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Why hasn't anyone asked Biden why he's allowing open borders

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posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 10:20 PM
The title of the threat is actually why hasn't any news organization ask Biden why he has allowed open borders both the northern border and the southern border and the air border and the ocean border these are all important items to be thrown at the president of the United States but no one has the guts to ask him.
They're talking about impeachment they should be trying him for treason if I'm right about that.

Something really is fishy about the political system in America these days it seems like everybody's got mud on everybody and they're afraid to speak up and tell the truth.
edit on 0900000030212023-09-27T22:21:30-05:00213009pm10 by musicismagic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

He has been asked but the Biden Administration says the border is in order and nothings is wrong.

Propaganda media backs him up and end of story.

Denial flows through Washington.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

He's already overstepping borders by sniffing on girls hair and calling soldiers dog faced ponysoldiers, so why would he value any other border? The only border he really knows is in shape of a line on Hunters mirror in the bathroom when he stumbles into the wrong bathroom, by acid ent.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

I think your post says it all and it speaks the truth with the very powerful line of Truth snorting through the nose of the president who doesn't even know what the heck he's doing other than oh it's time to snort a little more of that white stuff today.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 12:29 AM
He's said a few times .... What's wrong with the border it's all good bla bla bla

President Biden Delivers Remarks on Border Security and Enforcement

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 01:16 AM
Look at who really owns the media in the US. That's why you don't see ABC,NBC, CNN, MSNBC giving two craps about the border. Democrats think all the illegals they allow in will one day vote democrat.

Government hand outs is why were seeing so many illegals. Free money, housing food and cell phone for a year. End that and will see a huge reduction in illegal crossings.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 01:20 AM
Biden is asleep at the icecream-cone. His opinion and/or utterances are worth the stains on his undershorts when he visited the Pope.

(1) One of the Congressional swamp-critters, I forget which said: "Americans are not having enough kids like they should." Especially Social-Security (SS), but really all of America, is a vast Pyramid Scheme. Since Americans are not having enough kids, the pyramid is starting to have vertical sides = fewer and fewer young folks paying into SS to support a ballooning number of SS beneficiaries. The vertical sides are nearly to the point of inversion (1.2 kids per family?) so eventually 1 young person will be supporting multiple old people. This leaves less and less tax revenue for swamp-creature-enriching graft.

(2) WEF + Klaus Schwab wants one world government in which he and his elite pals can dictate from on high, while thinning the flock as necessary. America + its heavily armed civilian populous is a bit of a speed bump to any 1-world-government plan. It will be necessary to dilute the armed populous, and then encourage crime so that a Draconian Government Involvement to "restore the order that they disordered" can be implemented.

(3) George Soros and his "Open Society": hates humanity with a passion and devotes all of his energies to eradicating all cultures wherever he can find them. Apparently, he is aiming to turn the entire world into a melted-pot where no "non-approved" culture can "do its own thing". Borders are bad. Nations are bad. After making his initial wealth from selling the possessions of other (but liquidated) jews in Hungary (during wwii), he REALLY hates humanity. He's the one putting DA's into office that keep turning violent criminals lose back onto the streets.

(4) DHS or ICE knows they have let in about 75,000 individuals with known ties to terrorism. 9/11 wasn't an inside job, and the Deep State would NEVER mount a false-flag against the American people ... just ask the detainees of the 1/6 FedSurrection.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

it's because the democratic media machine is his bitch. He likely has pictures of George Stephanopoulos with small children engaged in sex acts. It's hard to imagine why they cower and kiss his ass so much unless there was some really damning secrets tucked away.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 07:09 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
The title of the threat is actually why hasn't any news organization ask Biden why he has allowed open borders both the northern border and the southern border and the air border and the ocean border these are all important items to be thrown at the president of the United States but no one has the guts to ask him.
They're talking about impeachment they should be trying him for treason if I'm right about that.

Something really is fishy about the political system in America these days it seems like everybody's got mud on everybody and they're afraid to speak up and tell the truth.

Yeah it’s called Epstein dirt . They’re all in the same sick club . Why do you think they’re so loyal all the time . They’ve all been honeypotted and they don’t want there family killed like the Kennedy obviously. You moved to Japan and complain about America constantly. You should move back and be the change you wish to see , we could use you back here

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 07:38 AM
Every single day New York City Mayor Eric Adams is pleading to Biden for financial aid and to close the Mexican borders, as is New York Governor Kathy Hochul -
They do not get a reply, according to our New York Post.
I understand that many states are not seeing what is happening, but we are in the midst of it, and cannot wait to move out of NJ. Everyone is saying that within the next few years this area will be unlivable.

Eagle Pass, Texas, is being overwhelmed:

"Eagle Pass mayor pleads with Biden for help as 17,000 immigrants arrested in 10 days"

AUSTIN, Texas — The small town of Eagle Pass has been inundated by more than 17,000 immigrants who illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border and were apprehended by law enforcement in the last 10 days, the Washington Examiner has learned.

Eagle Pass Mayor Rolando Salinas shared the latest arrest figures with the Washington Examiner hours after he went on Facebook to lament being ignored and "abandoned" by the Biden administration as the equivalent of more than half of the 28,000-person town's population has flooded over the border in a matter of days.

"We're not a city that has the resources of New York, Chicago, cities like that. You already see big cities already complaining that they're getting large amounts of undocumented immigrants. I mean, we're Eagle Pass. We only have limited resources, so this is not sustainable," Salinas said in a Facebook livestream at the scene of the crossings downtown shortly after 10 p.m. local time on Tuesday.

"As a mayor, what's disappointing is that we haven't heard from the president of the United States or the vice president of the United States," Salinas said. "To this day, I haven't heard of a concrete plan of action to stop this from continuing to happen. Sometimes, we feel kind of abandoned here at the at the border here in Eagle Pass."

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 08:59 AM
AmeriCo loves it's cheap labor.

After decades of the publics perceived problem don't you think it would have been secured? It's used like a valve.
TPTB don't care about the free money or bennies given out and what else that money could go for.

90+% of drugs come through paved roadways not backpacks in the desert.

Gotta go bring JR to his slaughterhouse job then go picking. Have a nice day!

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 10:19 PM
On the other hand, why hasn't anyone asked the Republicans

  • what they mean by 'open borders'? (because record numbers of undocumented immigrant apprehensions speaks to record levels of enforcement, not 'open' borders)
  • how shutting down the government is going to help the situation at the border? (because you can't apprehend undocumented immigrants if the Border Patrol agents aren't allowed to work)
  • why don't they spend some time working on solutions to the border situation instead of grandstanding over nonsense (actually I can answer that one - if they actually worked on a solution then they wouldn't have an issue to grandstand about. Republicans aren't about solutions - they are about fomenting outrage).

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 07:16 PM

🚨 The U.S. House passed an excellent Border Security Enhancement plan this past May. It required enforcing EXISTING LAWS and provided for hiring 22,000 additional border agents to do so. And finishing the Border Wall started by the Trump administration.

Mentally deranged Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and President Joe Biden told House Speaker McCarthy that it was a horrible bill. One that they wouldn't even consider.


posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: rnaa

" what they mean by 'open borders'? (because record numbers of undocumented immigrant apprehensions speaks to record levels of enforcement, not 'open' borders) "

Currently , there are an Estimated 30 MILLION Undocumented Illegal Foreign Nationals within US Borders . WTF ? Do you Live in a Cave ?

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