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Happy Real Women's Day X/X

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posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 07:33 AM
Today is Real Women's Day X/X


There has been an erasure of biological women, X/X, real women in society the past few years.

It can be seen in the fact that in one political party in particular not one person can define what a women is.

Liberal society refuses to define what a women is.

When you can't define what something is, they must not exist.

They say women can have a penis - lie - unless you change the definition of woman and erase women.

They say men can have a baby - lie - scientifically it is impossible, unless you erase women.

I taught a section on genetics in my classes at Univ. Genetically there are only a tiny, very tiny portion of women who have the abnormalities that cause them to not be XX, but other multiple configurations of chromosomes. It is a genetic abnormality! I have great sympathy for those born and mistaken for female who are genetically male. I admit it happens. They normally are tall, thin with large breasts, they have supermodel bodies as a rule. There are other genetic abnormalities, but they are also quite RARE. They are also abnormal, the people are not "abnormal", but their genetic code is not a normal code and often causes health problems.

I don't care if a biological adult male wants to get hormone treatments to look female, gets breast implants to look female, cuts off his penis and creates a vagina. All that does not make him a woman. It makes him a transgender woman. One who deserves to be treated kindly and with respect. It does not make him a woman or a female biologically or the same as a woman. He is a transgender woman.

The sports world and liberals have decided that these cosmetic and forced body changes do turn males into females, men into women - they do not. They are still genetically male and always will be. Nothing can change their DNA, their chromosomes, who they are on a scientific level.

For people to insist men can be the same as women, and can actually be "real" women has caused problems, and not just in sports.

Transgender women are now given superior treatment to biological XX females.

Yes they deserve to be safe in prison. But liberal society has decided that XX females do NOT deserve to be safe in prison. It is policy in many areas of the US for a XX female to be punished for complaining if a XY woman is locked in a prison cell with HER - and XX women have been punished for complaining. The result, documented rapes of XX women by "women with a penis", documented pregnancies. So the liberal society has decided that biological males who are "women" must be kept safe from rape and deserve safety. However, biological females who are XX do NOT deserve to be kept safe from rape and do not deserve safety. Erasing what it means to be a woman and insisting "women" include biological and scientifically XY men.

We have all seen the result in sports where a young biological male decides after being a second rate male athlete that he is a "woman" and grows his hair, takes hormone treatments, and with his larger stronger biologically male body, becomes a record breaking champion in women's sports. Erasing what it means to be a woman, decimating women's sports, mocking Title 9, and erasing women's sports, turning them into men vs women sports.

It seems that one political party in particular does not respect or even like biological woman. They used to champion "women's rights", now they champion the rights of men to seize "women's rights" and return biological women to a status of that below biological males XY. This can be seen clearly in the past few years where liberal organizations and even the White House itself have given multiple "Women of the Year" awards to biological XY males. Thus raising the status of biological males to being superior women, superior to women.

This is not a transphobic rant!

It is a demand that women's rights and respect for women not be shoved back into the dark ages after all the strides that have been fought for and the equality gains for women WERE almost there. Until now, until liberals decided men could be women and that they make superior women. This is what public schools are tacitly teaching our little boys and girls.

Call them transgender women, because that is what they are. Find them prison cells with other transgenders or private cells in prison. Create a transgender sports category. But do not conflate them as the exact same as XX biological women or XY biological men, they are not and scientifically and biologically never can be.

Again as adults transgenders deserve to be treated kindly, with respect and allowed to live their lives as they wish. I don't care if that is how an adult chooses to live.

There are people who have decided they are transpecies. They feel they were born in the wrong body, that they are really a dog or a cat or a lizard, and change their bodies to look like those species and behave as those species. As adults they deserve to be treated kindly, with respect and allowed to live their lives as they wish. That does not make them a cat or a dog or a lizard, any more that cosmetic or drug induced changes make an XY male a XX female or vice versa.

Lastly stop schools erasing girls and women. Children are too young to make life altering decisions. Until we allow children as young as 4 or 5 to smoke, to toke, to drink, to drive, to own a gun - we must not allow children to make surgical and hormonal changes to their bodies. Let them dress as they will, cut their hair as they will - but nothing that can have life long unalterable changes to their bodies. They are not capable to make those decisions. When society decides they can smoke,toke,drink,drive, own a gun they can then make permanent life altering changes to their bodies, and I won't care, it's up to them.

