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For Choosing JOE BIDEN as President - Will We Experience a Major Painful Reckoning.

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posted on Oct, 15 2023 @ 11:44 PM
Sunday, October 15, 2023

When citizens elect a LOON or a LUNATIC as their LEADER, it's only a matter of time before Large Scale PAIN pays a visit to the population.

Example #1: Elect radical loons to run a state (Illinois) and a city (Chicago), you end up with problems that snowball. The Radical Loons made IL/CHI official SANCTUARY HAVENS for non-citizens who violated U.S. law, by coming into America illegally.

AS A RESULT, Approximately 389 tax-payers are leaving Illinois every single day, as buses filled with non-taxpaying migrants arrive. Naturally, the taxes and fees charged by Illinois/Chicago are being increasing, along with crimes of all types.

Example #2: The people who live in GAZA elected LUNATICS as their leader(s): . Those HAMAS leaders vowed to destroy Israel.

As a Result, HAMAS leaders sent forces inside of Israel to rape, kidnap, and kill civilians, 8 days ago. Over the past 8 days Israel has been retaliating, which has caused over 2,500 GAZA residents to die and many more to suffer in other ways.

The citizens of ILLINOIS and GAZA elected LOONS/LUNATICS and are now suffering. Some, far more so than others, but the level of PAIN is increasing across the population.

QUESTION: Since Americans elected a Radical LOON as our President, what type of Society-shaking PAIN might be on our horizon? Inflation has been one painful result of putting Joe Biden in charge...but will there be something much bigger coming, in your opinion?


edit on 10/15/2023 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2023 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: carewemust


At this point, world war 3 with Russia next year. It's coming.
edit on 15-10-2023 by LittleJake because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-10-2023 by LittleJake because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 12:03 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
Sunday, October 15, 2023

When citizens elect a LOON or a LUNATIC as their LEADER, it's only a matter of time before Large Scale PAIN pays a visit to the population.

Example #1: Elect radical loons to run a state (Illinois) and a city (Chicago), you end up with problems that snowball. The Radical Loons made IL/CHI official SANCTUARY HAVENS for non-citizens who violated U.S. law, by coming into America illegally.

AS A RESULT, Approximately 389 tax-payers are leaving Illinois every single day, as buses filled with non-taxpaying migrants arrive. Naturally, the taxes and fees charged by Illinois/Chicago are being increasing, along with crimes of all types.

Example #2: The people who live in GAZA elected LUNATICS as their leader(s): . Those HAMAS leaders vowed to destroy Israel.

As a Result, HAMAS leaders sent forces inside of Israel to rape, kidnap, and kill civilians, 8 days ago. Over the past 8 days Israel has been retaliating, which has caused over 2,500 GAZA residents to die and many more to suffer in other ways.

The citizens of ILLINOIS and GAZA elected LOONS/LUNATICS and are now suffering. Some, far more so than others, but the level of PAIN is increasing across the population.

QUESTION: Since Americans elected a Radical LOON as our President, what type of Society-shaking PAIN might be on our horizon? Inflation has been one painful result of putting Joe Biden in charge...but will there be something much bigger coming, in your opinion?


Cmon man.

More tampons in the men’s bathroom stall and migrants are needed.

This is why your tax money is more important than ever before.

These things don’t pay for themselves.

edit on 16-10-2023 by Imhere because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 12:17 AM
Criminals and crimes will be the only growth in the near future. Anarchy follows. Be ready when the Biden administration starts shouting 'Austerity measures'.
edit on 10 16 2023 by Ilikesecrets because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 12:42 AM

originally posted by: LittleJake
a reply to: carewemust


At this point, world war 3 with Russia next year. It's coming.

The military leaders seem to be itching to fight CHINA. They keep predicting how close we are to that battle, while wearing bibs/drooling.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 12:44 AM

originally posted by: Imhere

originally posted by: carewemust
Sunday, October 15, 2023

When citizens elect a LOON or a LUNATIC as their LEADER, it's only a matter of time before Large Scale PAIN pays a visit to the population.

Example #1: Elect radical loons to run a state (Illinois) and a city (Chicago), you end up with problems that snowball. The Radical Loons made IL/CHI official SANCTUARY HAVENS for non-citizens who violated U.S. law, by coming into America illegally.

AS A RESULT, Approximately 389 tax-payers are leaving Illinois every single day, as buses filled with non-taxpaying migrants arrive. Naturally, the taxes and fees charged by Illinois/Chicago are being increasing, along with crimes of all types.

Example #2: The people who live in GAZA elected LUNATICS as their leader(s): . Those HAMAS leaders vowed to destroy Israel.

