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Cardinal Dolan Says Biden Doesn't Take His Calls on Migrant Crisis in NYC

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posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 03:36 PM
Catholic Charities has been instrumental in taking in and relocating many (a large percentage?) of the illegal immigrants coming into this country for quite a while. NYC is struggling under the weight of the illegal immigrant crisis. (I don't have much sympathy, they asked for it IMHO). Cardinal Dolan in NYC is a big name and is very involved with the migrant crisis in NYC. Biden, who claims he is devoutly Roman Catholic (but is pro abortion which is anti catholic) is refusing to take Cardinal Dolans calls and won't speak to him. NYC is screaming at Biden. He's not listening.

Cardinal Dolan Says Biden Doesn't Take My Calls on Migrant Crisis in NYC

In addition to working with asylum-seeking migrant families to address their imminent needs, Catholic Charities has provided resources to help with migrant intake and recordkeeping, Cardinal Dolan said.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the archbishop of New York, said in an interview that President Joe Biden is ignoring his calls about the “tragic, broken” migrant system in the U.S., which has landed tens of thousands of migrants and refugees in New York City, filling shelters to capacity.

“He doesn’t take my calls or answer my letters,” the Cardinal told the New York Post.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said last week that 60,000 migrants who crossed the southern border are in New York City, while 10,000 more are expected to come each month. Adams’ office said in a press release last week that since the beginning of the crisis, more than 116,000 migrants have been housed in the city.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Biden, who claims he is devoutly Roman Catholic

He also claims he's more Jewish than the Jews. And he's also Greek. And he was also raised by the Puerto Rican community. And also the black churches.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 03:54 PM
Because Cardinal, Joe really isnt a CATHOLIC.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 07:01 PM
It doesn't seem wise to disenfranchise those coming from S.A. since that's their primary religion. The Democrats need those votes to sell the election system as 'secure'.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 07:16 PM
It has nothing to do with Catholicism. Joe Biden doesn't care about the inundation of illegal immigrants in any way, shape or form. He doesn't care that many blue cities (rightly so) are swamped with illegal immigrants. He doesn't care that American citizens are suffering from the burdens that illegal immigration has brought nor does he care about the immigrants.

Joe Biden DOESN'T CARE. He isn't even cognizant enough to realize there are problems he should care about. I'm sure his team is buffering all the ill effects of the Biden regime's efforts to destroy our country from him just in case he has a moment of clarity.

He's simply trying to shore up the left with votes. That's it. He cares only about the party, not the country, not the planet and certainly not the people.

posted on Mar, 30 2024 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Catholic Charities has been instrumental in taking in and relocating many (a large percentage?) of the illegal immigrants coming into this country for quite a while. NYC is struggling under the weight of the illegal immigrant crisis. (I don't have much sympathy, they asked for it IMHO). Cardinal Dolan in NYC is a big name and is very involved with the migrant crisis in NYC. Biden, who claims he is devoutly Roman Catholic (but is pro abortion which is anti catholic) is refusing to take Cardinal Dolans calls and won't speak to him. NYC is screaming at Biden. He's not listening.

Cardinal Dolan Says Biden Doesn't Take My Calls on Migrant Crisis in NYC

In addition to working with asylum-seeking migrant families to address their imminent needs, Catholic Charities has provided resources to help with migrant intake and recordkeeping, Cardinal Dolan said.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the archbishop of New York, said in an interview that President Joe Biden is ignoring his calls about the “tragic, broken” migrant system in the U.S., which has landed tens of thousands of migrants and refugees in New York City, filling shelters to capacity.

“He doesn’t take my calls or answer my letters,” the Cardinal told the New York Post.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said last week that 60,000 migrants who crossed the southern border are in New York City, while 10,000 more are expected to come each month. Adams’ office said in a press release last week that since the beginning of the crisis, more than 116,000 migrants have been housed in the city.

To Joe Biden, all is going as planned, in order to increase the number of Congressional Seats, hopefully filled by Democrats Congressmen/Congresswomen. The violence and diseases that comes with the influx of migrants, is just collateral damage to the Biden Admin.

posted on Mar, 30 2024 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

You forgot Irish.....

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