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California's migrants have ruined the West... they aren't stopping there

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posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 12:45 PM
I had lived in North Idaho for nearly a dozen years... "had" being the key word. Skyrocketing property prices sent us packing.

We nearly purchased the property 7 years ago for 120K. Our landlord passed suddenly, and the property passed to his father... he didn't want to sell, but kept our rent low and gave us free reign over the 11 acres we lived on.

This spring, his grandchildren asked for the property as their inheritance. He agreed, with the understanding that the property stayed in their family, and we were to stay on as long as we wanted. (He did not get that in writing...) The grand-kids told us as much, and stated that agreement stood for as long as we wished. We explained that we were about to spend 2500 of our own money for new horse fencing... we would not do that if we had to move, they said it was fine... we could stay as long as we wished.

"As long as we wished" ended in July... they sent us a text saying that they were being forced to sell, and we had to go. They listed the property for 600K... and they will probably get that much for it.

We wanted to stay in North Idaho, but it is no longer affordable... deep pocket California "refugees" are buying everything in sight. We had one friend that couldn't sell his place for 300K 6 years ago... he recently sold for 1.5M. It is absolutely insane.

Sure, we could have fought them in court... and lost more money trying to stay someplace we could no longer afford.

I'm retired military, totally disabled and live on a fixed income. That income got us by just fine there, for many years... not anymore. We looked all over the West, and it is like this pretty much everywhere. We finally decided to return to my native West Virginia.

We had to sell my wife's horses, and my beloved Chevy Impala to pay for the move... it broke our hearts, but you do what you have to.

We moved to West Virginia 2 weeks ago, and we aren't looking back.

We made a detour on our drive to visit some friends in Clarksville, TN... it's happening there as well. Our friend works for the state, and said that California corporate entities are buying up EVERYTHING in sight...

The rest of the country is getting quietly Californicated... liberalized and lobotomized...

We now live in Hatfield territory... they haven't Californicated this area yet, and I urge all Californians to just stay the hell away...

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 12:51 PM
I had purchased my childhood home from my parents a few years back, near Kansas City, then decided to upgrade and move out of the city we were in.

It, and many in my neighborhood doing the same, were purchased by California "investors" that turned them into rental properties.

Those swiftly turned into drug houses and ruined a neighborhood that had been full of retirees that bought those houses new back in the 70s when they were built.

It's a plague that is moving across this country and I am not sure if there is much to do to stop it.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: madmac5150
I had lived in North Idaho for nearly a dozen years... "had" being the key word. Skyrocketing property prices sent us packing.

We nearly purchased the property 7 years ago for 120K. Our landlord passed suddenly, and the property passed to his father... he didn't want to sell, but kept our rent low and gave us free reign over the 11 acres we lived on.

This spring, his grandchildren asked for the property as their inheritance. He agreed, with the understanding that the property stayed in their family, and we were to stay on as long as we wanted. (He did not get that in writing...) The grand-kids told us as much, and stated that agreement stood for as long as we wished. We explained that we were about to spend 2500 of our own money for new horse fencing... we would not do that if we had to move, they said it was fine... we could stay as long as we wished.

"As long as we wished" ended in July... they sent us a text saying that they were being forced to sell, and we had to go. They listed the property for 600K... and they will probably get that much for it.

We wanted to stay in North Idaho, but it is no longer affordable... deep pocket California "refugees" are buying everything in sight. We had one friend that couldn't sell his place for 300K 6 years ago... he recently sold for 1.5M. It is absolutely insane.

Sure, we could have fought them in court... and lost more money trying to stay someplace we could no longer afford.

I'm retired military, totally disabled and live on a fixed income. That income got us by just fine there, for many years... not anymore. We looked all over the West, and it is like this pretty much everywhere. We finally decided to return to my native West Virginia.

We had to sell my wife's horses, and my beloved Chevy Impala to pay for the move... it broke our hearts, but you do what you have to.

We moved to West Virginia 2 weeks ago, and we aren't looking back.

We made a detour on our drive to visit some friends in Clarksville, TN... it's happening there as well. Our friend works for the state, and said that California corporate entities are buying up EVERYTHING in sight...

The rest of the country is getting quietly Californicated... liberalized and lobotomized...

We now live in Hatfield territory... they haven't Californicated this area yet, and I urge all Californians to just stay the hell away...

People with money are deciding they want to flee the big cities because of high cost of living, crime, etc. The progressive authoritarians during the pandemic made a lot of people fear being stuck in big cities. Combine that with remote working being more acceptable / technologically feasible, a lot of people are choosing to move to more rural & small town areas.

We rent a house in an area outside of Atlanta a couple of times a year. We'd like to buy a second home / retire there but can no longer afford the community. Homes have basically tripled in price since right before pandemic. So a house that was say $600k in 2019 is now going for around $1.2 to $1.5 million.

