posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 09:55 AM
South Mississippi, here.
Since time began, we had been immune to overly inflated home prices, simply because our metro area is a backwater, although it has 2 universities, and
2 junior colleges.
That changed a couple of years ago.
Ordinary, run of the mill homes, 3br, 1 1/2 bath, that could be had for 125k, are now at 225k.
In 2017, I bought a 4br, 2 1/2 bath, gated community, lakefront home for $230k. Zillow says it's worth $330k, but a banker friend said it would have
brought $500k, before interest rates started climbing.
Last year, people around here were actually bidding MORE on desirable homes, than asking price!! I just couldn't understand it.
Today, different story. Most home for sale listings show "NEW LOWER PRICE".
Personally, I don't care what my home's market value is, because it's paid for, and I will never sell it. I do care about it's tax value, though,
which has went up each year, for the last 3 years.
I own a couple of rental houses. The last one I bought, in 2018, cost me $72k. Zillow says it's worth $125k, which is probably correct, even in
today's market; Nice starter home in a great school district.
The bad thing about this overpriced market, is what it has done to rental properties.
Many landlords have almost doubled their rent.
Rental properities similar to mine, were renting for $750 a month, 3 years ago. Now, they go for $1200 a month. I don't see how people can afford
I haven't increased rent, myself, because I like my renters. They are good people. But, taxes are ridiculously high, and insurance just increased by
The way I see it, home prices are going to fall, but, the housing market will not improve. The cost of living is rising so rapidly, far exceeding the
government's inflation numbers, that most people are UPSIDE DOWN in EVERYTHING!
The days have long passed, when an ordinary worker, with an ordinary salary, could afford to purchase an ordinary home, in any market in the USA. I
don't think we will see those days again, ever!
What we will see is camper trailer parks, many illegal, popping up in rural and suburban areas.
If I were younger, I would be building some, right now. They would be money makers!!