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40% of Surveyed Americans Experience 'Unexplained' Phenomena in Homes

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posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 07:17 PM
Just glad this many people in the survey admitted it!

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 09:59 PM
There are probably spirits in our house, but they seem pretty tranquil. Some weird stuff does happen, sort of like they are letting us know they are here and want us not to fear them. I think there are spirits all over the place but most are nice, not naughty. I suppose if I was a bad person they might create some chaos, but they seem satisfied. I wonder what kind of TV shows they like to watch?

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 12:12 AM
I live in a haunted house. Not a joke. I am not the only person who has experienced things. There are things we cannot quite explain but the things I have seen in this house, if someone told me I might not believe them.

That said, have had the house blessed 3 times. Did not do the trick. Someone mentioned an attachment. Sounds plausible to me.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

No ghosts or hauntings. Okay, I do believe I saw an orb the night before surgery when I was pretty scared. And thought I felt the dog jump up on my bed but she had just recently passed.
Glitch in the matrix, though. I was making a snack in the kitchen and thought about how I was going to enjoy something tasty and the dog only had dog treats in her dish. Then I go to pick it up off the counter and there are the dog treats on the counter and my snack was in the dogs dish. House elves playing tricks?

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 08:48 PM
"Join us on Sundays at 9AM & 11AM and on Wednesdays at 7PM."

Calvary Chapel Central Bucks Facebook page.

Calvary Chapel Website

This is my uncle's church. Nondenominational Christian church that follows the Bible's teachings and is by the book and focuses on studying the word of God and the teachings in the Bible, with an emphasis on following Christ and praising the Lord. If you're dealing with the hauntings or paranormal, bring up one of the videos on the Facebook page or the website while the weird stuff is happening. Jesus is the best ^_^

It's the church I went to as a baby and the one I like the best (that was before he took it over). Uncle John uploads sermons every Wednesday evening as well. They do a yearly trip to Jerusalem as a church and visit the places Jesus went to in the Bible. My uncle is an exceptionally intelligent and educated man of God and a gifted theologian. I think you'd all like what he has to say and I know you'll feel calm when listening to him. He's very charismatic and kind and is a confident speaker.

a reply to: FlyersFan

You're not alone. My husband grew up in a haunted house and when I stayed over there I experienced wild things, too. Thank you for making the thread. It's important that people know they aren't alone and that there's a whole community of wonderful people who experience stuff, too. Going through weird paranormal things is very weird and I bet if people don't have others around them who understand, it'd be really scary to go through that kind of thing on one's own. I am really glad that I've almost always had friends and family with me when I've witnessed freaky things.

Can I ask you to go more into detail?

Every house I've lived in besides the one I lived in as a baby till age 7 has been new that we built or a new apartment or condo (in my personal renting experience). I've never had a haunted one (except my dorm at Loyola--I saw a ghost girl that looked like the ring chick on the edge of my bed one night and felt her weight on the bed, but she wasn't creepy. It was just weird because shortly after she appeared this man in a beige trenchcoat appeared to my side. I had the top bunk, the lights were off, and I was on my laptop doing homework at night and my roommate was visiting her parents that weekend, so I was alone) but things came and messed with me in a couple locations. Where I live now is a brand new three-bedroom condo and it's in a good area and it's totally calm, but I heard a couple creepy things like a cat meowing under my bed at night under my head (my cat gets put into his own bedroom on the opposite end of the house with the door closed every night). After I had my daughter a couple months ago, I haven't experienced anything else. My husband also heard stuff and we've had weird dreams, but again, nothing since she was born.

Maybe you're the one being messed with by the enemy (ie. demons and such)

I look forward to reading everyone's stories on this thread

a reply to: Fairtrade141

originally posted by: Fairtrade141
I live in a haunted house. Not a joke. I am not the only person who has experienced things. There are things we cannot quite explain but the things I have seen in this house, if someone told me I might not believe them.

That said, have had the house blessed 3 times. Did not do the trick. Someone mentioned an attachment. Sounds plausible to me.

Hey what kinds of things have you experienced, good sir or madam? I am curious to hear more. I believe you. Don't worry: This kind of thing is so common. Literally all of my best friends have experienced things, too. Same with my family members and our family friends. I actually wonder if everyone has been through some level of paranormal stuff. You can PM me, too, if you want, but honestly just say what happened to you--it's really cathartic to just be loud and proud. There's nothing to be ashamed of. You're normal

My advice is do the Lectio Divina every day for 15 minutes. You choose a page in the Bible and then you read it, contemplate the passage, and then end with a prayer inspired your reading and contemplation. Do this every single day and it will get better. That's what the exorcist I talked to and met with for advice suggested when I got messed with in my first apartment (the place I lived before I moved to my current home). It worked. No, it didn't stop it totally and I still get messed with on occasion, but it's not all the time and it's really seldom now. Don't lose faith and don't worry! It all happens for a reason and you're going to be okay. Do the Lectio Divina.
edit on Oct❥2023 by rukia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

I'm sorry! I've never had a haunted house, despite getting messed with in a couple of places I've lived for a short amount of time. I can't imagine not having reprieve.

