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Is this the worst Ghost hunting show on Tv?

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posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: yeahright

I did, but never really understood what it was all about, I mean, I kept looking for new episodes for a while but it was never a follow up.

It was kind of weird.

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

Wow, that most be amazing, to be able to go to locations and be with a group of paranormal seekers, using all kind of nice equipment.

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

The show featured a team of young investigators.

That was most likely "Destination Fear" .

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: olaru12

I remember that show. The kid with the bull was the only thing I really remember. I imagine it was an interesting experience to get your feet wet in "reality" though.

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: marg6043

That is weird. I never had trouble finding them. Both seasons currently available on You Tube and Amazon. The series really resonated for me. I don't expect it would for everyone.

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 12:24 AM

edit on 9/11/2023 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 04:57 AM
All these shows scream fake to me, call me a cynic 🤷🏼‍♂️

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 10:48 AM
There was a series of these set in different towns. "Ghosts of ----" including Morgan City, Shepherdstown, and Devil's Perch. Several had Nick Groff (formerly with Ghost Adventures) and this one with Ben Hansen, who likely did it for the money. All those shows were terrible, obviously scripted and following the exact same formula: Police call in paranormal investigators because the whole town experiences paranormal phenomena. And of course at the end of these 3 show things were neatly wrapped up in a bow. Overall I like Ben but he must have needed the money.

Those shows were one shot deals, Ghost Adventures has been ongoing for years and has lowered the bar for paranormal TV and dumbed down the masses on the topic. Awful show and egos, lame acting and 'possessions" almost every show, it's like the 3 Stooges decided to ghost hunt.

I've always like Ghost Hunters and the way they conducted investigations, trying to debunk and having common sense about most of this stuff. Two of their investigators, Adam Berry and Amy Bruni split off into their own show Kindred Spirits, which I really like, a unique investigative technique that mostly avoids the flashy sensational stuff and looks at ghosts in a different way than most.

edit on 9/11/2023 by vlawde because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: Albert999
All these shows scream fake to me, call me a cynic 🤷🏼‍♂️

You're a realist. What astonishes me is how many people think reality shows are real.

Behind the camera there are literally 100s of crew, every thing from accountants keeping track of the money, publicists that make sure the show reaches the proper demographic, with the appropriate advertisers lined up, crews of location people making sure it "looks" real, and more crew taking care of catering, clean up, transportation, lighting, props, wardrobe, crafty, audio, cameras, etc....When millions are spent on a project, details are important. If it looks sloppy and/or unorganized, that's by design.

Do you think the people acting in these shows sleep on the ground in sleeping bags? On location their are rows of trailers for cast and crew, or ferried back to the hotel where all the above the line people stay.

And then comes post production after the shooting stops...a totally new aspect overlooked by the casual viewer.

I also like working on indy projects where the producers/directors are usually young, just out of film school and getting their feet wet in the real world of production,
with a more barebones documentary look. Usually just a audio tech, cameraman, and a couple of grips. These projects are usually just teasers for marketing a bigger, more elaborate production.

I'm glad people watch and enjoy reality TV. I keeps thousands of media geeks employed...Union strong, union proud.

edit on 11-9-2023 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: yeahright

I am using Amazon prime, I only have one season of it, I will check again.

Is only two seasons,

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Yes, currently two seasons are available. Greg Newkirk said in an interview about The Unbinding they're currently working on the third.

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 08:34 PM

originally posted by: Ravenwatcher
I used to be a member of San Gabriel Valley Paranormal Society , Been on hundreds of hunts , I can tell you there are no apparitions Ghost don't show up dressed in their best night gown . There are noises things do move doors will slam , Oh and Orbs lot's of orbs heard a voice every now and then but never a ghost that will show itself . The only thing that ever showed itself was shadow people and those are not ghost .

If you are that experienced, then you know that some people certainly can see apparitions, and some will never be able to.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: RedPanda94

I used to watch the show of the plumbers from Rhode island, the TAPS show from maybe 15 years ago. They seemed legit and never aped for the cameras and faked reactions. Most shows now seem very fake and I've lost interest. I do like the paranormal recreation stories. Yes they are just dramatizations but its like a good online encounter story thats acted out for you. And The Osbournes want to believe was a guilty pleasure.

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: Dutchowl

I watched the show with TAPS. Jason I believe to be legit. Grant was caught faking stuff.

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 12:19 AM
I watched a few of Yvette Fieldings most haunted, until one episode when a lightbulb was supposedly thrown down a stairway, then she said something like "lets go and investigate this other room".
I thought "hang on, why go into another room when you are at an area where something is actually happening", never watched it again after that
I have noticed in quite a few ghost programmes where this happens, they get something happening in a room then they go somewhere else to investigate, other than staying where the happening is occuring.
Also annoying when they scream and jump after years of doing this, why have they not got used to the noises.
And why do they run from a building (a lot of youtube clips, especially single investigators) out of fright of seeing a ghost when that is what they went for in the first place.
just my pennies worth.

edit on 13-9-2023 by colzy2000 because: was not specific enough in what i was saying.

posted on Sep, 13 2023 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: colzy2000
I watched a few of Yvette Fieldings most haunted, until one episode when a lightbulb was supposedly thrown down a stairway, then she said something like "lets go and investigate this other room".
I thought "hang on, why go into another room when you are at an area where something is actually happening", never watched it again after that
I have noticed in quite a few ghost programmes where this happens, they get something happening in a room then they go somewhere else to investigate, other than staying where the happening is occuring.
Also annoying when they scream and jump after years of doing this, why have they not got used to the noises.
And why do they run from a building (a lot of youtube clips, especially single investigators) out of fright of seeing a ghost when that is what they went for in the first place.
just my pennies worth.

I had forgotten about that show, hasn't been on TV here for at least a decade. We watched for laughs, Yvette screaming all the time got real old really fast, and their 'psychic' came up with all kinds of made up stuff after the crew baited him by talking about a fictional person so he could overhear

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