schools
.........i think i'am feeling a little ill......wait maybe you are right!!!....Right after Christianity 101, then little johnny goes of to...say Hindu 101, them maybe Buddhism 101. After lunch.... alittle Satanism 101 (hey we can even have satanic guest speakers!!!) Ofcouse then after all of this there would be no time for science and math and all that other silly stuff!!!

[edit on 30-4-2005 by SpectreWithin]

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