As a Result, HAMAS leaders sent forces inside of Israel to rape, kidnap, and kill civilians, 8 days ago. Over the past 8 days Israel has been retaliating, which has caused over 2,500 GAZA residents to die and many more to suffer in other ways.

The citizens of ILLINOIS and GAZA elected LOONS/LUNATICS and are now suffering. Some, far more so than others, but the level of PAIN is increasing across the population.

QUESTION: Since Americans elected a Radical LOON as our President, what type of Society-shaking PAIN might be on our horizon? Inflation has been one painful result of putting Joe Biden in charge...but will there be something much bigger coming, in your opinion?


Cmon man.

More tampons in the men’s bathroom stall and migrants are needed.

This is why your tax money is more important than ever before.

These things don’t pay for themselves.

Those are consequences of a LOON President, but fairly minor ones, compared to what could be coming.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 12:46 AM
Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself. (Mark Twain)

In the US, both political parties are not worth the money or perks that they get for being in charge. All politicians will lie or avoid answering questions. If they were to tell the truth and give a direct answer, they would ultimately end up out of a job and have to go and do an honest days work. And people will believe those lies and promises and then get the biggest shock of all when what was promised does not happen, but the exact opposite.

The congress is filled with adults who are acting like children. The constant tit for tat, endless bickering and constant fighting and standing on opposite sides of issues. If one party takes a stand in favor of one thing, the other is taking the opposite stand.

One moment, counting every penny and being fiscally responsible, and the next moment, it is whip out the credit card and checkbooks, time to spend baby spend.

Always reacting and never being proactive. Showing neither intelligence at times, nor considering this: Just cause we can do something, is it a good idea to actually do it. And then crying that they are the victim, when the other side uses their rules against them.

And on top of it all, no one wants to admit the one final truth of politics and that is the biggest problem in the US political system, are the people, who will complain about the politicians, yet either can and will not vote, or keep electing the same guy into office for years and things keep going badly for them.  

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 12:48 AM

originally posted by: Ilikesecrets
Criminals and crimes will be the only growth in the near future. Anarchy follows. Be ready when the Biden administration starts shouting 'Austerity measures'.

Since we only have 13 months before the Presidential election, how can we keep "Austerity measures" from being implemented? Those measures would make universal mail-in voting available to everyone.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Well, first of all CM, "WE" didn't do anything. Matter of fact, I'd say that Joe would have stolen it regardless, which he did but certainly not of his own accord.

That being said, I didn't vote for ANY of this snip! So "we" is a bit strong.

Two major differences between your examples would be that one situation is fairly new, while the other has been going on for almost 80 years! Secondly, the US problem is an invasion, while the middle east is dealing with control containment and the slow elimination of either side.

Our destiny is now in the hands of whoever we allowed to cruise on through our borders. It's going to get really spicy when people start hunting down those that supported the destruction of their lives and country.


Definitely chaos on the horizon.

What if these illegals, which are hardly vaccinated I'm willing to bet, are the replacement labor needed after most Americans keel over from the clot shots? 🤔 Time and again these invaders are being treated like arriving saviors, take for instance:

"According to Fox32, Chicago is providing up to $9,000 in rental assistance over a six-month period, which includes assistance with moving in, as well as a 'starter kit' to furnish their new digs."
Can you flippin believe that snip?? Just wow!

They are falling all over themselves to give these parasites the royal treatment for breaking our laws!! I saw an article the other day about some illegal women stealing from Walmart and telling the cops that they weren't doing anything wrong! Well, I guess I can't fully fault her for what she's saying because she's probably figured it out that if you steal, it's no problem. I don't know what the cops did with them, but I'm sure it was probably a ride home and an apology.

edit on 10/16/2023 by EternalShadow because: eta

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: carewemust

You're absolutely wrong about China the action is in between the United States the Philippines and China with its Navy and Air Force that is MIMs new straight talk.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 01:59 AM
I think it couldn’t be more obvious that nobody “chose” Joe Biden as president. We could see his criminality, desperation to make money even if it means selling out his country, he’s a drug user, he humiliated us, got people killed and equipped everyone in the neighbourhood with helicopters, night vision, arms, rockets etc his first week on the job, and trump said he’d start war(s) if elected and I think he is behind it all…what would Palestine ever have to gain by such a weak attack? I don’t know but I know the incumbent in the US has never lost an election during war time. Hang him or firing squad him already! My God what does it take to be found guilty of treason in his country nowadays!? He should have been six feet under yesterday!!!

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 04:30 AM
a reply to: Imhere

Not to mention buying your new EV which weighs more, does more damage to the roads which will need more work resulting in more orange barrels which results in more jobs and graft which require higher gas taxes so the people that can't afford or want an EV have to pay more to share the road with the EVs.