If you check out my threads, I detail what I've been through. And what my two best friends have been through.

One is a hard worker and one step below and Eagle Scout, my husband is an Eagle Scout, I have my degree in psychology and practiced as a therapist for years and was a member of the National Honor Society and most recently an Alumni member of the University of Milwaukee's Psychology Department Diversity Committee. Point being, we aren't involved in the occult. My uncle is a pastor and owner of a very successful Nondenominational Christian church in my home state of Pennsylvania.

I don't think your houses are haunted. I honestly think something is messing with you. You must be doing something good, because the enemy doesn't go after people who aren't doing the right thing. Spiritual Warfare is very real and it's an invisible war that's going on all around us all of the time. People usually don't notice or get dragged into it as much.

That said, the weird stuff that I've experienced makes up a very small fraction of my life. I'm just glad I haven't seen anything creepy in a long, long time. I'd never be friends with the enemy, since I love Jesus. The enemy is just jealous.

My parents and I built new homes. I'm an only child.

If you guys can move to new construction please do so, because even if you do get messed with it's a lot less weird and scary if it happens in a pretty house that's brand new. And trust your gut about a place. My spouse grew up in a super haunted house and my mom's house was haunted when she was a kid, too. My mom's family had to move due to the activity. This was back in the 60's and 70's and she and her sister did the Ouija Board because it was marketed as a game.

Why do you think the activity is happening? What makes it a hot spot and what did the priest say? Whenever things get creepy think about Jesus and say his name! The enemy runs. And do the Lectio Divina. I described the process in my comment directly above this one in the last paragraph. Please try it. The exorcist I met with is really famous and is the leader of the Milwaukee Archdiocese. His name is Fr. Cliff Ermatinger. He's cool and really nice and his advice to do the Lectio Divina was what helped me when I got spiritually attacked. I don't deal with anything at all now, besides super minor stuff that lasts for an instant and then stops. You'll get through this, but if you're being attacked then you need to stand strong and run to God. He's protecting you and isn't going anywhere, so don't worry. Everything is okay

Check out my uncle's church!

"Join us on Sundays at 9AM & 11AM and on Wednesdays at 7PM." Calvary Chapel Central Bucks Facebook page. Calvary Chapel Website

edit on Oct❥2023 by rukia because: (no reason given)

edit on Oct❥2023 by rukia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2023 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: rukia

Here goes. My wife and I bought this house in 2010. In 2009 we were supposed to close on the house but her sister died and so we had to wait til February to close. After moving in, house seemed fine. Nothing odd or out of the ordinary. I started cleaning out the basement and that was when things got interesting. Their was an old root cellar that I turned Into a working space. After I started clearing out the basement and doing a lot of work, the random voices and foot steps started.

Bear in mind that we are not steeped in the occult or prone to believing in the paranormal. However this gave me some unease. I would hear my wife call to me from the laundry chute and I would go upstairs to find her no where near it and she did not call for me.

It would happen that she would come studio to find out what I was yelling for, and I would be quietly working.

It was when we would hear each other's voice when we were not home, was the tell something was off. Had the house blessed and the house did not like that.

One night at 1 am, after I had moved my PC to the downstairs, I had left the speakers upstairs, powered on, but not plugged into anything. I wake up because I felt something, thinking it was my German Shepherd, she had nosed me and was standing in the hall. The bedroom door is directly facing my north bedroom. Office, and from there came the sound that haunts me to this day. A woman's voice calling out to my dog. "ONA... Ona... Good girl Ona." A peal of laughter and then a hum from the speakers.

Since then, no speakers of any kind are left on.

Friends would tell me about a ghost that would watch them. A black shape with white eyes just watching them. I have a video of my cat suddenly being petted by something unseen and reacting to it.

One thing to note. I had a car hit the house in 2011. The morning just before the car hit, a voice told me to Wait. I was about to let my dog out to go pee and I was going to sit in the lawn chair and drink coffee. The car when it hit the house deflected off the house and smashed into the lawn chair sending it across the yard. It spoke "Wait" twice just before the car hit.

Whatever resides here with us, may or may not be evil, but certainly has a way of having fun at our expense.

posted on Oct, 15 2023 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: rukia

Why do you think the activity is happening? What makes it a hot spot and what did the priest say?

It began at age 7. Father Morey, Exorcist, said that I have been under spiritual attack since that time. An older kid put a spell on me and told me because I blew him in. He wanted me to drop my pants and put my hotdog onto this younger than me girls "hamburger". She showed I didnt and told dad. Kid shows up after dad called cops and neighbors dad.

