posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 03:54 PM
Have you tried the counciling rout with your husband? Is he open to that? Has he seen the account? Perhaps ask him why he is spending this way and
show him what it looks like?
As far as leaving goes, I would look up your state. There are ways to get cheap or free representation. One of the things I saw in California is
perhaps your income status. You could ask the court to have your significant other have to pay the layer.
I know it's frustrating, scary and upsetting. Something that will end up happening anyway will be that the younger child will have to start pre k.
There are alot of serveses out there which could help you. Do an internet search in a private browser. By putting the little one to pre-k you are
allowing yourself to get a job and start to save for when the ties are cut. Will it be easy... no. Will it be worth it in the long run yes. Will your
kids need to time adjusting? Yes. Will it be easier to start the adjustment that will need to be made now? Maybe. I remember my separation. My kids
went from a stay at hime mom to now they are in before and after care. They would be picked up from after care and come back to my work with me for 2
hours. It will be important you try to establish yourself the best you can right now. The children feel the tension and stress.
Any new single parent who was a homemaker will tell ya.... it's hard the first year or two trying to make the life good for you and your child.
I went back to school. I am a pre k teacher. And I want to do more so now I am going to school to work with children who are in Special education. Do
I make a lot of money? No. Were my kids cared for and given the things they need? Yes.
My point is that you can do this. Have your own account for your money and you get to where you need to be. I plan on being Finantially
independent for the rest of my life even if married. That way I know I will be okay nomatter what.
Now as far as the money goes right now...Do you have anything you could sell? Turn some money on a hobby or something on fb marketplace or
etsy? I know it may not get ya right away but it might help as you search for care for the children and a job. Remember, get a job with health
benefits that will help you .
Anyhow, I am jot sure of if this is of any help at all. If not okay. If so.... remember it is a one day at a time process and it is a process. Your
future as well as your children's is going to grow. Remember can't never could get anything done. Hang in there friend!
edit on 9 22 2023 by cre8chaos because: Spelling