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Mysterious Soldier Encounters in Afghanistan and Vietnam

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posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 06:03 PM
Hello ATS members,

I recently discovered some intriguing stories from Afghanistan and Vietnam, where soldiers have reported encounters with unexplained entities and phenomena.

**Afghanistan Recon Mission:**
In the early 2000s, American soldiers, accompanied by local guides, were on a reconnaissance mission to identify potential enemy hideouts in uncharted territories. The locals expressed fear and mentioned unusual, eerie creatures lurking in the mountains.

**Entities in Vietnam:**
Another story from Vietnam describes encounters with entities that the locals liken to vampires, capable of fatal attacks on humans and associated with black smoke when injured. These entities are believed to have existed for centuries and are now encroaching closer to human settlements.

For those interested in exploring these mysterious encounters further, you can watch the full stories here:

I'm interested in hearing your thoughts, insights, and any similar experiences or stories you might have come across.

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 07:48 PM
Weird stuff! I posted this thread a few years back. Hope you like it.

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: CriticalCK

The belief in local mythical creatures was capitalized on by General Edward Lansdale in the Philippines during the Huk Rebellion.

Locals were scared of the Aswang (my spelling likely off). It was a vampiric creature thought to feed off evil. Lansdale and his merry band of Special Operators would pick trailing members off enemy patrols, poke holes in their neck and leave them in conspicuous places for villages to find. The US team would feed the fear. "Yup. It's here. It knows your village is harboring Huk. Be a good idea if you repelled the Huk from your village. Innocents could be next."

Our study on Lansdale was one of my absolute favorites from my time at ACSC.

In asymmetric warfare, you win by protecting the populace from the bad guys or instilling in them fear of something worse than the bad guys. Lansdale did the latter brilliantly. Tis a shame that art of war has been forgotten. Rigid ROEs tying our hands.

Strange unexplained creatures have long been associated with warfare.

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 10:12 PM
I saw this on one of the TV shows.

Special Forces Encounter

I don't remember the show , however I found that site.

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 03:19 AM
I'm from Thailand and bigfoots, zombies, ufos, hags, ofcourse Dragonsand ghosts are accepted to exist in our culture. We share similar beliefs like Native Americans that this Earth wasn't made for just humans.

-Our Bigfoots are the same as the American's except they include more shape-shifting, voice copying, doppelganger abilities. Most stories are about hunters getting their guts eaten alive while they carry the shape-shifting dead animal on the backs.

-3rd World country so most poor families can only bury their dead nearby, poor cheap coffins or none, lots of deaths. No embalming the dead so our is full of zombies, animated dead bodies back for revenge, debt, or unlawful death or unsatisfied funeral

-Ufos are known to be seen in the hills/ mountains at night. They are nick named "Fire torch ghosts" because they are seen to start off as a line of torches far off in the mountains, then come together and spread out in different directions and repeat. Sometimes they come with voices of the dead, bigfoots.

-Hags are accepted to exist as another form of ghosts. They turn invisible with a special leaf held over their head. Known to like children and shiny objects. They can cause sickness, take souls, kidnap children, distort time, invisibility, and they usually come with cats or tigers. Can shapeshift

-Dragons are not Western type giant flying Iizards. They are more lake monsters that can shape-shift like the western water horses. Half human, half serpent water beings, controllers of rain, weather. Telepathic and communicates with local shamans, psychics, monks

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: davegazi2

So I looked up Aswang and then read about some other Phillipino folklore monsters, and have to share this one:

Amanlanhigs are said to chase any living person they found and once they reach them, they would tickle the victim until they die, both of laughter and terror. [/qoute]

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: CriticalCK

Our Realtor near Atlanta was a USA female officer who was the personal guard of a US Army General in Afghanistan. We got to talking and she made a comment that if the American public only knew. Then she went into the stories by the locals. IMO there is something to this.

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: CriticalCK

Here's one story he wrote on the Vampires

Tim King

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 08:50 AM
There is an episode of Lost Tapes that deals with creatures in the caves of Afghanistan. Very creepy. Have no idea if it is true.

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: CriticalCK

Mr Ballen did a nice job telling the story of the military unit that was attacked by a red-haired giant in Kandahar -

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: Gapkid2020

Shapeshifting, human eating bigfoots ...
Zombies ...
UFOs ...
Shapeshifting hags ...
Shapeshifting dragons ...

All that must cut down on the tourist trade. I'd still rather visit Thailand than Chicago, though.

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: Gapkid2020

Thanks for the info!
Always appreciate a rundown of facts & your's was very comprehensive.

posted on Sep, 24 2023 @ 11:06 AM
Interesting. And I don't doubt it.