I do not hate transgender women. I have encountered some in stores. They have asked me my opinion on things. I have answered honestly and with kindness and respect. I have even asked their opinion in return. Live in harmony.


Women are not "birthing people" like breeding animals.

Women are not "chest feeders" like cows

To define women as "menstruating persons" is no different than to define a man as a "sperm squirter" - very demeaning.

If there is one issue that turns me away from a particular political party it is the one that demeans and is erasing what it means to be a woman or a girl and saying that "women and girls with a penis" are superior to biological XX, through their open preference for and thinking they are braver than XX, and through multiple awards given to transgender women superior to XX.

REAL WOMEN deserve equality not usurping by XY males.
REAL WOMEN deserve to be as safe from rape in prison as XY males who are transgender.
REAL WOMEN deserve a return to what Title 9 was intended for, to give XX a level playing field so they can excel in sports.
REAL WOMEN deserve to be called a mother when they give birth and recognized as Mothers and not breeder cows.
REAL WOMEN deserve to be equal to men, not told that if a XY decides he feels like a woman he makes a superior woman with more rights than biological XX women.

Must we return to being suffragettes to restore our rights and fight the liberal establishment who seeks to erase us?

edit on 10/10/23 by The2Billies because: clicked too early

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 07:58 AM

originally posted by: The2Billies
NOTICE: management is now enforcing new standards for the opening posts of threads.

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When you click this form-field, this message will disappear.

Swatted before you could even get the words pounded out. Damn! Now I'll never know what a real woman is.

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 08:09 AM

originally posted by: Klassified

originally posted by: The2Billies
NOTICE: management is now enforcing new standards for the opening posts of threads.

Opening posts that contain minimal content, links with little or no explanation, YouTube videos with no commentary, images with little or no commentary, and similar nominal content may be removed without warning or explanation. If your topic is important to you, make sure you explain why, with links and supporting material so that our members may offer more relevant contributions, and ultimately, better threads. In fact, if you have less to say than this simple notice, then you probably do not have enough to start a new thread. Thank you for your assistance in helping to create great threads on ATS.

When you click this form-field, this message will disappear.

Swatted before you could even get the words pounded out. Damn! Now I'll never know what a real woman is.

Home with COVID, go back now and you can see it!

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: The2Billies

The attempts to erase real women didn't succeed. The gender ideologues, trans activists, and the radical left wing loonies, have failed big time.

Transwomen have been banned from a range of female sports and competitions

Transwomen have been banned even from playing chess with other females.

Transwomen have been banned from a range of female only spaces

Recently transwomen in England have been banned from female hospital wards.

Society has been under pressure in the last few years but a debunked ideology can't have success regardless of the attempts of the various activists and groups.

Happy XX day!

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: The2Billies

Yay for wimmins day! 🍻 🚬

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 10:37 PM
I like the idea, 10-10 or Roman XX. I'll support that.

I caught this on talk radio today, the woman who thought of it was on the air discussing it.

The XX chromosome is symmetrical and complete, the XY chromosome seems damaged, asymmetrical, and incomplete in comparison. In my opinion of course.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: The2Billies
Today is Real Women's Day X/X


There has been an erasure of biological women, X/X, real women in society the past few years.

No there hasn't.

I don't care if a biological adult male wants to get hormone treatments to look female, gets breast implants to look female, cuts off his penis and creates a vagina.

Yes you do, that's exactly what you are whining against in this very post.

The sports world and liberals have decided that these cosmetic and forced body changes do turn males into females, men into women - they do not. They are still genetically male and always will be. Nothing can change their DNA, their chromosomes, who they are on a scientific level.

On a sports level, taking females hormones will quickly negate any advantage growing up a guy gave an athlete. THere arenot transfemale athletes dominating any sport.

Transgender women are now given superior treatment to biological XX females.

No they aren't.

So the liberal society has decided
really we did?
And when did we elect or appoint you are spokes person? OH right we didn't, you don't speak for "liberals".

We have all seen the result in sports where a young biological male decides after being a second rate male athlete that he is a "woman" and grows his hair, takes hormone treatments, and with his larger stronger biologically male body, becomes a record breaking champion in women's sports.

We have all seen this happen 0 times actually.

This is not a transphobic rant!

YOu don't decide that.

Again as adults transgenders deserve to be treated kindly, with respect and allowed to live their lives as they wish. I don't care if that is how an adult chooses to live.

Again. the entirety of your post says otherwise.

There are people who have decided they are transpecies.

