posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 06:03 PM
originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Mahogany
Lindsey Graham is off the hook because a few minutes after he told Capitol Police to shoot the Trump supporters, Ashli Babbitt was dead.
Lindsey Graham is probably off the hook along with the other legislators mentioned because legislators actually have a Constitutional role in counting
electoral college votes. He would certainly argue that he was acting within his Constitutional duties if he were charged. And he might get off--it
would be far from a slam dunk for the DA.
The sitting POTUS, on the other hand, has NO Constitutional role in conducting the election of his/her replacement. And that's not an accident. The
founders wrote the Constitution that way for the good and proper reason that if a sitting POTUS were given a role in running the election to determine
his/her own replacement, the sitting POTUS would NEVER be replaced except by death. The US would become a de facto autocracy where every POTUS would
be El Presidente for Life. Like Russia, like North Korea, like China, etc. According to Steve Bannon, that's exactly what Trump had in mind and why
Trump has his a$$ in a crack and Lindsey doesn't.