Of course, the issue is that most are fleeing progressive blue cities and bringing their voting habits and culture with them.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 01:18 PM
in secaucus nj walmart, 3 out of 5 employees DO NOT SPEAK english
let that sink in.

walmart is a c0rp0rate job.
yet these illllegals are getting gigs there.

they make announcements only in spannish during the day.
you ask where the shirts are, they have to 'find' an employee who habblo englisio
no joke, they walk around with you till they find an engglish speaking worker.

the c0nrstrcuti0n gigs in ny and nj ALL go to mexikans.
you drive around, the SIGNS are now in mexikan lannguage. honda has a mexikan only billboard.

the republik is lost.
the r0thschilds have w0n.
the great replaccement is upon us.

there will be no itallian, no irissh, no russsian women within 75 years.
it will all be mexikans.

ammerica, will be a shtt thirrd w0rld mexikan speaking c0untry.
the republik is lost.

it is a damn shame.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: madmac5150

You can add a number of the neo Oregonians and Washingtonians to that… they’re still some non- California equity folks left there, but the equity folks are all bailing to Reno and Boise. We left S. Oregon for Ohio, not a lot of folks battling to live here just yet.

I wish you well in WVa. Some good hunting, Turkey, black bear and white tail. Really sorry to hear about the horses and Impala😔

edit on 11-10-2023 by BlueJacket because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 01:35 PM
I was stationed at McChord AFB in Tacoma,WA in the early 1990s. Seattle was absolutely awesome... it was a beautiful, vibrant and safe city to visit. My ex-wife and I made scores of day trips to Seattle, and went all over the city with no problems whatsoever. I loved Seattle back then, yet that's when Californians began to invade from the south... fleeing wildfires, floods, earthquakes and liberal policies... carrying their liberal social disease with them.

My wife and I visited her cousin in Seattle, spring of 2015... springtime in Seattle is breathtaking. Er, well, it used to be.

Seattle has become a total dump.

They took the Emerald City and turned it into a giant, green turd... decorated with human turds. We witnessed a homeless guy take a dump in the parking garage we were parked in... (it wasn't cheap parking... their janitorial costs must be outrageous.) We saw a guy get mugged near the Pike St. market. We watched another guy shooting up... it was horrific to see what had happened to this city.

Californians spread like a malevolent virus...

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: madmac5150
I couldn’t agree more. I moved to Oregon back in the 90s, bought a house in Laurelhurst Neighborhood of Portland for 174k. A few years later the house was sold by my ex for near 400k, few years after that that same 1450 sq foot home was near 900k.

Now Portland is part of the 1000mile human feces River running from LA To Seattle.

Those black block wearing turd droppers set fires all over S. Oregon, natural fires were bad enough, but the last straw for us was burning our town to the ground in 2020. We got out last April.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 02:03 PM
West Virginia is beautiful country. I sometimes think getting some acreage there would be cool to live out my SHTF prepper fantasy. Definitely an overlooked area. Get in while you can...

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 02:09 PM
We left San Antonio about 7 years ago. When I first moved there, it was beautiful. That was over 20 year ago. You know where it's at now, I don't even need to explain what a trash place it has become. We moved to Denver for a job and it was clean, no homeless, not really much crime. Right before COVID we started noticing the homeless and then it got worse and worse until covid hit and their were homeless camps right in front of the capitol building. They had portapotties too and people feeding them, it was a disaster. Since then, we've lived in South Dakota coming up on 4 years. I am sad to say, the liberals have found a nice place to trash our Lewis and Clark trail and the Mexicans have boomed here fixing roofs and everything else. I never thought theyd come to Pierre, but they are here and it is so annoying because I left 2 cities due to liberal destruction only to find out they are coming here more and more everyday. a reply to: madmac5150

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated
West Virginia is beautiful country. I sometimes think getting some acreage there would be cool to live out my SHTF prepper fantasy. Definitely an overlooked area. Get in while you can...

Truth be told, even though I am a native Mountaineer, I am viewed as an outsider here. I am originally from the northern panhandle part of the state, nowhere near where we are now. This part of the state is a bit insular, and I am totally OK with that.

It's a beautiful area... but trust here definitely must be earned, and I totally respect that.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: rebsmarie

Its all relative to where you live in WV. North Central and the pan handle is pretty well populated. That said, if you go 30 min off I79, I68, Rt 50, things get quiet. I grew up in doddridge/harrison county border. loved the rd I grew up on. if your looking for Country living and absolutely small town vibe, Check out West Union, wv, or salem.There are other places too. You can get land cheap for the most part, especially if you find some with a trailer on it.

If your near Morgantown, Fairmont, Clarksburg, Charlestown, Huntington, its pretty built up. but there are alot of quiet out of the way places.


posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: madmac5150

Are the companies doing the buying China owned?

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 05:57 PM

California's migrants have ruined the West... they aren't stopping there

Californians, in general, have ruined the west.
But , a story for another day....

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: drongosrevenge

I understand part of the frustration that you are seeing. It is hard, but at the same time, there is something else that is not being said: Many of the jobs that the immigrants are taking, are either paying at the bare minimum wage, or are jobs that people are just not willing to work.