So? Not related.

Lastly stop schools erasing girls and women. Children are too young to make life altering decisions. Until we allow children as young as 4 or 5 to smoke, to toke, to drink, to drive, to own a gun - we must not allow children to make surgical and hormonal changes to their bodies. Let them dress as they will, cut their hair as they will - but nothing that can have life long unalterable changes to their bodies.

My BS, no children are undergoing gender surgeries. RIght wingers also love to insist that they are, it's BS.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: Manitou

You must have been living under a rock recently

Read those and tell me again how we have seen biological men win women's sports "exactly 0 times". That is just the tip of the iceberg

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: Manitou

originally posted by: The2Billies
Today is Real Women's Day X/X


There has been an erasure of biological women, X/X, real women in society the past few years.

No there hasn't.

I don't care if a biological adult male wants to get hormone treatments to look female, gets breast implants to look female, cuts off his penis and creates a vagina.

Yes you do, that's exactly what you are whining against in this very post.

The sports world and liberals have decided that these cosmetic and forced body changes do turn males into females, men into women - they do not. They are still genetically male and always will be. Nothing can change their DNA, their chromosomes, who they are on a scientific level.

On a sports level, taking females hormones will quickly negate any advantage growing up a guy gave an athlete. THere arenot transfemale athletes dominating any sport.

Transgender women are now given superior treatment to biological XX females.

No they aren't.

So the liberal society has decided
really we did?
And when did we elect or appoint you are spokes person? OH right we didn't, you don't speak for "liberals".

We have all seen the result in sports where a young biological male decides after being a second rate male athlete that he is a "woman" and grows his hair, takes hormone treatments, and with his larger stronger biologically male body, becomes a record breaking champion in women's sports.

We have all seen this happen 0 times actually.

This is not a transphobic rant!

YOu don't decide that.

Again as adults transgenders deserve to be treated kindly, with respect and allowed to live their lives as they wish. I don't care if that is how an adult chooses to live.

Again. the entirety of your post says otherwise.

There are people who have decided they are transpecies.

So? Not related.

Lastly stop schools erasing girls and women. Children are too young to make life altering decisions. Until we allow children as young as 4 or 5 to smoke, to toke, to drink, to drive, to own a gun - we must not allow children to make surgical and hormonal changes to their bodies. Let them dress as they will, cut their hair as they will - but nothing that can have life long unalterable changes to their bodies.

My BS, no children are undergoing gender surgeries. RIght wingers also love to insist that they are, it's BS.

Your entire post is full of propaganda, inaccurate discussion, lies, and dismissal of basic biological facts.

They again please.

Transwomen are men
Transwomen athletes should be banned from all female sports and competitions. They have already been banned from many but there is still time to ban them from all.
Transwomen have no place in women's only spaces as they are men.
Transwomen have no place in female beauty contests as these are reserved for female human adults only.

edit on 11-10-2023 by Muldar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: Manitou

Misogyny is a terrible and pervasive underlying theme in the current administration in favor of women with a penis (i.e. men).

Denial of the reality of the erasure of XX biological women in favor of XY transgender women is real and omnipresent in the current administration and it's followers. They call objections to the erasure and subjugation of XX women transphobic. In reality they are engaged in an unconscious and deep seated misogyny.
edit on 10/11/23 by The2Billies because: grammar

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 06:07 PM

originally posted by: The2Billies
a reply to: Manitou

Misogyny is a terrible and pervasive underlying theme in the current administration in favor of women with a penis (i.e. men).

Denial of the reality of the erasure of XX biological women in favor of XY transgender women is real and omnipresent in the current administration and it's followers. They call objections to the erasure and subjugation of XX women transphobic. In reality they are engaged in an unconscious and deep seated misogyny.

XY transgender women don't exist.
They're men. To be precise they're transvestite men and they have existed for very long. There is nothing 'women' in them.

posted on Oct, 11 2023 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: Muldar

originally posted by: The2Billies
a reply to: Manitou

Misogyny is a terrible and pervasive underlying theme in the current administration in favor of women with a penis (i.e. men).

Denial of the reality of the erasure of XX biological women in favor of XY transgender women is real and omnipresent in the current administration and it's followers. They call objections to the erasure and subjugation of XX women transphobic. In reality they are engaged in an unconscious and deep seated misogyny.

XY transgender women don't exist.
They're men. To be precise they're transvestite men and they have existed for very long. There is nothing 'women' in them.

You are correct.

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