posted on Nov, 17 2023 @ 07:44 PM
Congratulations to all the winners, and respect to all the participants!! This is a wonderful thing that we've all created. Imagine if our works
could be compiled into an Amazon book. I think it would sell. I know that I am amazed at the level of talent that is present here.
You all be safe and keep writing. No matter what. YOU KEEP writing!!! The world may burn and things may go to #, but YOU keep writing, because
that is what will survive the ages, the written works of the times. I have saved all my works by printing them, and put them in a concrete vault I
made. That same vault holds the ashes of my best friend, and will someday hold the ashes of me, my Darlin' and my Mother. A time capsule of sorts.
The world is a frightening and wonderful place. Please stay tuned, and thank you for your contributions.