Okay, so I kind of do this for a living (not intentionally, sort of a by product of other elements).
Just some straight math (and keep in mind, these numbers are optimum values.)
The typical residential solar panel produces about 300-400 watts.
A 1.5 HP pump draws about 11-12 amps at 110 volts. This equates to roughly 1,250 watts. Therefore, in a perfect world, you would need at least four
(4) solar panels to support the load of a 1.5HP pump. Again, this is in a perfect world. Now let's talk about the real world (the one we live in).
Depending on where you live, you won't have sunshine all day, every day. And, you won't have it at night either. You can easily find (on the net)
factors to tell you what your solar energy is for your area. It will give you things like average days of sun, average length of day (throughout the
year), and available energy based on attenuating factors such as particulates (smog, moisture, etc.) in the air.
Now let's talk about the solar panels themselves. A solar panel fresh out of the box will perform at maximum levels. However, as soon as that panel
begins to collect dust and water spots, the performance % will degrade. A good nominal number to use as a rule of thumb is 50% of optimal
performance. (yep, you read that right). What this translates into is, you will have to increase your solar panel count to account for this
reduction in efficiency. So, just for illustration, let's say you increase your solar panel count by a factor of 2x. Now you have eight (8) panels
required to run your pump.
The average solar panel size is roughly 3' x 5', or 15 SF. (8) x 15 SF = 120 SF (roughly a 10' x 12' area). This is the roof (or other) area you
will need for the panels.
Now, we have to talk about running during 'off-hours', and this involves storage in the form of batteries. First, storage is expensive, so you're
going to want to limit the amount of energy you are storing. Storage is also fairly high maintenance, and has fairly low MTBF numbers. So, it's
expensive to buy, expensive to maintain, and it doesn't have a very long life. (short version).
Before we go too far down this storage path, we need to discuss some other things, inefficiencies. Nothing is 100% efficient. We already discussed
inefficiencies of the solar panels, but there's more. Your electrical system will also have inefficiencies, and these inefficiencies jump
significantly when storage is involved. Power can only be stored as direct current (DC), and your solar panels output DC, so no issues there.
However, your pump uses AC current, and this means you will need an "inverter" to convert your stored DC power to AC current. The highest performing
inverters in the market perform at a max of 90%, but this is the top of the line gear. Most residential systems will perform at values more like 80%
efficiency. Thus, you have to add another 20% of capture to meet demand, if the load is fed from storage. In other words, even more solar panels.
An additional 20% is essentially another (2) more panels.
Storage costs are about $1,000/kWh. Our load is 1,250 watts. If we assume 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of dark, then we're going to need
roughly 15kWh of storage capacity to span 12 hours. Rough math = $15,000 for storage.
We don't do residential stuff, so I had to poke around a bit to see what a non-commercial / residential 4kW system would cost (so take this with a
grain of salt). The solar panel system cost is roughly $17,000. And then there will be electrical work to connect everything together. The basic
rough electrical work will be about $2,500, but to this you are also going to need to add one more component and this is a transfer switch to switch
the load between battery and active. This will cost another $2,500+/- (most of the ones we do are much, much, larger).
System - 4kW system
Storage - 12 hours
Bottom line - $37,000
ETA - There's probably a couple other things in there I should have included. A voltage regulator and transformer will be required because the panels
output a different voltage than the batteries require, and there's another power factor to consider there also though not as big as the inverter.
Probably only around 3-5% reduction in efficiency (which we've already covered with the excess capacity of the added panels earlier). Figure another
$400 bucks for the transformer.
Assumptions - Obviously, there are a number of assumptions here. They are essentially as follows:
- 12 hours of sun and 12 hours of dark
- 100% backup for off-hour operation (you can cut costs significantly by reducing this as much as possible).
- You don't live in Seattle! LOL! (where there is cloud cover for like 240 days per year).
- Your system can be installed in a fairly consolidated area. More spread out equals more $$ due to larger wire gauge to deal with DC voltage
- Manual transfer switch. (If you want auto, double the transfer switch cost).
edit on 10/12/2023 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)