posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 05:40 AM
Although I don't fly that often, I do know what it was like in the pre - 9/11 era of commercial flight. Back then, you just took it with a grain of
salt that you boarded the plane and got to where you were going. I was rather young then, and safety wasn't my biggest concern. Jets crash
sometimes and so this is always something you need to remember, however you seem to be concerned with your safety concerning terrorists.
I wouldn't say that our (US) failsafe procedures of security are foolproof, but better than before. No entity or group can guarantee your safety.
Ultimately, it is going to be up to yourself to ensure your safety, regardless of the governments doings.
Since I haven't flown much within the last 15 years, I can only relate this to driving a car. We share the roads with everyone else, and
unfortunately, people who don't care and have their own agendas. The Highway Patrol and the police are not going to be there at your whim to catch
the guy breaking the rules at the time or often, after the fact. Everyone needs to be vigilant and observant and take matters into their own hands,
especially on an airplane. No one can assure a terrorist will not hijack a flight you're on or even prevent it. Your safety is and always has been
in your own hands. Don't put your safety and everyone elses in the hands of a promising government or acting officers before you can do something
for yourself.
Don't let issues of terrorism make you worrisome either. Think of these things like you would anything else. Be observant and offensive when it
comes to anyone or anything that threatens your safety and welfare or that of others.
Their are no guarantees in life, but certainly you have the power to intervene in the events that may happen. Furthermore, maybe you should be a
little less paranoid of the likelihood that this kind of stuff will happen to you. Just because terrorism is a hot topic, doesn't mean that it will
likely happen to you.