Classic FAFO.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 07:04 AM
The citizens didn't elect him. The citizens elected Trump.

The SCOTUS refused to hear the Texas voter fraud case. That doesn't mean Texas lost the case. It means the state of Texas never received justice for a crime that has caused grievous harm to the entire union.

Judicial corruption always seems to enable corrupt democrat politicians but that doesn't make the things they do right. It's just evil people protecting evil people.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: Ilikesecrets
Criminals and crimes will be the only growth in the near future. Anarchy follows. Be ready when the Biden administration starts shouting 'Austerity measures'.

You forgot about "X".

Save your money, or learn a skill that will guarantee you a job on Elysium.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: peskyhumans
The citizens didn't elect him. The citizens elected Trump.

The SCOTUS refused to hear the Texas voter fraud case. That doesn't mean Texas lost the case. It means the state of Texas never received justice for a crime that has caused grievous harm to the entire union.

Judicial corruption always seems to enable corrupt democrat politicians but that doesn't make the things they do right. It's just evil people protecting evil people.

Seems like a universal blueprint.

Corruption, greed, power, and control are the masters of this world.

It is well known and it is accepted, because we have the freedom to complain. As long as we just complain, and don't do anything to upset the apple cart.

So far we have been good little doobies. So far the program is working flawlessly.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 09:24 AM
My buddy is an MP on an Army Base in Hawaii, his leadership is saying China is currently the biggest threat.

His next orders are to the Philippines, which makes sense since we just added 4 new sites

Australia - United Kingdom - United States (AUKUS) have been busy training together in Nuclear Subs, also mentioned in Title LXVIII -- AUKUS MATTERS, Subtitle B -- Authorization for AUKUS Submarine Training, H.R.2670 NDAA 2024

Our military presence around China is unprecedented, and I'm sure it's only gonna get bigger until China has enough and hits back.
edit on 16-10-2023 by freedomfacade because: didn't quote properly

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: sdcigarpig
Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself. (Mark Twain)

In the US, both political parties are not worth the money or perks that they get for being in charge. All politicians will lie or avoid answering questions. If they were to tell the truth and give a direct answer, they would ultimately end up out of a job and have to go and do an honest days work. And people will believe those lies and promises and then get the biggest shock of all when what was promised does not happen, but the exact opposite.

The congress is filled with adults who are acting like children. The constant tit for tat, endless bickering and constant fighting and standing on opposite sides of issues. If one party takes a stand in favor of one thing, the other is taking the opposite stand.

One moment, counting every penny and being fiscally responsible, and the next moment, it is whip out the credit card and checkbooks, time to spend baby spend.

Always reacting and never being proactive. Showing neither intelligence at times, nor considering this: Just cause we can do something, is it a good idea to actually do it. And then crying that they are the victim, when the other side uses their rules against them.

And on top of it all, no one wants to admit the one final truth of politics and that is the biggest problem in the US political system, are the people, who will complain about the politicians, yet either can and will not vote, or keep electing the same guy into office for years and things keep going badly for them.  

That's the greatest deception of all time; while people are focused on the bickering and nothing getting done legislation gets passed under the radar ala EO's and nobody notices.

It's just a ruse to deceive people into believing we have a two party system, so if it ain't broke don't fix it.

How many decades have we fought over things that could have and should have been addressed? The border issue and immigration could/should have been dealt with eons ago. Roe v Wade could/should have been rewritten to conform to the law eons ago. Instead, things like this get put on hold for campaign fodder.

The insanity does not lie in the government; it ;lies with the people who allow themselves to be deceived and believe those in government represents the people.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: LittleJake
a reply to: carewemust


At this point, world war 3 with Russia next year. It's coming.

Maybe not that serious, but the people of Chicago elected a lunatic, the people of Gaza elected lunatics, and in 2020 America elected a lunatic.

Like Chicago and Gaza, I fear a serious reckoning of some kind is coming our way, for Americas bad 2020 decision.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 10:48 AM
I did not choose him thank you very much.

I voted for the first time in my life, and for Trump.

I don't think we chose him either.

He cheated and interjected himself where he is not welcome.

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: carewemust

You don't honestly think that the votes actually count, do you? Voting is a pacification system in place to give the illusion of the proletariat having the power to usher in meaningful change.

It is also a superb tool to foment strife and division amongst the populace. You pick a team and end up spending all your free time engaged in meaningless arguments that will change nobodies mind, meanwhile the actual people that are causing all this misery and sorrow in our realm remain untouched and live like royalty.

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