Hot spot could be from 100's of years ago as per South Carolina Paranormal Research and Investigations. Priest said it was because of evil neighbors next door and there junk. They are swingers, traffic drugs and possibly kids. They are channeling the evil in and may not even be aware of it.

Lectio Divina

Father Morey is a Vatican trained Exorcist. In July 2021 he told me to buy the book Manual of Spiritual Warfare and read it. I do. He said to start going to church and get a rosary and learn it. I have. Said to pray to Saint Michael. I do. Said that we many have to move. We are. Said to get a real bible and read it. I have one.

No Sleep Paralysis, footsteps, muffeled music and or hearing just beyond audile conversations since 30Jan2022. Something stopped it!

Whenever things get creepy think about Jesus and say his name

Agree! It works instantaneously.
edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: typos

posted on Oct, 15 2023 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: Fairtrade141

Had the house blessed and the house did not like that

Agree. It also doesnt like being remodeled and getting fixed up as it was never right nor built as per Code. Everything is fluffed up. I need to fix another 20%.

You should have seen what it did to the painters this past June. Front door dead bolt kept locking them out. Father painter started screaming at son painter that he's stupid. Then father painter got locked out over a dozen times. Last day here we all heard and saw it move.

F this.
edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: typos

posted on Oct, 16 2023 @ 01:07 PM
Count me in the percentage that has not. My wife/bro in law swear that their old house was lively. My Mom, Sister, Grandmother and Great Grandmother have had strange occurrences as well.

My great grandmother saw her son say goodbye minutes before she got the call that he passed. She pointed to the spot he appeared in the yard. He died a state away.

My Mom saw the entity at my Sister's house, and their was a picture as well, but my Sister could never find it after-the-fact. It was a woman, but that was all. Not malevolent in any way.

posted on Oct, 19 2023 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

The house I grew up in was haunted, or rather, I think I was haunted while I lived in it. I think it's far more likely to have these things attached to us rather than to a building. I've had a few things happen in most of the places I've stayed, except the one I'm in now. Uh oh, shouldn't have opened my mouth should I?

posted on Nov, 21 2023 @ 12:38 AM

edit on Tue Nov 21 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 05:30 AM

originally posted by: MacSen191
The house I lived in with my SO their was an entity there... you'd see a white mist float by the bedroom door, our dogs would stare and watch something we didn't see. My friend got pushed down the basement stairs, things would move on thier own, the basement made the hair stand up on your arms, my son said someone with a gnarled hand touched his shoulder when he was getting something out of the freezer we had down their, and when I burnt frankincese inside the house the front door burst open and it was locked and firmly closed, but the weirdest thing that happened to me there was I talked to an older gentleman outside the house about my SO and some basic questions about myself when I first started living there and getting serious with SO. Never saw him again, until I went over to SO's parents house and saw a picture of his grandfather and I said he looked like the nice man I was talking to, turned out he died in 93' and this was 2005 when I talked to him.

A survey shows that 40% of Americans have experienced "unexplained" phenomena in their homes, like strange noises or movements, indicating that such mysterious encounters are relatively common.

posted on Aug, 20 2024 @ 07:17 PM
Well they didn’t include me in survey. Current house 5 years old. One day last year my upstairs tv turned on by itself after I came home.

Yesterday I went outside and while putting stuff in my car trunk, my garage door closed itself. This is a big 2 car garage door that decided to close by itself. I have no idea what is going on. It’s not the first time I’ve encountered strange things. I have not seen any invisible entities so far in my new house. In my prior house I did but I could make out a shape because whatever was standing right in front of me kind of like in the movie Predator but I had my lights on and entity was friendly.
edit on 20-8-2024 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2024 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

alot of you people just THINK you saw something move
in the middle of the night when you are in the woods...

lots of them... pool parties are like concerts for them

after 8+ years of careful research,
and THOUSANDS of hours of video, 10+skunks, squirrels,
20+deer, 51+ raccoons, 4 cats and 4 possoms, even a few crows
they are as curious as we are and will sit and watch you for hours,
(not like they got anything better to do)

and YES they DO FEEL PAIN as my 3-legged deer buddy shows
as she pulls her leg hi in the air , after slamming her stub into the ground
they also each have their own preferences and ATTITUDES

but as this short video clip shows.... we are rubbing off on them

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 06:41 PM
Figured this would be a good place to bring this up.

Last night my wife showed me hand prints that were on our back patio door. Each print a full pair of left and right hands next to each other. At least a dozen, all full, all on the outside of the glass door. They went from about 6'6" high (center print) and 14" low.