I was in the US Army stationed in Japan. I was a Chaplains Assistant. The chapel I worked in was haunted. The Army base had been a Japanese base before we won the war and took it over. Many Japanese soldiers committed suicide there when they lost (lost face). The ghosts/spirits only bothered the Americans. The Japanese people working at the chapel weren't harassed at all. I think the dead Japanese soldiers were still at war with the Americans or something.

posted on Sep, 24 2023 @ 12:11 PM
i understood that the Navy SEALs brought in a few 30+ foot South American anacondas and sent them down VC tunnel system to scare the CR*P out of the VC so they would be scared of using their own tunnels.

posted on Sep, 24 2023 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: ANNED
i understood that the Navy SEALs brought in a few 30+ foot South American anacondas and sent them down VC tunnel system to scare the CR*P out of the VC so they would be scared of using their own tunnels.

Sorry, being a snake guy, i have to chime in. I dont believe a 30'+ green anaconda has ever been verified. Besides, reticulated pythons are native to Vietnam and have reached 30'.
I like threads like these, always wondered about any cryptid sightings/experiences soldiers in the middle east and Afghanistan might have had. I've heard the the red haired giant in a cave mentioned on ATS before

posted on Sep, 24 2023 @ 08:46 PM
Pretty sure I read before about the Americans using speakers in Vietnam which would play loud noises to scare the VC into thinking it was some local monster they had stories about.

Just searched up about it and found an article from Wikipedia. It was ‘ Operation Wandering Soul’

US engineers spent weeks recording eerie sounds and altered voices, which acted in roles of slain VC soldiers. The United States of America also brought in South Vietnamese soldiers to record their audio sayings over the tape for further authenticity. The tape, dubbed 'Ghost Tape Number Ten', was played on loudspeakers in areas of VC activity, generally at night.Helicopters were also deployed at times to broadcast recordings in which the pre-recorded voices called on their "descendants" in the VC to defect and cease fighting. The United States would also use patrol boats going up and down the river playing the ghost tape. The United States would also deploy special infantry to infiltrate enemy lines and play the recording too. Most of these types of operations did take place at night.

edit on 24/9/2023 by Techno92LFC because:

edit on 24/9/2023 by Techno92LFC because:

posted on Sep, 25 2023 @ 01:06 AM

edit on 9/25/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: removed by me as kinda off topic - critters not connected directly with warfare.

posted on Sep, 25 2023 @ 11:45 PM

originally posted by: Techno92LFC
Pretty sure I read before about the Americans using speakers in Vietnam which would play loud noises to scare the VC into thinking it was some local monster they had stories about.

Just searched up about it and found an article from Wikipedia. It was ‘ Operation Wandering Soul’

US engineers spent weeks recording eerie sounds and altered voices, which acted in roles of slain VC soldiers. The United States of America also brought in South Vietnamese soldiers to record their audio sayings over the tape for further authenticity. The tape, dubbed 'Ghost Tape Number Ten', was played on loudspeakers in areas of VC activity, generally at night.Helicopters were also deployed at times to broadcast recordings in which the pre-recorded voices called on their "descendants" in the VC to defect and cease fighting. The United States would also use patrol boats going up and down the river playing the ghost tape. The United States would also deploy special infantry to infiltrate enemy lines and play the recording too. Most of these types of operations did take place at night.

Asian here and I have to Bust this myth, its been circling the internet for too long. From all the collected War stories that I've heard from elders & relatives running through the jungle from the Communist soldiers, it's waay too quiet out their at night in the jungle. You can hear every insect, every footstep, twig breaking, every ghost, tiger, whatever. With the volume of a speaker turned up to the Max in a jungle at night, you'd hear the deafening White Noise static in the background. And you'd hear whatever truck approaching that they supposedly hauled such giant speakers with.

And humans running from War are in a fight or flight response, their hearing and other senses are turned up to the Max for survival. They know damm well the natural animal sounds of their own jungles, they aren't gonna be tricked by some loud American speaker playing scary Halloween noise in the jungle. Sounds more like American soldiers returning home and poking fun of Asian superstitions

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Gapkid2020

You could be right, I don’t know for sure what’s true, Just heard about this story before and looked up the Wikipedia article but what you’re saying makes sense.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 03:47 PM
I wanted to chime in earlier, but I had too much work on my hands. The link to the youtube video changed, my apologies - there was some dispute. Here is a new link:

Also, thanks for all the trove of information you shared. There is a lot of content for me to delve into right here - much appreciated.


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