In the novel, the Author is visited by Timothy Brooke, A man from Seattle who claims he went missing due to a shipwreck in the mid 19th century but
instead of dying, woke up in Agartha. Agartha, is rumoured to be a subterranean network of cities that are a part of a larger Galactic Federation. A
major city in the 'Hollow Earth' mythos.
Two of the cities rumoured to be a part of the Agartha network are Telos and Lesser Shamballah. Telos features heavily in this story.
The author has released the book as an account of real, factual events. Timothy claims that he has come to her with a message to all humanity, to
announce the existence of Agarthians, Agartha and ultimately, to help guide us into our next phase of existence.
Assumedly, this event could equate to the prophesised Christian ‘judgement day’ where all human souls are judged and transcend either into heaven,
or hell. While I do not believe wholeheartedly in the concept of Agartha, (or judgement day) I do remain an open minded individual. Many events in my
own life recently have led me to question what I previously thought to be impossibly infallible. Plus there have been ‘stories’ of Agartha and the
hollow earth for centuries. And it stands to reason that IF, a super advanced civilization survived a cataclysmic meteor impact of biblical type event
like a flood, then the smartest of the survivors would realise that the surface of the Earth, is where all the threat is. I know that’s what I would
do. Anyway, Hollow Earth theories are always an interesting dig, even if 95% of it turns out to be rubbish, it’s still interesting rubbish to look
The events in the book are supposed to have taken place within the last 100 years. So I figured that if these events really did happen, then there’s
a fairly decent chance they may have been captured somewhere in the web of the internet/media. Here is what I have found so far.
The Shipwreck/Crash.
From the information provided, we can ascertain a few things.
Timothy Brooke was from Seattle
His parents met somewhere in the mid 20th Century.
He went missing with 5 other people when a ship carrying timber, was sunk against rocks off the coast.
Reading further, we get more information on the ill fated voyage.
After some searching and paying a subscription to the New York Times. I came across an article in the New York Times, dated November 17th 1948 titled
The article reads as follows
“A North Pacific storm today apparently claimed the lives of seven persons and sank three tugs. Other vessels were reported in trouble.
Three men were lost when a tug piled up on the rocks near Port San Juan, B. C., west of Vancouver Island. Five others of the crew made it to shore in
a lifeboat”
Here is Timothy’s explanation of the events around the crash
Let us consider the following synchronicities between these two events:
1: Timothy mentioned he left Seattle in Early November. Seattle to Vancouver can be done in a day, for an older tug, the trip time would be a couple
of days at most. Which places a possible arrival date, right around the 16th.
2: Timothy mentioned being sunk near the coast, thrown against ‘the nearest cliff. The shipwreck the article mentions, is directly along the route
that Timothy and his father would have taken.
Here is the shipping route Timothy and his Father would have taken. Highlighting the area the shipwreck was supposed to have occurred. The location
the article mentions would hold many rocky areas with cliffs like the one Timothy described.
3: Timothy mentioned his parents met in the mid 20th Century, and that he went missing at 19. Meaning if he was on board during the event in 1948, his
parents would have met prior to 1929. While modernly, we consider ‘mid 20th Century’ to exist between 1933-1967, I believe this date to be close
enough to be considered a match.
While there are some consistencies, there are some things that don’t match up too well.
The article mentions 3 people dying from this particular crew, with 5 returning to shore and being rescued. Timothy mentioned that the entire crew
(his father, and 4 others) was lost. And that he only survived by being rescued by the Agharthans.
While there are similarities between the events. There is nothing solid. Further investigation would be required to prove the events were the same.
While the number of dead is inconsistent, it is based off Timothy’s knowledge of the events. In the story Timothy claims that he was told everyone
else perished, he would have no real way of knowing if they did, or not. The total number of crewmembers not matching (Timothy describes 6 including
himself, the article identifies 8) remains an inconsistency I cannot account for rationally outside of human error. Which seems unlikely. A crew
register or identification of one of the survivors may be able to provide much more solid information.
The second synchronicity I found came later when Timothy was describing a brief trip home, to tell his family where he had been the last 3 years. I
have highlighted the parts that contain personal or important information.
Beginning with the description of Timothy’s Seattle home and neighbourhood, it is important to understand who is writing this material. The
author’s name (and Medium whom Timothy narrates through) is a lady named Mariana Stjerna.
Born in 1921 in Sweden, I was unable to find much information about her online despite her rather prolific career. Her wikipedia page, which I was
unable to find in English and had to use google translate; contains the bare basics on her life. Her novels appear to sometimes take years to be
translated into English, many have not been.
This information is why I find it hard to understand how Timothy (And by extension, Mariana) managed to describe the area around the Seattle Airport
so well if neither of them had been there or had access to modern satellite views. Being that the book was originally published in 2012, it is
possible that Mariana, at the age of 91, studied the area online. Or that she has been there in her life. Still, another odd consistency.
Here is a photo of the area around Seattle Airport which I believe is like the one that Timothy is describing. Near both the Seattle Airport and a
large harbour. All the houses have Jettys.
Again, while this is interesting. It is far from proof that the events Timothy describes actually happened. If Mariana has never been to Seattle, and
it could be proven that she had no access to photos or descriptions of Seattle, then this would again be a lot more convincing.
edit on 30-9-2023 by K1xaru because: Spelling, grammar
edit on 30-9-2023 by K1xaru because: Further explanation of Hollow
Earth Hypothesis.