We have no idea who would've or could've done this. To make full handprints like that you'd have to lay on the ground, and my wife and I both work second shift. They'd have to be done during sunlight with very active neighbors.

The outside door was unlocked, and there were no prints on the inside door or windows.

Can anyone throw out any ideas of how this would happen? We live on a closed street with friendly neighbors and no enemies... The prints were from a male, must be over 6 feet tall.

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 11:20 PM

originally posted by: sine.nomine
Figured this would be a good place to bring this up.

Last night my wife showed me hand prints that were on our back patio door. Each print a full pair of left and right hands next to each other. At least a dozen, all full, all on the outside of the glass door. They went from about 6'6" high (center print) and 14" low.

We have no idea who would've or could've done this. To make full handprints like that you'd have to lay on the ground, and my wife and I both work second shift. They'd have to be done during sunlight with very active neighbors.

The outside door was unlocked, and there were no prints on the inside door or windows.

Can anyone throw out any ideas of how this would happen? We live on a closed street with friendly neighbors and no enemies... The prints were from a male, must be over 6 feet tall.

Sounds like someone was maybe attempting to do a break and enter on your home, that's my guess. People know how to pull off some patio doors by putting your hands on them and pushing up really hard and popping them off.

You say you guys work 2nd shift? Isn't 2nd shift like 4pm till 1230am? So why would they have to do it during day light hours? Couldn't it be done 9pm till 1am? Or after you guys go to sleep at at say 3am till 6am? It stays dark out now till after 6am and gets dark just after 9pm now so if your on 2nd shift they had a chance to do it in darkness.

My best suggestion is keep everything secure. Maybe keep a light on in the house when you go to work even if your leaving in daylight hours your house is still empty for 3 or 4 hours when darkness hits. Install a sensor light, criminals don't like working under bright lights at night and of course u can get a camera too. Camera might not stop a break in but at least you know know who did it or whose creeping around your house outside.

Earlier this summer I went out 8nto my backyard at around 4am for a smoke and it's pitch dark behind my house, big trees and nothing but field, trees and empty space and I found some guy sleeping in my backyard. Was one of the neighbors a block away walking home drunk and couldn't quite make it home, he said he sat down to rest and passed out
edit on 25-8-2024 by TheMisguidedAngel because: Typo

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 02:54 AM
a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

This is why it's weird. We have a great relationship with our neighbors. They would've said something. And we're usually up until daybreak. We're on a daily conversation basis with our neighbors who usually are outdoors and active from mid afternoon til when we're off work.

There was no sign of anyone trying to slide the windows. The only handprints we're on the unlocked patio door. Nothing on our windows or inner doors.

I called the exterminator, as perhaps they might've tested the airflow from the outer door. But, no, they hadn't been out yet.

And yes we always have various lights on in our house. It's just so strange. I kind of hope it's a ghost, lol, because the alternative is extremely frightening.

ETA: This happened during an extremely hot day/night. Heatwave. Torture to be outside for more than a minute or two. Nobody roams this stretch or road without heading home, and everyone here has a car.
edit on 26-8-2024 by sine.nomine because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2024 @ 09:07 PM

originally posted by: sine.nomine
a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

This is why it's weird. We have a great relationship with our neighbors. They would've said something. And we're usually up until daybreak. We're on a daily conversation basis with our neighbors who usually are outdoors and active from mid afternoon til when we're off work.

There was no sign of anyone trying to slide the windows. The only handprints we're on the unlocked patio door. Nothing on our windows or inner doors.

I called the exterminator, as perhaps they might've tested the airflow from the outer door. But, no, they hadn't been out yet.

And yes we always have various lights on in our house. It's just so strange. I kind of hope it's a ghost, lol, because the alternative is extremely frightening.

ETA: This happened during an extremely hot day/night. Heatwave. Torture to be outside for more than a minute or two. Nobody roams this stretch or road without heading home, and everyone here has a car.

Ya that's really weird then especially if there was handprints 14 inches off the ground. Only other thing I can think of is how old is the patio door? Could it be the handprints are from the warehouse or even the guys who installed the patio door? Even if the patio door is a year or 2 old maybe you just never noticed them till ur wife saw them? Maybe you guys don't clean the outside patio door with windex and they are from a long time ago? I know I very, very rarely windex my outside patio doors it's been at least a couple years or longer for sure, handprints can stick around on things for years if not cleaned

I believe in the paranormal but I'm just not a big believer of spirits or ghosts leaving handprints all over things, I always believe there is a human reason for handprints on things and not a ghostly reason.

Edit- let me know if you ever figure it out even if it you figure it our in weeks or months from now I'm really interested to know, especially since they had the low ones, which if they weren't put on there by someone carrying the door/installing, then the person was laying on your patio which is very weird.
edit on 27-8-2024 by TheMisguidedAngel because: (no reason given)

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