Many public and private schools the emphasis has been for the children to go to college and get a job that is not service oriented, leaving many of the blue collar jobs lacking for people. The service industry often taking the brunt of that shortage. Added to the fact that for years people have been saying: If you do not like it, find another place to work. When the global issue hit, many of those employees that were present, did just that, by quitting and finding other jobs to work at that paid more and had better benefits. This left a vacuum in the work force, and thus Mexicans came and stepped into those position that no one wanted.

Retail I can understand, with the number of customers showing pure entitlement and bad behavior have been steadily growing in numbers to where it is not worth it. Would you want to work minimum wage and have to deal with people who are looking down on you, or having to work on say holidays or even say an anniversary cause you could not get the day off? Or work full time, and still require the need to get food stamps cause the job is not paying enough to survive?

Or even if you merely mention, say forming a union, puts you on the fast track of being under a microscope by the management to have reason to terminate you?

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: drongosrevenge

That's why over 2 million Americans are trying to get their butts into Japan because right now the immigration laws have been relaxed and you can come in here and start a business they know what people with their closed eyes and close mine and stupid messed up drugged up mental capacity to have no idea which really taken place

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 02:01 AM
What’s wrong with Mexican women?

I can appreciate the reduction in diversity is a bugger and against everything the narrative expounded.

Double standards and you used to be a pretend Pam quoted to poke fun at military justice. Now it seems to be an approved government operation manual.

Interesting times.

a reply to: drongosrevenge

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 03:18 AM
Honestly your just at the brink of the wave that's balancing effect these migrations are having on the local economy of every American.

This is why savings is paramount for emergencies.

Minimum wage in San Diego is 17 and soon all of California will have 20 an hour if you are in fast food.

There is no where for people to live in California literally no homes, the homes that are available are in the extreme range of prices or someone just died and teh next in line gets lucky. The waiting list for low income housing is out of this world, years.

California makes up 12 percent of Americas population and brings in 8 percent of the GDP. Apparently the minimum wage in Idaho is 7.25 lol what !? Idaho makes a grand total of "0.4" percent of the GDP of the united states. Thats 20 Idahos to make up what One california is bringing in. Idaho also has just half of one percent of the unites states population.

so you see whhy i think its funny when people think Californians are doing it on purpose.

When you say rich Californians are moving in I hope you realize that's it from your perspective, because these are the poorest of human beings within California that have lived in an economy that has done nothing but suck them dry yet they are still here living life like you and me. Lucky to get what they got from selling there homes if they are that lucky, the unlucky ones have nothing to show for it and wasted there money renting, most likely because they had no choice.

When a poor Californian that has owned there home for 30 years bought at 80 k in 90' for there home to be worth more than 400K. Forced to move not because of home prices but because of the price to do anything around them has taken them to the brink. 6.50 per gallon, milk is 4 dollars, eggs 10. They decide to leave and scrounge up enough money to pay the exorbitant prices of moving away.

So you see everyone suffering isn't unique under the sun not yours, not mine not anyones.

Its not my fault that many of you made 8 dollars an hour for the last 30 years and was "ok" with it. know your worth and how that relates to the cost of living.

Its not the "mexicans" fault either. The problem is with Illegals being illegal, not paying taxes. undercutting wages. If we really wanted for not one human being to be able to set foot in this country with out us knowing we could but we dont, we allow it to be this way based on who we vote for and what politics we care about. We could have teh southern and northern borders buttoned up like a mummys arse.

You don't live on your own island you live as part of the united states of America what happens to one of us affects us all.

edit on 12-10-2023 by MConnalley because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-10-2023 by MConnalley because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 09:00 AM
Xenophobe much?


Have you ever wondered if it's "Californians" that are setting the prices? You know...the ones that keep raising them? Yet you blame the ones paying....

I never understood the stupidity of people blaming their personal woes on folks that are simply from another part of the country. I hear this # all the time here. "Don't California my Texas, derp derp derp"
Grow the F up. Seriously

posted on Oct, 12 2023 @ 04:51 PM
They may be raising the minimum for some of their lower skilled workers in order to displace them from the state. They've recently lost five seats in the House. Maybe by design.

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 07:27 AM

originally posted by: drongosrevenge
in secaucus nj walmart, 3 out of 5 employees DO NOT SPEAK english
let that sink in.

walmart is a c0rp0rate job.
yet these illllegals are getting gigs there.

they make announcements only in spannish during the day.
you ask where the shirts are, they have to 'find' an employee who habblo englisio
no joke, they walk around with you till they find an engglish speaking worker.

the c0nrstrcuti0n gigs in ny and nj ALL go to mexikans.
you drive around, the SIGNS are now in mexikan lannguage. honda has a mexikan only billboard.

the republik is lost.
the r0thschilds have w0n.
the great replaccement is upon us.

there will be no itallian, no irissh, no russsian women within 75 years.
it will all be mexikans.

ammerica, will be a shtt thirrd w0rld mexikan speaking c0untry.
the republik is lost.

it is a damn shame.

What's going on here with this post?

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These characters aren't random and not a coincidence. Why did you write this post this way; "just goofing around" is an unacceptable answer.

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